Something that I think deserves it's own thread.

That is the point though, I AGREE with the fact that they should not get special treatment HOWEVER, do you actually agree with DeSantis targeting a specific company and trying to punish them for speech?

Their speech? I think it was more about the millions they funneled to attorneys and special interest to fight something the parents of these children were asking for. The victims were the children. Anyone doing anything to children, especially against the parents wants & wishes, should be punished. In any way, shape or form. DeSantis did it within the law.
It's a damn shame there's very little actual punishment for those who (IMO) abuse children this way. Especially if they have billions of $$$ to throw around.
"Freedom of speech," I get that. But I'll never side with people who are trying to normalize trannies and their push to educate young children on that lifestyle. The rights of the parents override Disney's free speech, IMO.
Would you feel the same when a left wing politician targets gun companies with legal action? How about if Biden shuts down Truth Social? Where does this core political stance lead because from where I sit it just looks like a double standard where you sacrifice core values in the pursuit of political power. That does NOT lead to better outcomes.

These are adult issues, that involve only adults. We can work out (or fight about) problems that we create. Just leave the children out of it. Their adult fights are coming soon enough.
This is exactly the same thing as sacrificing a little freedom for a little security:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Benjamin Franklin

I know that quote well. And I agree with it. But the security that DeSantis and his legislature was fighting for was for the parents, to ensure that those (government paid) teachers weren't overstepping into the parents territory.
Absolutely not.

Cops lie. That is just a fact. Give them that power and they will abuse it. Cops are not there to judge, they are there to enforce public peace and catch the criminals. They should be authorized to use necessary force and that is it.

Why do you think the most powerful governmental power exercised over the people, police, is somehow immune from the rampant corruption of power that I think you recognize is rife through the rest of the government? I do not trust the government to run a shrimp stall, there is no way in hell I would trust them to decide if I deserve a brutal beating. The judicial system is directly set up to give me the ability to answer charges against me and is generally, effective. We already have the tools to deal with these people.

I have been robbed at gunpoint exactly one time in my life and it was not by a random guy in the street. It was by a cop. They are necessary but they do not need more power. They need the ability to exercise the power they have and there is a serious problem with policing and the left right now but they certainly do not need any encouragement to beat the public.

Have you read green mile? That is exactly the type of situation that the justice system can deal with but the police absolutely cannot.

Good, I agree with that.

That does not negate the authoritarian policies and actions he generally supports. Most right wing pols are for firing lax prosecutors but I am not willing to vote for an authoritarian to get rid of bad prosecutors. I can shoot a moron that tries to break into my house. I cant do shit against a government official.

This cop issue is a deep dark one. It's a spiderweb of incidences, issues, attitudes..... physical & mental. I completely understand there's bad cops out there. But I guarantee you, there's a LOT more bad citizens out there than cops. And because this country is so lax on prosecuting and punishing people, it only creates more.
One only has to look at places like San Francisco and Chicago. San Fran decriminalized drugs, and they got more druggies. They decriminalized theft, up to a certain dollar amount. So they got more thieves.
Almost ALL of those involves an innocent victim. Be it physically, mentally or financially. The justice system and so many people seem to be more concerned with protecting the rights of the criminal, than their victims. The victims should be #1 on the list of priorities.

Who knew the name of the woman that George Floyd robbed and beat at gun point? Who knew the name of the clerk that refused to accept his fake money? Who knew the names of the children Floyd refused to pay child support for? Hardly anyone. But everyone knows George Floyd and the cop who held him down.

Civil & constitutional rights are important for suspects. But for those who committed a crime, they gave up their rights as soon as they committed the crime. Not when the judge hands down his/her sentencing.

We don't live in a perfect society. And we don't have robot LEO's. But we could be a LOT better off if criminals weren't babysat by the justice system.

BTW, I also believe our prison system is whack. It's retarded to sentence anyone, especially violent criminals to a set amount of time. They were unfit for society when they went in. And should not be released until they are fit for society.
But with that said, prisons should have a tiered system to group those who are trying to better themselves with each other and away from those who are not.

I wrote a whole thing on this, a couple of years ago. It's missing some details. But I think it would be a good idea. And almost tax free.

Prison reform for those with common sense

I think a lot of Trump supporters would agree that if someone else came out with the same platform/polices and 'tell it like it is' demeanor that he has, without all of the Trump baggage, they would be very successful. And the rabid left and the swamp in DC would go after that person as virulently as they go after Trump. Who could withstand that, especially from a financial position? At least with Trump, they've been forced to take the mask off that they've worn for years, but unfortunately it doesn't matter since the propaganda machine is run by them as well, and has a majority of people fooled. Just look on this board.

You can argue with these idiots until the cows come home about the details regarding Trump, but the truth is that they're also telling any future front runners that aren't one of 'them', that they will be destroyed if they attempt to get into the game. And they will destroy anyone that comes along after Trump that espouses his platform and gains huge popularity. They've shown they can get away with vast corruption, so even once Trump is out of the picture, this won't stop. And the same lemmings in here cheering the destruction of Trump will just be cheering on the demise of whoever takes his place. None of this is about Trump, it's about squashing the millions of people who support his platform.

Great thread btw, one of rare good ones.

I'm all for squashing the corruption. I just wished the face of the victim wasn't Trump. Like someone who wasn't so damn liberal. I was glad to see someone invade and shake up the neocons. Someone calling out the swamp creatures. But certainly not someone who was constantly caving. Every time he signed a trillion dollar omnibus bill, I cringed. Raised the debt ceiling, let Hillary off the hook, when he banned bump stocks, when he got US oil producer to decrease oil production., when he reauthorized FISA, the NDAA and the Patriot act.
For 4 years, it was just one slap in the face after another. And his supporters just never caught onto just how liberal he was. And they still haven't. All they're worried now about is defeating these retarded witch hunts.
I hope he wins every single one of them. Even if he's guilty on a few of them. Because I haven't seen one indictment that's worthy of all this.

And what's even more retarded, he'll probably be found guilty on enough to send him to prison. And so what are the GOP voters doing about a plan B? (DeSantis) They're kicking him under the bus so that the only ones left are people who don't have near the record of DeSantis. They're just a bunch of unknow politicians with the same rhetoric as the last 50 candidates.
Well, ya got at least one thing wrong. The commiecrats have never been for border security, they always talk a good game, but never follow through. The best example was them getting Regan to grant amnesty to 3 million in exchange for border security, the amnesty was granted, but the security never came.


Reagan still did it. He wasn't talked into it. He was forced into it. He practically campaigned on lax borders.
It used to be that the republicans were the party of small business, and the democrats were the party of the working man.
I think you need to seriously reconsider that statement - whilst remembering as to which social group represents the by far largest voter-pool. (low to middle income).
Today, the attitude for both is fuck small business and fuck the working man.
Exactly why I dropped out altogether and went ancap/agorist.

It is a paradox. There are things like recognizing property rights that can only be done once, you can't have different entities drawing different lines between you and your neighbor's house. But there is just nothing we can trust government for. They will abuse any power. That's why I Just advocate as little as possible. The smaller government is, the less harm it can do. As the earth keeps getting more crowded, it becomes unsustainable. Our current abusive government isn't going to get any better. There are more and more people who want to vote themselves a living rather than get a job
of course the republicans outspend the democrats, 95% of the budget is carried over from the previous year.

This is why we voted for Trump, to end the waste, the corruption, to reduce the size of government, to end all the stupid spending. Sadly it is hard to get the swamp to go along, the swamp includes lousy government employees.
Billionaires to the rescue! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Meet the Billionaires Who Run Trump's Government​

The $2 billion Cabinet: This is how much the 10 wealthiest members of Trump's Cabinet are worth​

Billionaires to the rescue! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: part II

The Definitive Net Worth Of Donald Trump’s Cabinet​

Here Are The Billionaires Who Donated To Donald Trump’s 2020 Presidential Campaign​

U.S. Billionaires Got $1 Trillion Richer During Trump’s Term​

This was posted on another thread. But it's so deep, and spot on, I think it would be worth wild to discuss this topic on it's own (since it wasn't really on topic of the OP in the other thread)

The political divide in this country, especially on forums like this stems from a lot of issues. Some are legit disagreements. And some are merely political loyalty. "Sticking it to the other side" seems to be the going thing. Revenge politics, as they say. But on a social level.

The proof in this statement can be seen in the many MANY flip flops the party's have taken in the last several decades. Used to be, the GOP was the party of fiscal conservatism. They still campaign on being fiscal conservatives. But the fact is, the right has spent more money and increased the debt ceiling more times since at least 1980, than the democrats have.
And as far as the democrats go, they used to be the party of border security. They're the ones who come up with the idea of fencing off the border and putting large amounts of border patrols on it. This was back when they seem to care about the working class Americans and wanted to protect their jobs.

Those are just two examples. But FA_Q2 nailed in his statement.

What republican is going to stand up against Trumps spending problem, in favor of keeping our economy from collapsing from inflation created by all the money he's going to borrow when he's re elected? What democrat is going to stand up against Biden's lax border problem, in favor of the American working man? Are these issue important enough for anyone to strongly oppose their party and it's leaders and decide for yourself, instead of being told what and who to support?

Please let me now whether you're a Republican or a Democrat so I can decide whether to agree or disagree with you.
You do pick BS examples because that is an obfuscation!

You know damn well the repubs couldn't get ANYTHING thru the senate because they needed 60 votes to pass ANYTHING.

While the repubs had the majority (over 50) they did not have 60 votes.

Another convenient laps of memory?
So you support getting rid of the filibuster, right?
Right. But the question remains, how did we get this way? What happened that allowed us to be so divided and just stop trying to work things out.
Back when the R & Ds did that, they helped to build the worlds greatest economy, the worlds largest middle class, we were the manufacturing giant of the world.

And now, it's just bicker and fight over things that really don't even affect our lives, because one party or politician says so.
How did the left stop caring about the American working man? Why did the right stop caring about the debt ceiling and the value of the USD. And 1,000 other things those two have slipped or flipped on?

"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself."

-Ronald Reagan
"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself."

-Ronald Reagan

That reminds me of Trumps comments. "We can never default. We can just print more money." The similarities in those two are shocking.
Billionaires to the rescue! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Meet the Billionaires Who Run Trump's Government​

The $2 billion Cabinet: This is how much the 10 wealthiest members of Trump's Cabinet are worth​

Soros runs Biden's, along with Gates, Bezos and Zuckerburg.
The error here is thinking these types of boards are actually representative of the population.

These boards tend to amplify extreme positions
You are making hay over the right raising the debt ceiling. Please link those times that the right did that. While you're at it, please inform us which party controlled congress at the times your "gotcha" targets a GOP POTUS.

He is a totally fringe person.
Doesn't understand how Government Works.
Absolutely convinced that everyone wants what he wants and ones that don't are simply being tricked.
He would make a good Democrat in those senses.

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