Soros continues to support democracy and dissent, despite RW fake news and ridiculous bs. TY, George

Hey, thanks Franco. Good to know you don't have any justification for this.
Meanwhile, fake news fools think he's a Nazi lol. Not in Hungary.
Hungarian attack on George Soros prompts NGO anger - BBC News

Oh look, another far left Marxist sticking up for a billionaire screwing the masses while railing against billionaires who screw the masses.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Tard.
He's a Dem, dupe. Wants to tax the rich and invest in the non-rich.
Funny how those "non-rich" never see any of that money.
Hey, thanks Franco. Good to know you don't have any justification for this.
Mainly because it never happened, dupe.

Really? Just wtf do you think "supporting democracy and dissent" is? Who is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf? Can you tell me about his mining operations in Liberia? How about the Ukraine? Can you tell me about the profit made from "reorganization of Natzgroff"? How about the IRF?

Soros is not a socialist by any means.
Meanwhile, fake news fools think he's a Nazi lol. Not in Hungary.
Hungarian attack on George Soros prompts NGO anger - BBC News

Oh look, another far left Marxist sticking up for a billionaire screwing the masses while railing against billionaires who screw the masses.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Tard.
He's a Dem, dupe. Wants to tax the rich and invest in the non-rich.
Funny how those "non-rich" never see any of that money.
Not in the last 35 years, dupe.
Meanwhile, fake news fools think he's a Nazi lol. Not in Hungary.
Hungarian attack on George Soros prompts NGO anger - BBC News

Oh look, another far left Marxist sticking up for a billionaire screwing the masses while railing against billionaires who screw the masses.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Tard.
He's a Dem, dupe. Wants to tax the rich and invest in the non-rich.
Funny how those "non-rich" never see any of that money.
Not in the last 35 years, dupe.
That's pretty funny. You calling me a dupe.

Hey, thanks Franco. Good to know you don't have any justification for this.
Mainly because it never happened, dupe.

Really? Just wtf do you think "supporting democracy and dissent" is? Who is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf? Can you tell me about his mining operations in Liberia? How about the Ukraine? Can you tell me about the profit made from "reorganization of Natzgroff"? How about the IRF?

Soros is not a socialist by any means.
The incredible amount of pure bs the dupes know....
Meanwhile, fake news fools think he's a Nazi lol. Not in Hungary.
Hungarian attack on George Soros prompts NGO anger - BBC News

Oh look, another far left Marxist sticking up for a billionaire screwing the masses while railing against billionaires who screw the masses.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Tard.
He's a Dem, dupe. Wants to tax the rich and invest in the non-rich.
Funny how those "non-rich" never see any of that money.
Not in the last 35 years, dupe.
That's pretty funny. You calling me a dupe.

That's why only 14% of GOPers believe journalists anymore, just lying Fox and Rush etc, dupe.
Oh look, another far left Marxist sticking up for a billionaire screwing the masses while railing against billionaires who screw the masses.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Tard.
He's a Dem, dupe. Wants to tax the rich and invest in the non-rich.
Funny how those "non-rich" never see any of that money.
Not in the last 35 years, dupe.
That's pretty funny. You calling me a dupe.

That's why only 14% of GOPers believe journalists anymore, just lying Fox and Rush etc, dupe.

Dude, you just got outed as a subversive by a former KGB Colonel. It's ok, everyone knows.
Hey, thanks Franco. Good to know you don't have any justification for this.
Mainly because it never happened, dupe.

Really? Just wtf do you think "supporting democracy and dissent" is? Who is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf? Can you tell me about his mining operations in Liberia? How about the Ukraine? Can you tell me about the profit made from "reorganization of Natzgroff"? How about the IRF?

Soros is not a socialist by any means.
The incredible amount of pure bs the dupes know....

Good to know you don't have any justification for this.
He's a Dem, dupe. Wants to tax the rich and invest in the non-rich.
Funny how those "non-rich" never see any of that money.
Not in the last 35 years, dupe.
That's pretty funny. You calling me a dupe.

That's why only 14% of GOPers believe journalists anymore, just lying Fox and Rush etc, dupe.

Dude, you just got outed as a subversive by a former KGB Colonel. It's ok, everyone knows.

I agree with him totally. The BS GOP propaganda machine and the Russians are de post facto allies in the war on truth, stupid.
Hey, thanks Franco. Good to know you don't have any justification for this.
Mainly because it never happened, dupe.

Really? Just wtf do you think "supporting democracy and dissent" is? Who is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf? Can you tell me about his mining operations in Liberia? How about the Ukraine? Can you tell me about the profit made from "reorganization of Natzgroff"? How about the IRF?

Soros is not a socialist by any means.
The incredible amount of pure bs the dupes know....

Good to know you don't have any justification for this.
Fake news junkie^^
Hey, thanks Franco. Good to know you don't have any justification for this.
Mainly because it never happened, dupe.

Really? Just wtf do you think "supporting democracy and dissent" is? Who is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf? Can you tell me about his mining operations in Liberia? How about the Ukraine? Can you tell me about the profit made from "reorganization of Natzgroff"? How about the IRF?

Soros is not a socialist by any means.
The incredible amount of pure bs the dupes know....

Good to know you don't have any justification for this.
Fake news junkie^^'re a pawn and a dupe.
Mainly because it never happened, dupe.

Really? Just wtf do you think "supporting democracy and dissent" is? Who is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf? Can you tell me about his mining operations in Liberia? How about the Ukraine? Can you tell me about the profit made from "reorganization of Natzgroff"? How about the IRF?

Soros is not a socialist by any means.
The incredible amount of pure bs the dupes know....

Good to know you don't have any justification for this.
Fake news junkie^^'re a pawn and a dupe.
Tell me a lie I believe then. Fact check any of your crap....

BUDAPEST — As an American scholar of Soviet history, Charles D. Shawthought he understood authoritarianism before he moved to Hungary in 2015 to teach at Central European University.

“Coming from Moscow to Budapest, it certainly felt like I was finally coming to Europe — to the European Union,” Mr. Shaw said.

Now he feels as if repression has followed him.

The right-wing government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban recently passed legislation that could shut down the university, which was created after the fall of Communism and which promotes the ideal of an open society. Next month, Parliament will vote on a bill to impose greater scrutiny on nonprofit organizations that receive foreign financing.

Mr. Orban, prime minister since 2010, supports the idea of “illiberal democracy,” which puts rule-by-majority nationalism ahead of minority rights, political pluralism and international cooperation.

For Mr. Shaw, the parallels with contemporary Russia are unnerving. “The political and cultural boundaries of Europe are potentially shifting,” he said. “And that’s what’s so scary to people.”

Continue reading the main story

Hungary Law That Could Close Soros-Backed University Faces UncertaintyAPRIL 12, 2017

The legislation, which Western diplomats have condemned, is widely seen as part of a vendetta against Central European University’s founder, the Hungarian-American financier and philanthropist George Soros.


President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, left, with Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary in Budapest in February. CreditZsolt Szigetvary/European Pressphoto Agency
Mr. Orban has accused Mr. Soros of “preparing liberal activists” for political life in the Balkans and Central Europe, adding, “The Soros empire set out to promote the cause of migrants and mass migration.”

But on the campus here, scattered across historic buildings in Budapest’s elegant center, Mr. Soros’s name does not come up often. Scholars and students said they were bewildered by the government’s attempt to cast their institution as part of the opposition — a role the university, as a place of inquiry, does not seek to inhabit.

“There’s a certain style of politics in Europe that believes: If you’re not with us, you’re against us,” said Michael Ignatieff, the university’s president and rector, who is also a human rights scholar and a former leader of the Liberal Party in Canada.

“The C.E.U. issue came to symbolize the amount of harm that some of the government’s actions are having right across the spectrum,” he added. “All we’re trying to do is get them to back off and leave us alone — and give us a guarantee that we can stay here.”

The law targeting Central European University injected fear and shock into the campus.

“This is an attack on academic freedom,” said Alexandra Medzibrodszky, 29, a Hungarian doctoral student in history, who was wearing a pin showing her support for the university. “This is why it resonates with intellectuals from all sides.”

Conservative scholars are among those who have spoken out.

“The entire academic sector of this nation, in essence, feels imperiled, following the passing of this law,” Miklos Kiraly, a law professor at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, wrote in an open letter after Mr. Orban asked why Hungarian scholars had been standing up for Central European University. “The general opinion is that there are no more boundaries, no more limits, no checks and sound professional considerations, consultations, traditions or acquired rights.”

Over the past quarter-century, the university has blended into the fabric of Budapest. Even English, the lingua franca around campus, stands out less in a city that has enjoyed a tourism boom and a building boom. Support for the university seems genuine — signs declaring “#IstandwithCEU” in English and Hungarian can be seen not only in university buildings but also in the windows of cafes and other businesses.

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