Something really dark is going on

Pretty much all cities are run by liberals even in conservative states so I dont believe that matters.

If the fatalities are all in urban areas, you might have a point. Not sure when the democrats or republicans have done that would increase the numbers that much.
There are Democrats in the Democratic Party and the only Communist are living in your head.
We don't call people 'democratics' and, the party has always been misnamed on purpose by Democrats wishing to project a false image in order to obfuscate the fact they are the party of slavery in the U.S.
We don't call people 'democratics' and, the party has always been misnamed on purpose by Democrats wishing to project a false image in order to obfuscate the fact they are the party of slavery in the U.S.

Moonglow's English teacher was out grooming the day they taught English at his school.

Whatver Democrats were before, they are Marxists today, and they still actually support slavery in slave states like China
Moonglow's English teacher was out grooming the day they taught English at his school.

Whatver Democrats were before, they are Marxists today, and they still actually support slavery in slave states like China
Your lack of education is showing.
Hey knucklehead. You were cheering all these riots while the Democrappers ruled congress with that shaking, yapping crooked lunatic at the helm

Now I realize you are the dumbest dim bulb here, but even you know what the truth is

Now go make me a sammich wench

This is the idiocy of the Republican voter. They're so incompetent and stupid, they're incapable of making a "sammich" for themselves. And as always, they expect a woman to cover up for their shortcomings and ignorance.
This is the idiocy of the Republican voter. They're so incompetent and stupid, they're incapable of making a "sammich" for themselves. And as always, they expect a woman to cover up for their shortcomings and ignorance.
My wife is a lousy cook. The LAST thing I would do is ask her to make a 'sammich' much less cook a dinner. Women, in general, are crappy cooks.
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This will blow your tiny little mind, but Tucker lied.

  • non-Hispanic Black people (up 23%);

Here is some more on this.

and here

Maybe relying on Tucker to tell you what to think is not really the best way to go.
Okay, Tucker exaggerated the numbers. Not unexpected at all. He also focuses on the racial aspect, also not unexpected.

That still ignores the glaringly obvious though. It seems rather odd that there was a such a stark increase in traffic related fatalities over a year that seen reductions in traffic overall. That is something that does not make sense.

Tucker blames this on the anti-police rhetoric causing a reduction in law enforcement. That is a viable and reasonable conclusion. It could be compounded by the likelihood that police were more resistant to pulling people over for minor traffic violations when an interaction was just another chance at exposing themselves to a novel illness.

Whatever idiocy that Tucker may or may not be participating in, the core concept is still valid: the idea that we need fewer police and/or less enforcement of the law is a failed concept.

And focusing on Tucker's idiocy is just sidestepping the issue.

Do you have a better explanation for the stark increase?
Okay, Tucker exaggerated the numbers. Not unexpected at all. He also focuses on the racial aspect, also not unexpected.

That still ignores the glaringly obvious though. It seems rather odd that there was a such a stark increase in traffic related fatalities over a year that seen reductions in traffic overall. That is something that does not make sense.

Tucker blames this on the anti-police rhetoric causing a reduction in law enforcement. That is a viable and reasonable conclusion. It could be compounded by the likelihood that police were more resistant to pulling people over for minor traffic violations when an interaction was just another chance at exposing themselves to a novel illness.

Whatever idiocy that Tucker may or may not be participating in, the core concept is still valid: the idea that we need fewer police and/or less enforcement of the law is a failed concept.

And focusing on Tucker's idiocy is just sidestepping the issue.

Do you have a better explanation for the stark increase?
Cops don’t want to deal with belligerent, entitled blacks because cops can’t use regular police procedure anymore.
Cops don’t want to deal with belligerent, entitled blacks because cops can’t use regular police procedure anymore.

Remember when cops questioned a black guy, totally reasonable, and Obama got involved and called the cops stupid? And then it turned out the the Kenyan was the stupid one.
Remember when cops questioned a black guy, totally reasonable, and Obama got involved and called the cops stupid? And then it turned out the the Kenyan was the stupid one.
It's impossible for Obama to have been born in Kenya.
Funny, because his college documents and his family say that he was.
In 1961 there was no international airport in Kenya so flying time to Hawaii would have been a minimum of 3 1/2 days... and women didn't fly those distances for 3 to 5 weeks after childbirth. Further, the baby could not have gotten through US Customs and Immigration without documents from the US embassy in British East Africa. Americans having children overseas had to register the birth at the nearest US embassy or consulate. Look inside your passport. It says when and where you were born. Neither his family nor his college documents say he was born in Kenya. There's tons of documentation on foreign born students. I noticed that you are often wrong because you don't look at the facts or details of any of your claims.
Okay, Tucker exaggerated the numbers. Not unexpected at all. He also focuses on the racial aspect, also not unexpected.

That still ignores the glaringly obvious though. It seems rather odd that there was a such a stark increase in traffic related fatalities over a year that seen reductions in traffic overall. That is something that does not make sense.

Tucker blames this on the anti-police rhetoric causing a reduction in law enforcement. That is a viable and reasonable conclusion. It could be compounded by the likelihood that police were more resistant to pulling people over for minor traffic violations when an interaction was just another chance at exposing themselves to a novel illness.

Whatever idiocy that Tucker may or may not be participating in, the core concept is still valid: the idea that we need fewer police and/or less enforcement of the law is a failed concept.

And focusing on Tucker's idiocy is just sidestepping the issue.

Do you have a better explanation for the stark increase?

Thanks for the well thought out reply.

We as a people want simple, easy to package answers for things like this. But life rarely works that way.

Look at the states that had the highest increases...

South Dakota +33%
Vermont +32%
Arkansas +26%
Rhode Island +26%
Connecticut +22%
Mississippi +19%
Georgia +18%

Was there really a large reduction in law enforcement in places like South Dakota and Arkansas due to the anti-police rhetoric? I guess it is possible, but it seems unlikely to me.

Then break down things a bit more....

  • Fatalities in speeding-related crashes up 17%
  • Fatalities in alcohol-impaired driving crashes up 14%
  • Unrestrained passenger vehicle occupant fatalities up 14%

If I were a betting man I would say that people were so fed up with being cooped up that being in their car might have been the time they were finally able to be free and thus they said fuck it and were not as diligent as they should have been. Remember that the number of traffic crashes and people injured were down in 2020 while deaths went up.

Apparently neither did you or you would know carlson is blaming democrats for lax enforcement of traffic laws because of pandering to the Black LIES Matter crowd

biden does not have to be president to share the blame for that
Keep on moving those goalposts (narratives) like a good little magaturd. :itsok:

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