Sonic and Chili's Get On the Bandwagon

most people go to restaurants to eat.....if you want to socialize try a Starbucks....just sayin...
I do that as well, sometimes.

You guys go to restaurants hoping to play the hero with a big, bad gun apparently.

no i dont go to Restaurants hoping to play the hero.....i go to eat....i dont know where you get your "tales' from.....but they are amusing....
I read what people write here, and amazing is not the word I would use to describe it.
Your defense numbers are crap. What they mostly do is shoot themselves, or their families.

Wrong again oh ignorant one.

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Better hurry, the short bus is still waiting.
It's crap but you need common sense to know that, and you don't have any.

if its documented,how is it crap?.....should you not be proving that those numbers are crap?....
Wrong again oh ignorant one.

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Better hurry, the short bus is still waiting.
It's crap but you need common sense to know that, and you don't have any.

if its documented,how is it crap?.....should you not be proving that those numbers are crap?....

It isn't documented. Nobody has any decent numbers. It's a myth, one that gun nuts love.
I do that as well, sometimes.

You guys go to restaurants hoping to play the hero with a big, bad gun apparently.

no i dont go to Restaurants hoping to play the hero.....i go to eat....i dont know where you get your "tales' from.....but they are amusing....
I read what people write here, and amazing is not the word I would use to describe it.

its not the word i would use either.....
It's crap but you need common sense to know that, and you don't have any.

if its documented,how is it crap?.....should you not be proving that those numbers are crap?....

It isn't documented. Nobody has any decent numbers. It's a myth, one that gun nuts love.

it isnt?.....i just goggled it and found a bunch of stats....including one from the CDC in which they claim the research they did showed .....
“Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies,” the CDC study, entitled “Priorities For Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence,” states.

CDC Study: Use of Firearms For Self-Defense is ?Important Crime Deterrent? | CNS News

maybe you should back up what you say instead of just talking....just sayin...
if its documented,how is it crap?.....should you not be proving that those numbers are crap?....

It isn't documented. Nobody has any decent numbers. It's a myth, one that gun nuts love.

it isnt?.....i just goggled it and found a bunch of stats....including one from the CDC in which they claim the research they did showed .....
“Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies,” the CDC study, entitled “Priorities For Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence,” states.

CDC Study: Use of Firearms For Self-Defense is ?Important Crime Deterrent? | CNS News

maybe you should back up what you say instead of just talking....just sayin...
Notice those aren't numbers? That's because no one has any worth a damn. And it wouldn't matter to me if they were terrific, I want nearly all the guns that are likely to cause problems regardless, from everyone. It's not about crime, it's about guns, period.

The big guns they have as a replacement for actual penises that they get a chance to use pretty much confirmed that.

Why is it when you lefties run out of reasonable arguments your revert to a penis? I'm think you're the one feeling a bit inadequate.

mock them

that is all they are good for
When you have no gun in your house, how likely is it to hurt you? You've heard of common sense I gather? Get some.

That is the most nonsensical argument yet. You claimed that a gun in the house is more likely to harm you or your family. I say that claim has been debunked, and your reply is about a household with no guns?? lmao

Let me help you with some solid numbers.

There are roughly 65 million gun owners in the US. If you include gun related murders, gun related suicides, and accidental shootings resulting in deaths, there are +/- 30,000 gun related deaths per year. That means 0.046% of gun owners have a gun related death associated with them. So 99.954% of gun owners have no deaths related to their firearms.

Now try again with the "common sense" claim?
Okay, let's work with that number. 20K of those were suicides by gun. How many suicides total were there? And how many total people are there?

About double that, look it up dumb ass.
That is the most nonsensical argument yet. You claimed that a gun in the house is more likely to harm you or your family. I say that claim has been debunked, and your reply is about a household with no guns?? lmao

Let me help you with some solid numbers.

There are roughly 65 million gun owners in the US. If you include gun related murders, gun related suicides, and accidental shootings resulting in deaths, there are +/- 30,000 gun related deaths per year. That means 0.046% of gun owners have a gun related death associated with them. So 99.954% of gun owners have no deaths related to their firearms.

Now try again with the "common sense" claim?
Okay, let's work with that number. 20K of those were suicides by gun. How many suicides total were there? And how many total people are there?

About double that, look it up dumb ass.
I did. And how many people and how many own guns?
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The joke is on them. I went into a Chili's today, used the bathroom, did not pay for anything, AND carried My 9mm....

so much for their fucking ban......

You're a fucking idiot with latent homo tendencies, maybe you will feel better if you com on out of that closet you've been living in.

OK doth protest too much...

Really, I simply pointed out you lefties keep bringing up the subject, are you really that fascinated by them?

Pointing it out is not what you did. it's okay, as I told the other guy, there are "lots of big gun owners" around. You're not alone.
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The joke is on them. I went into a Chili's today, used the bathroom, did not pay for anything, AND carried My 9mm....

so much for their fucking ban......
Nice of you to respect the Property Rights of others? Oh right, you don't do that since you don't really believe in them, obviously.

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