Sorry Everybody

Yes. Cindy Sheehan. Air America. It was a clusterfuck of hate and nonsense. I am not saying the teaper faction of the GOP is much better...most of them are stupid and motivated by hate. But the concerted efforts of the liberals against Bush was massive...and borderline traitorous as we were in a time of war.

That's nutty, Nutz.

He isn't trying to rewrite history regarding this issue, LL.

I don't know what he's trying to do. It's a weird thread. Bush was a fuck up and people reacted to the fuck ups. Unlike what we have seen with Obama....we didn't hope he failed...we didn't do everything in our power to bring about failure. Shit.

There were anti war protests. That is not the same as having Senators running around telling the world that Obama is "feckless" and " weak" and suggesting that Putin would be a better leader. In fact....most Democratic Semators and congresspeople publicly supported Bush's actions. They were standing with the POTUS.

Rewriting History is a nutter game.
I feel weird. I could never jump on the I blame Bush for everything bandwagon :D
Not a parody. Bush will be remembered as one of the greatest Presidents in history. Once all of the liberal nonsense is forgotten and the facts stand will see.

Come on,'ll fool Mud and Staph with that shit. Don't mess with the dummies like that.

Nope...I am a huge fan of Bush. Sorry. His good name was attacked by the left. Once everything settles - he will be recognized as one of the best.

Why do you hate Bush so much? Because of Iraq? Katrina? Patriot Act? Maybe you think 9/11 was his fault.

I don't hate Bush. I found him to be a terrible President who gained the office in a very suspicious manner. I was pretty busy with family and business in 2000. I wasn't particularly active and was not a vocal Gore supporter. I was detached.

I was....however...right there with Bush after 9/11. I believe my exact words were "Lets go get those fuckers, George!"

He didn't. He fucked up. The world will never see what he did with his "political capital" as anything but a fuck up.

I didn't know this about you until today. I thought you were of limited sanity with your dopey German and Canadian shit....but until now I wasn't convinced that you were a politically naive dummy. Bush.....seen as one of the best? If that ain't's too sad for words.
That's nutty, Nutz.

He isn't trying to rewrite history regarding this issue, LL.

I don't know what he's trying to do. It's a weird thread. Bush was a fuck up and people reacted to the fuck ups. Unlike what we have seen with Obama....we didn't hope he failed...we didn't do everything in our power to bring about failure. Shit.

There were anti war protests. That is not the same as having Senators running around telling the world that Obama is "feckless" and " weak" and suggesting that Putin would be a better leader. In fact....most Democratic Semators and congresspeople publicly supported Bush's actions. They were standing with the POTUS.

Rewriting History is a nutter game.

Obama is a fuck up too! But, history will probably treat him better than Bush in a lot of respects...but that is because Teapers are too stupid to realize they are unwittingly adding stock to his failed leadership by obstructing.

History will read for the midst of racism and Teaperism...Obama was able to pass the ACA. He pulled the US out of Iraq. He found and killed Bin Laden...blah, blah, blah. He is even going to get credit for Immigration reform. He is going to get credit for the Arab Spring...If the teapers actually played the game instead of siding with the enemy - history would tell the real story.
He isn't trying to rewrite history regarding this issue, LL.

I don't know what he's trying to do. It's a weird thread. Bush was a fuck up and people reacted to the fuck ups. Unlike what we have seen with Obama....we didn't hope he failed...we didn't do everything in our power to bring about failure. Shit.

There were anti war protests. That is not the same as having Senators running around telling the world that Obama is "feckless" and " weak" and suggesting that Putin would be a better leader. In fact....most Democratic Semators and congresspeople publicly supported Bush's actions. They were standing with the POTUS.

Rewriting History is a nutter game.

Obama is a fuck up too! But, history will probably treat him better than Bush in a lot of respects...but that is because Teapers are too stupid to realize they are unwittingly adding stock to his failed leadership by obstructing.

History will read for the midst of racism and Teaperism...Obama was able to pass the ACA. He pulled the US out of Iraq. He found and killed Bin Laden...blah, blah, blah. He is even going to get credit for Immigration reform. He is going to get credit for the Arab Spring...If the teapers actually played the game instead of siding with the enemy - history would tell the real story.
This I disagree with. The TP will prove what a dismal failure he was (is). Take what you say as truth...I don't, but let say it is for this discussion....Obama couldn't rally bi-partisan support and had to use race, blame Bush and the weak do nothing Republicans to try to hide behind.
Come on,'ll fool Mud and Staph with that shit. Don't mess with the dummies like that.

Nope...I am a huge fan of Bush. Sorry. His good name was attacked by the left. Once everything settles - he will be recognized as one of the best.

Why do you hate Bush so much? Because of Iraq? Katrina? Patriot Act? Maybe you think 9/11 was his fault.

I don't hate Bush. I found him to be a terrible President who gained the office in a very suspicious manner. I was pretty busy with family and business in 2000. I wasn't particularly active and was not a vocal Gore supporter. I was detached.

I was....however...right there with Bush after 9/11. I believe my exact words were "Lets go get those fuckers, George!"

He didn't. He fucked up. The world will never see what he did with his "political capital" as anything but a fuck up.

I didn't know this about you until today. I thought you were of limited sanity with your dopey German and Canadian shit....but until now I wasn't convinced that you were a politically naive dummy. Bush.....seen as one of the best? If that ain't's too sad for words.

Did you know that most Teapers are of German ancestry? And teaperism is a canadian ploy to destroy America led by that fucking canadian, Ted Cruz?

I don't like teapers because most of them are racist assholes and they pervert the ideals of true conservatism. You may be surprised that true conservatism has nothing to do with hate or race.
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Not a parody. Bush will be remembered as one of the greatest Presidents in history. Once all of the liberal nonsense is forgotten and the facts stand will see.

Come on,'ll fool Mud and Staph with that shit. Don't mess with the dummies like that.

Nope...I am a huge fan of Bush. Sorry. His good name was attacked by the left. Once everything settles - he will be recognized as one of the best.

Why do you hate Bush so much? Because of Iraq? Katrina? Patriot Act? Maybe you think 9/11 was his fault.

Bush was a moron. If his pops had not helped him. We would have had a depression on our hands instead of just a recession.

This was the state of foreign relations when Bush was in office and his clueless response.

[ame=]Man Throws Shoes At Bush - YouTube[/ame]

Read the reason why.

Why I threw the shoe | Muntazer al-Zaidi | Comment is free | The Guardian
I don't know what he's trying to do. It's a weird thread. Bush was a fuck up and people reacted to the fuck ups. Unlike what we have seen with Obama....we didn't hope he failed...we didn't do everything in our power to bring about failure. Shit.

There were anti war protests. That is not the same as having Senators running around telling the world that Obama is "feckless" and " weak" and suggesting that Putin would be a better leader. In fact....most Democratic Semators and congresspeople publicly supported Bush's actions. They were standing with the POTUS.

Rewriting History is a nutter game.

Obama is a fuck up too! But, history will probably treat him better than Bush in a lot of respects...but that is because Teapers are too stupid to realize they are unwittingly adding stock to his failed leadership by obstructing.

History will read for the midst of racism and Teaperism...Obama was able to pass the ACA. He pulled the US out of Iraq. He found and killed Bin Laden...blah, blah, blah. He is even going to get credit for Immigration reform. He is going to get credit for the Arab Spring...If the teapers actually played the game instead of siding with the enemy - history would tell the real story.
This I disagree with. The TP will prove what a dismal failure he was (is). Take what you say as truth...I don't, but let say it is for this discussion....Obama couldn't rally bi-partisan support and had to use race, blame Bush and the weak do nothing Republicans to try to hide behind.

The Teapers continually try to prove his failure by manufacturing nonsense and are incapable of looking at situations without bias. Same as the liberals under Bush...teapers just use racism and ridiculous arguments to blame everything they can on Obama.

How did Obama use race?

Obama has blamed Bush, no doubt...but he did inherit a plethora of issues from the previous years. Now, I am not saying blaming Bush is right...he wanted to be President so he OWNS any issue that arises...and after 6 years, he certainly owns all issues and problems.

My biggest problem with Obama...lack of leadership.
That's nutty, Nutz.

He isn't trying to rewrite history regarding this issue, LL.

I don't know what he's trying to do. It's a weird thread. Bush was a fuck up and people reacted to the fuck ups. Unlike what we have seen with Obama....we didn't hope he failed...we didn't do everything in our power to bring about failure. Shit.

There were anti war protests. That is not the same as having Senators running around telling the world that Obama is "feckless" and " weak" and suggesting that Putin would be a better leader. In fact....most Democratic Semators and congresspeople publicly supported Bush's actions. They were standing with the POTUS.

Rewriting History is a nutter game.

Really? You're acting like I wasn't around and if I was I shouldn't be believing my lying eyes.
The liberals and media were all over Bush.....all the time.
I have nothing against conservatism. Pay attention. I have a problem with Teapers and their racism.

You are clueless if you really believe that.

There will be a KKK recruiting event at the nrxt teaper function. Keep your eyes open!

A Liberal sponsored KKK recruiting event? So, there ARE going to be a bunch of Muslims there?

If there is racism taking place somewhere in America, racist, anti-Jewish Muslims must be on the Liberal's guest list.
He isn't trying to rewrite history regarding this issue, LL.

I don't know what he's trying to do. It's a weird thread. Bush was a fuck up and people reacted to the fuck ups. Unlike what we have seen with Obama....we didn't hope he failed...we didn't do everything in our power to bring about failure. Shit.

There were anti war protests. That is not the same as having Senators running around telling the world that Obama is "feckless" and " weak" and suggesting that Putin would be a better leader. In fact....most Democratic Semators and congresspeople publicly supported Bush's actions. They were standing with the POTUS.

Rewriting History is a nutter game.

Really? You're acting like I wasn't around and if I was I shouldn't be believing my lying eyes.
The liberals and media were all over Bush.....all the time.

What are you going to do? Admit that the opposition is worse for Obama? Of course not? You don't see it. You don't want to see it.

The media helped Bush immensely.
I don't know what he's trying to do. It's a weird thread. Bush was a fuck up and people reacted to the fuck ups. Unlike what we have seen with Obama....we didn't hope he failed...we didn't do everything in our power to bring about failure. Shit.

There were anti war protests. That is not the same as having Senators running around telling the world that Obama is "feckless" and " weak" and suggesting that Putin would be a better leader. In fact....most Democratic Semators and congresspeople publicly supported Bush's actions. They were standing with the POTUS.

Rewriting History is a nutter game.

Really? You're acting like I wasn't around and if I was I shouldn't be believing my lying eyes.
The liberals and media were all over Bush.....all the time.

What are you going to do? Admit that the opposition is worse for Obama? Of course not? You don't see it. You don't want to see it.

The media helped Bush immensely.

Do you really believe that?
And here I thought nutz may be a reasonable guy.

I am very reasonable. Obama sucks. Teapers suck. True conservatism isn't about hate, obstructionism and being anti-Government. True conservatism doesn't cheer Putin, whether he makes Obama look stupid or not. Maybe you haven't, but most teapers are.

Your radar focuses on the wrong thing.

You didn't see real Conservatives cheering Putin.

You didn't see real Conservatives hating anyone or anything that wasn't actively causing damage to our country.

You aren't seeing Tea Partiers.

If you were actually observing real Tea Partiers you wouldn't be posting as you are.
And here I thought nutz may be a reasonable guy.

I am very reasonable. Obama sucks. Teapers suck. True conservatism isn't about hate, obstructionism and being anti-Government. True conservatism doesn't cheer Putin, whether he makes Obama look stupid or not. Maybe you haven't, but most teapers are.

Your radar focuses on the wrong thing.

You didn't see real Conservatives cheering Putin.

You didn't see real Conservatives hating anyone or anything that wasn't actively causing damage to our country.

You aren't seeing Tea Partiers.

If you were actually observing real Tea Partiers you wouldn't be posting as you are.

All one has to do is look on this very forum.
You're right. The tee potty is destroying America.

They are against equality and individual liberties, against individual responsibility, in favor of big government while saying they're against it. They have become the party of the the kkk, racism, hate, nutty fundies and the old school pubs don't have the balls to stand up to them.

Puddly Pillowbite, perhaps you could cut and paste a few tea party urls and some text of their purpose and mission statements that back up your dope induced fantasy. We'll wait while you back up your claims. Go.

I could cut and paste the mission statement from the KKK and it wouldn't sound racist. On paper, teapers sound great...regretfully their actions and words negate any noble cause.

You should never take the actions of an individual(s) and try to apply them to a whole group. That's like taking the actions of a race baiter like Al Sharpton and saying it applies to all black people. It simply does not. You can find a bad actor in any group.
Puddly Pillowbite, perhaps you could cut and paste a few tea party urls and some text of their purpose and mission statements that back up your dope induced fantasy. We'll wait while you back up your claims. Go.

I could cut and paste the mission statement from the KKK and it wouldn't sound racist. On paper, teapers sound great...regretfully their actions and words negate any noble cause.

You should never take the actions of an individual(s) and try to apply them to a whole group. That's like taking the actions of a race baiter like Al Sharpton and saying it applies to all black people. It simply does not. You can find a bad actor in any group.

Regretfully,most teapers seem to think Al SHarpton is the leader of all black people and represent all black people's views.
I don't know what he's trying to do. It's a weird thread. Bush was a fuck up and people reacted to the fuck ups. Unlike what we have seen with Obama....we didn't hope he failed...we didn't do everything in our power to bring about failure. Shit.

There were anti war protests. That is not the same as having Senators running around telling the world that Obama is "feckless" and " weak" and suggesting that Putin would be a better leader. In fact....most Democratic Semators and congresspeople publicly supported Bush's actions. They were standing with the POTUS.

Rewriting History is a nutter game.

Really? You're acting like I wasn't around and if I was I shouldn't be believing my lying eyes.
The liberals and media were all over Bush.....all the time.

What are you going to do? Admit that the opposition is worse for Obama? Of course not? You don't see it. You don't want to see it.

The media helped Bush immensely.

Which planet from the Bizarro universe do you hail from?
I could cut and paste the mission statement from the KKK and it wouldn't sound racist. On paper, teapers sound great...regretfully their actions and words negate any noble cause.

You should never take the actions of an individual(s) and try to apply them to a whole group. That's like taking the actions of a race baiter like Al Sharpton and saying it applies to all black people. It simply does not. You can find a bad actor in any group.

Regretfully,most teapers seem to think Al SHarpton is the leader of all black people and represent all black people's views.

Do you not see the irony in your posts?
You should never take the actions of an individual(s) and try to apply them to a whole group. That's like taking the actions of a race baiter like Al Sharpton and saying it applies to all black people. It simply does not. You can find a bad actor in any group.

Regretfully,most teapers seem to think Al SHarpton is the leader of all black people and represent all black people's views.

Do you not see the irony in your posts?

The problem is that I find MOST teapers believe that Al Sharpton represents all black people. There may be a minority that do not exhibit this ignorance...but it is a minority. If they were not a minority...they would correct the ignorance.

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