Something that I think deserves it's own thread.

But corporations are people! :aargh:
Indeed they are. They are groups of people.

I was never a Romney fan, but the fact that he made a basic, factual observation about corporations and got lambasted for it shows just how fucked up popular politics is. Liberals hate to acknowledge that corporations are people because they want to nationalize corporations, and that sounds a lot like slavery if they are people. Because it is.
Indeed they are. They are groups of people.

I was never a Romney fan, but the fact that he made a basic, factual observation about corporations and got lambasted for it shows just how fucked up popular politics is. Liberals hate to acknowledge that corporations are people because they want to nationalize corporations, and that sounds a lot like slavery if they are people. Because it is.
I'm more for individuality.
You seem to be conceding the fact you vote for a guy that can't get anything done for the majority besides stroke his own ego. Congratulations? :dunno:
Thank you for the flame and trolling, enjoy your $4 a gallon gas and your substandard Hamburger. Maybe the Democrats will give us government cheese and the crumbs from their dinner table
Indeed they are. They are groups of people.

I was never a Romney fan, but the fact that he made a basic, factual observation about corporations and got lambasted for it shows just how fucked up popular politics is. Liberals hate to acknowledge that corporations are people because they want to nationalize corporations, and that sounds a lot like slavery if they are people. Because it is.

What malarkey. A few ignorant Trumpies want to nationalize the US oil business because they want cheap gasoline.
Thank you for the flame and trolling, enjoy your $4 a gallon gas and your substandard Hamburger. Maybe the Democrats will give us government cheese and the crumbs from their dinner table

The price of gasoline has never kept up with housing, healthcare, education etc
What malarkey. A few ignorant Trumpies want to nationalize the US oil business because they want cheap gasoline.
What does Trump have to do with my post? Or is this just the usual partisan drone response? - "They do it toooooo!!!!"
OK...then the fillibuster is legit.

I would say if it remains the same no matter who's in power...then it's cool either way.

But harry reid had different ideas.

The filibuster (cloture rule) is not in violation of the Constitution, but it is a BULLSHIT way of making sure that neither party ever does what they promise.

You're the one that complained that the Republicans couldn't get their policies thru when they had a majorities in both the House and the Senate, as well as having the Presidency.

As long as the filibuster exists both parties can blame the other for never implementing their's a total boondoogle that allows politicians to scam the American people.

Take away the filibuster and the politicians will have no excuse to not do what they promise...and then they will OWN IT!
The filibuster (cloture rule) is not in violation of the Constitution, but it is a BULLSHIT way of making sure that neither party ever does what they promise.
It's a good way of ensuring that neither side can ram through laws with a slim, party-line majority. Consensus is better.

Better still would be an actual amendment requiring a two-thirds majority to pass legislation.
Can you even remember your own name?

Trump got the funding for the military & democrats got every wish on their list filled.

It was either that or get NOTHING done for 4 years.

Trump was even able to take some of that military money & build the border wall with it.

Let's not forget the great Trump supporters like McCain, Romney, Merkowski, cheney, and I suggest you educate yourself on RINOs and their sabotage when you want to tell me how repubs controlled everything.

Can you remember when POS McCain sabotaged the vote to end obamacare? Or has that slipped your noggin as well?
I see you like military who don't get captured. Like Trump. He was never captured, even though his private boarding school prepared him for war -- more preparation that the us military gives.

right. okay. whatever you say.

do not throw away your cup. more koolaid is being served

The government’s most historic shutdown happened when President Donald Trump tried to get $5.7 billion to build a barrier along the U.S. border with Mexico. Funding for a wall, which he had promised that Mexico would pay for, prompted the longest-ever federal shutdown — 34 full days over late 2018 stretching into 2019.

Can you even remember your own name?

Trump got the funding for the military & democrats got every wish on their list filled.

It was either that or get NOTHING done for 4 years.

Trump was even able to take some of that military money & build the border wall with it.

Let's not forget the great Trump supporters like McCain, Romney, Merkowski, cheney, and I suggest you educate yourself on RINOs and their sabotage when you want to tell me how repubs controlled everything.

Can you remember when POS McCain sabotaged the vote to end obamacare? Or has that slipped your noggin as well?

The Congressional Budget Office estimated the shutdown cost to the American economy to be at least $11 billion USD, excluding indirect costs that were difficult to quantify.

cut your bullshit:

Actually, SCOTUS did not say that, and I've never used that talking point.
But corporations are people! :aargh:
Your world view based on caricatures and bs spin is pathetic.

"First, nobody granted corporations "citizenship""
Indeed they are. They are groups of people.

I was never a Romney fan, but the fact that he made a basic, factual observation about corporations and got lambasted for it shows just how fucked up popular politics is. Liberals hate to acknowledge that corporations are people because they want to nationalize corporations, and that sounds a lot like slavery if they are people. Because it is.
First, nobody granted corporations "citizenship"
Ok. They're still people. Pretending other wise is delusional.

If only complicated arguments regarding campaign finance law were so simple. Corporations were never granted citizenship. Corporations being people? The ruling was about 'corruption' and Justice Kennedy came from a family of lobbyists.

Explainer: Citizens United Explained

The 2010 Supreme Court decision further tilted political influence toward wealthy donors and corporations.

With its decision, the Supreme Court overturned election spending restrictions that date back more than 100 years. Previously, the court had upheld certain spending restrictions, arguing that the government had a role in preventing corruption. But in Citizens United, a bare majority of the justices held that “independent political spending” did not present a substantive threat of corruption, provided it was not coordinated with a candidate’s campaign.

As a result, corporations can now spend unlimited funds on campaign advertising if they are not formally “coordinating” with a candidate or political party.

Ok. They're still people. Pretending other wise is delusional.
please: Co. v. Riggs (203 U.S. 243 (1906)), the Court accepted that corporations are for legal purposes "persons", but still ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment was not a bar to many state laws which effectively limited a corporation's right to contract business as it pleased.
Just as the 'personal responsibility payment' -- the so-called mandate in Obamacare (PPACA), was ruled to function as a tax, for constitutional purposes (there's precedent listed) (and the law was not rewritten -- the term stayed in the law), corporations are for legal purposes "persons"

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