Sorry Everybody

and it will also be their opinion.....they do have those you know....

Certainly. But they will have evidence to support those opinions. They rely on the reader ( listener ) to judge the validity of the evidence. A century from now, the readers will not be saddled with the emotional baggage that present day readers carry. They'll be able to look at the evidence objectively. And.........I'm going out on a limb......Obama will be viewed more favorably than Bush.

The reader may not be saddled with the US Constitution, so yeah you might be right
And that limb you are going out on? It is mighty long

Awwwww! An emotional plea regarding the supposed shredding of the US Constitution. Fucking USMB nutters love the Constitution as long as they can use it for political purposes.

Is the US Constitution the most important document ever written? I say it is.
Certainly. But they will have evidence to support those opinions. They rely on the reader ( listener ) to judge the validity of the evidence. A century from now, the readers will not be saddled with the emotional baggage that present day readers carry. They'll be able to look at the evidence objectively. And.........I'm going out on a limb......Obama will be viewed more favorably than Bush.

The reader may not be saddled with the US Constitution, so yeah you might be right
And that limb you are going out on? It is mighty long

Awwwww! An emotional plea regarding the supposed shredding of the US Constitution. Fucking USMB nutters love the Constitution as long as they can use it for political purposes.

Is the US Constitution the most important document ever written? I say it is.

Emotional? How can one talk about the Constitution and not feel emotional about the most remarkable document ever written?
The reader may not be saddled with the US Constitution, so yeah you might be right
And that limb you are going out on? It is mighty long

Awwwww! An emotional plea regarding the supposed shredding of the US Constitution. Fucking USMB nutters love the Constitution as long as they can use it for political purposes.

Is the US Constitution the most important document ever written? I say it is.

Emotional? How can one talk about the Constitution and not feel emotional about the most remarkable document ever written?

You misunderstood. The emotional part was you waxing about it being rendered unimportant. Isn't that what you meant by "The reader may not be saddled with"?

I'm for using the US Constitution to swear in elected officials and jury witnesses. How about you?
What are you going to do? Admit that the opposition is worse for Obama? Of course not? You don't see it. You don't want to see it.

The media helped Bush immensely.

the media helps Obama too.....they help or destroy whoever they deem worthy of their attention....

The media helps the media.

Media bias is a myth.

if they like you get nice coverage....if they bad for you....
They'll be asking Historians. People who have an interest in all of the facts. Of course...Al of these Historians are educated who will trust what they have to say?

and it will also be their opinion.....they do have those you know....

Certainly. But they will have evidence to support those opinions. They rely on the reader ( listener ) to judge the validity of the evidence. A century from now, the readers will not be saddled with the emotional baggage that present day readers carry. They'll be able to look at the evidence objectively. And.........I'm going out on a limb......Obama will be viewed more favorably than Bush.
But they will have evidence to support those opinions.

right.....but some may look at that evidence different than others.....some might come to the conclusion that Iraq was a positive for Bush....hey Gen.Benedict Arnold is considered a traitor but many historians view him as the best tactical General the Revolutionary war had on either side....some say he was the reason the Colonists won....
and it will also be their opinion.....they do have those you know....

Certainly. But they will have evidence to support those opinions. They rely on the reader ( listener ) to judge the validity of the evidence. A century from now, the readers will not be saddled with the emotional baggage that present day readers carry. They'll be able to look at the evidence objectively. And.........I'm going out on a limb......Obama will be viewed more favorably than Bush.
But they will have evidence to support those opinions.

right.....but some may look at that evidence different than others.....some might come to the conclusion that Iraq was a positive for Bush....hey Gen.Benedict Arnold is considered a traitor but many historians view him as the best tactical General the Revolutionary war had on either side....some say he was the reason the Colonists won....

Honest Historical debate is a good thing.

There are two or more sides to every issue.

We agree..........but it is difficult to imagine that many educated observers will see our involvement in Iraq as a positive.
I am very reasonable. Obama sucks. Teapers suck. True conservatism isn't about hate, obstructionism and being anti-Government. True conservatism doesn't cheer Putin, whether he makes Obama look stupid or not. Maybe you haven't, but most teapers are.

How many so called "teapers" have you actually met?

I quit associating with teapers when I went to a rally and it was a recruiting event for White Nationalists.

What? You were afraid to stand over there with the Black Conservatives?

Don't worry. It doesn't rub off.
Certainly. But they will have evidence to support those opinions. They rely on the reader ( listener ) to judge the validity of the evidence. A century from now, the readers will not be saddled with the emotional baggage that present day readers carry. They'll be able to look at the evidence objectively. And.........I'm going out on a limb......Obama will be viewed more favorably than Bush.
But they will have evidence to support those opinions.

right.....but some may look at that evidence different than others.....some might come to the conclusion that Iraq was a positive for Bush....hey Gen.Benedict Arnold is considered a traitor but many historians view him as the best tactical General the Revolutionary war had on either side....some say he was the reason the Colonists won....

Honest Historical debate is a good thing.

There are two or more sides to every issue.

We agree..........but it is difficult to imagine that many educated observers will see our involvement in Iraq as a positive.

It is still possible to see a positive outcome in Iraq but it is less likely with Obama in charge.

The final accounting won't be for a number of years to come.
i quit associating with teapers when i went to a rally and it was a recruiting event for white nationalists.

what? You were afraid to stand over there with the black conservatives?

Don't worry. It doesn't rub off. black conservatives. Teaper events are only a cover for the kkk

America had no right invading Iraq, and apologizing for that greatest of all American foreign policy fiascos is the right thing. Always will be.

Bah, invading Iraq was one of the greatest foreign policy triumphs of all time. We deposed a tyrannical dictator and brought balance to the Middle East...while establishing a military foothold behind enemy lines. Pure genius.

Bush will be remembered positively by history.

No way.
Bush will be remembered as President Buchanan is remembered.
I forgot about this thread...thanks for bumping it.
Certainly. But they will have evidence to support those opinions. They rely on the reader ( listener ) to judge the validity of the evidence. A century from now, the readers will not be saddled with the emotional baggage that present day readers carry. They'll be able to look at the evidence objectively. And.........I'm going out on a limb......Obama will be viewed more favorably than Bush.
But they will have evidence to support those opinions.

right.....but some may look at that evidence different than others.....some might come to the conclusion that Iraq was a positive for Bush....hey Gen.Benedict Arnold is considered a traitor but many historians view him as the best tactical General the Revolutionary war had on either side....some say he was the reason the Colonists won....

Honest Historical debate is a good thing.

There are two or more sides to every issue.

We agree..........but it is difficult to imagine that many educated observers will see our involvement in Iraq as a positive.

It is still possible to see a positive outcome in Iraq but it is less likely with Obama in charge.

The final accounting won't be for a number of years to come.

turned out to be several months instead of years

the prezbos early withdrawal from Iraq

will go down in the history books as one of Americas biggest blunders
Sorry Everybody

I thought that some on the right were getting as bad as liberals...then I remembered this shit...a bunch of liberals apologizing to the world because Bush was re-elected and because of the Iraq War.


Both sides have their wingnuts. The left wingnuts will tell you Bush stole two elections, Bush was responsible for 9/11, Bush was drinking and doing cocaine in the White House. The right wingnuts will tell you Obama was born in Africa, that he is gay, a secret Muslim, he is doing cocaine in the White House.

At the end of the day, they are wingnuts that hate. I don't agree with many of Obama's policies, I had issues with some Bush policies. At the end of the day, neither President would or will bring the country to its knees, like the extremists claim.
At the end of the day, they are wingnuts that hate. I don't agree with many of Obama's policies, I had issues with some Bush policies. At the end of the day, neither President would or will bring the country to its knees, like the extremists claim.
I believe the lackluster response to Islamic militants is creating problems we will need to deal with for many years. ISIL has moved in and taken over many parts of the middle east and appears to be spreading like wildfire. The longer it takes to deal with them the worse it will be.

Whether one agrees with the gulf wars or not is one thing but there was no more 9/11 style attacks and only small events here. Our energy/utilities infrastructure has been hacked and we aren't dealing with it effectively. We learned prior to 9/11 what the cost of doing nothing was and the left has shamed America into repeating the same error.

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