Something that I think deserves it's own thread.

The first spending bill he signed, $1.4 TRILLION was with a GOP majority in the House and Senate. As a fiscal conservative, right of center, I thoroughly objected Trump for that one, and all the others. Plus his 2 debt ceiling increases and his 2 year debt ceiling suspension. And his bump stock ban. And his $350 billion Saudi weapons deal. The deal he made with Saudi, Mexico and US oil producers to REDUCE oil production.

I also objected to almost everything Biden has done.

I don't pick BS examples.

You forget your go to - gave black people money for just being black.
Trillionaires to the rescue

Meet the Trillionaires Who Run Democrats

BlackRock Assets to Top $15 Trillion in Five Years, Morgan Stanley Analyst ...

Apr 17, 2023 — BlackRock Inc.'s assets under management are set to exceed $15 trillion in five years' time, analysts at Morgan Stanley said, with the ...

The richest people in Government are all Democrats.
Wall Street is all Democrat Donors - Obama received more campaign donations from wall street than anyone ever had.
The in-kind contributions from The Democrat Media would probably rank as more valuable than anything else.
Democrats represent The Wealthiest among us while using the lowest classed to remain in power.
The richest people in Government are all Democrats.
Wall Street is all Democrat Donors - Obama received more campaign donations from wall street than anyone ever had.
The in-kind contributions from The Democrat Media would probably rank as more valuable than anything else.
Democrats represent The Wealthiest among us while using the lowest classed to remain in power.

And Ron Paul received more money from our military, both active and retired. And the GOP voters still went with Romney.
LMAO... Disney gave Trump over $10 million.

My point: You're trying to tie donors into why government is corrupt. That's only true to a certain degree.

Soros gave DeSantis money because he doesn't like Trump. Biden got millions of votes because a lot of people, including us fiscal conservatives, don't like Trump.

For the record, I didn't vote for Trump or Biden. I'm an issues voter.
And Ron Paul received more money from our military, both active and retired. And the GOP voters still went with Romney.
LMAO... Disney gave Trump over $10 million.

My point: You're trying to tie donors into why government is corrupt. That's only true to a certain degree.

Soros gave DeSantis money because he doesn't like Trump. Biden got millions of votes because a lot of people, including us fiscal conservatives, don't like Trump.

For the record, I didn't vote for Trump or Biden. I'm an issues voter.

I understand that you are an issues voter.
You don't participate in politics, you are on an island with very few like minded people.
Your issues are not popular

You can continue to pout, or
Wait you're just going to pout about your issues not being popular.
I know that.
And Ron Paul received more money from our military, both active and retired. And the GOP voters still went with Romney.
LMAO... Disney gave Trump over $10 million.

My point: You're trying to tie donors into why government is corrupt. That's only true to a certain degree.

Soros gave DeSantis money because he doesn't like Trump. Biden got millions of votes because a lot of people, including us fiscal conservatives, don't like Trump.

For the record, I didn't vote for Trump or Biden. I'm an issues voter.

Ron Paul was a complete fraud.
Never even won a statewide election.
Yes, he had a little Cult following, but he had no chance.
Ron Paul was a complete fraud.
Never even won a statewide election.
Yes, he had a little Cult following, but he had no chance.

And why didn't he have a chance? Because the RNC party leaders and the media had people convinced he was a fraud. The military knew he wasn't. Fiscal and constitutional conservatives knew he wasn't.
His voting record proved he wasn't.

So that leaves people like you who still think he was. Are you that gullible to allow the politicians and the media to influence you? Or are just left of center?
I understand that you are an issues voter.
You don't participate in politics, you are on an island with very few like minded people.
Your issues are not popular

You can continue to pout, or
Wait you're just going to pout about your issues not being popular.
I know that.

On an island? I'll agree with that. There's not many of us left. Fiscal and Constitutional conservatism is what built this country. Or should I say, it's what allowed this country to flourish and become as big and powerful as it is. It's why the USD turned into the worlds reserve currency. It's why we were the manufacturing giant of the world.

Since people like me started dying off, or being pushed aside, manufacturing has left the country in droves, inflation has ballooned, the dollar ain't worth shit anymore, and those who do have money, won't hardly keep in a US bank.
$33 trillion in debt makes your side look pathetic.

Oh but you can brag about being in the majority. So you got that going for you.
You conveniently forget how pissed off Trump was at his first budget he signed. It was either give democrats every cent they wanted or destroy Trumps presidency in the first month due to lack of funds.

I don't argue that repubs are no longer fiscally conservative...but you picked a BS example!
he had the house, the sen and WH. Stop posting shit on this thread, please. The issue is not really Trump. He did add his own personal touches to the partisan divide, and then there's Dobbs. And I'd argue that Dobbs is the first actual issue dividing both parties since Reagan caused the dems to find the DLC.
They're in Joe's cabinet? Oh my. Better Call Durham!

BlackRock is a firm. With other people's money. It is not a Trillionaire :auiqs.jpg:
Over $12 Trillion controlled by a Democrat Larry Fink, who says he will use the $12 trillion to force the idea of Global Warming on the people.

The filthy rich Billionaires, are Democrats. When it comes to Trillions, Democrats as well. Larry Fink of Black Rock.
Over $12 Trillion controlled by a Democrat Larry Fink, who says he will use the $12 trillion to force the idea of Global Warming on the people.

The filthy rich Billionaires, are Democrats. When it comes to Trillions, Democrats as well. Larry Fink of Black Rock.
sounds like more of your usual bullshit

You conveniently forget how pissed off Trump was at his first budget he signed.
really? yet he signed it. Such bs posturing.

try educating yourself


Beginning in the early 1920s, the President began to assume more prominence in setting the federal budget. The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 gave the President overall responsibility for budget planning by requiring him to submit an annual, comprehensive budget proposal to the Congress; that act also expanded the President’s control over budgetary information by establishing the Bureau of the Budget (renamed the Office of Management and Budget in 1971). By contrast, the Congress lacked institutional capacity to establish and enforce budgetary priorities, coordinate actions on spending and revenue legislation, or develop budgetary and economic information independently of the executive branch.
The Constitution only says that the Senate makes it's own rules.

The filibuster is a Senate rule.

OK...then the fillibuster is legit.

I would say if it remains the same no matter who's in power...then it's cool either way.

But harry reid had different ideas.
really? yet he signed it. Such bs posturing.

try educating yourself

Can you even remember your own name?

Trump got the funding for the military & democrats got every wish on their list filled.

It was either that or get NOTHING done for 4 years.

Trump was even able to take some of that military money & build the border wall with it.

Let's not forget the great Trump supporters like McCain, Romney, Merkowski, cheney, and I suggest you educate yourself on RINOs and their sabotage when you want to tell me how repubs controlled everything.

Can you remember when POS McCain sabotaged the vote to end obamacare? Or has that slipped your noggin as well?
of course the republicans outspend the democrats, 95% of the budget is carried over from the previous year.

This is why we voted for Trump, to end the waste, the corruption, to reduce the size of government, to end all the stupid spending. Sadly it is hard to get the swamp to go along, the swamp includes lousy government employees.
You seem to be conceding the fact you vote for a guy that can't get anything done for the majority besides stroke his own ego. Congratulations? :dunno:

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