South Africa Today

50 years ago. Tell your co-worker to get over it, for cryin' out loud.

He is over it. I just wanted to point out that it wasn't so long ago that black people were subhumans. A lot of people still consider them to be.

Not that long ago here law. And there are plenty who post here that would love a return to that era.
I think you would love to return to that era to legitimize your victimhood.
He is over it. I just wanted to point out that it wasn't so long ago that black people were subhumans. A lot of people still consider them to be.

Not that long ago here law. And there are plenty who post here that would love a return to that era.
I think you would love to return to that era to legitimize your victimhood.

No thank you,I would not like living in a society that lawfully enforced an inferior individual like some here, being elevated to a position of superiority over me based on their skin color.

But, what I do think is that your statement has to be one of most obtuse statements I have ever read.

And God Bless America, that there is not a remote chance of me or anyone in my family having to deal personally with your kind of ignorance.

Your entertainment value is greatly appreciated.

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It will be decades before South Africans of any color can put the harm done by apartheid behind them.

It's been 150 years since slavery was abolished in this country, and they still ain't "over it".

One of my co-workers remembers when he couldn't drink from your water fountain. Time heals all wounds. But there sure are a lot of people denying that there's any wound there at all.

Nothing to do with my kids, why should they be murdered for it?

Tell me again about your vast experience of SA?
One of my co-workers remembers when he couldn't drink from your water fountain. Time heals all wounds. But there sure are a lot of people denying that there's any wound there at all.
50 years ago. Tell your co-worker to get over it, for cryin' out loud.

He is over it. I just wanted to point out that it wasn't so long ago that black people were subhumans. A lot of people still consider them to be.

Are not whites in the USA today treated like subhumans?
Apartheid exists today in SA.
Anyone who has visited will know that.

The indigenous people are suffering a genocide at the hands of ANC groups.
It will be decades before South Africans of any color can put the harm done by apartheid behind them.

It's been 150 years since slavery was abolished in this country, and they still ain't "over it".

One of my co-workers remembers when he couldn't drink from your water fountain. Time heals all wounds. But there sure are a lot of people denying that there's any wound there at all.

African Americans had a wound alright, but America has healed their wound, and today African Americans are the most recognized group of blacks in the world.

Their wound btw was foretold in the Bible. God in fact chose to use the black man's slavery wound and his exaltation in America as the timeline for the second coming of Christ.

With the use of symbols the Apostle John for instance wrote of them in Revelation 13, the interpretation being thus:

1 And I, John, stood upon the sand of the sea of Patmos, and saw in a vision America rise out of the sea, having peoples of the seven continents, and having the Europeans with crowns on them.

3 And I saw one of America's people as it were, wounded via slavery, and I saw their wound healed: and all the world wondered after them.

7 And it was given unto the wounded people to make war with the European Americans, and to overcome them. And more power was given them than was given to the other races of peoples upon America.

8 And all that dwell upon America's earth shall worship them, whose names are not written if the Lamb's book of life.

11 And I beheld another one of the wounded people (MLK) rise up in America, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a devil.

12 And he caused America and the Europeans that dwell therein to worship his wounded people.

13 And he doeth great wonders via the fiery speeches he delivered in the sight of the Americans.

14 And he deceived the European Americans, saying to them that they should make an image of his wounded people.

15 And he had power to give life unto that image, so that his wounded people would be able to sue and to take away the livelihood of the white Americans who discriminate against them.

16 And he caused all European Americans, the small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive his people in the workplace and in places of learning.

17 And that no European might operate a business (might buy or sell) save he that hired a quota of the wounded people.

Amazing isn't it, how that God knew about America thousands of years before this nation was ever established, and knew everything that would take place between white and black Americans even before the blacks were brought here as slaves. Just amazing!
The white people need to leave Africa

I wish they would. Then all of africa would descend into the stone age like zimbabwe and the congo did when whites left. Blacks can't do technology and need whites to run the country and maintain the infrastructure.

I wish they would too. Blacks can do their own technology and can handle things just fine.
The white people need to leave Africa

I wish they would. Then all of africa would descend into the stone age like zimbabwe and the congo did when whites left. Blacks can't do technology and need whites to run the country and maintain the infrastructure.

I wish they would too. Blacks can do their own technology and can handle things just fine.

Zimbabwe is sure doing just fine, most of the whites have been deported or murdered in the homes their families built over generations.

How's the breadbasket of Africa doing these days?
Tell us again how the current famine is due to global warming or the evil white man?
Nothing at all to do with the fact that the established farmers, who grew up learning to farm the land down the generations have been murdered or thrown off their land.
Urban street thugs have been moved in to replace them.
They have no interest, motivation or idea of how to raise crops.

Ever heard of biting off your nose to spite your face?
I wish they would. Then all of africa would descend into the stone age like zimbabwe and the congo did when whites left. Blacks can't do technology and need whites to run the country and maintain the infrastructure.

I wish they would too. Blacks can do their own technology and can handle things just fine.

Zimbabwe is sure doing just fine, most of the whites have been deported or murdered in the homes their families built over generations.

How's the breadbasket of Africa doing these days?
Tell us again how the current famine is due to global warming or the evil white man?
Nothing at all to do with the fact that the established farmers, who grew up learning to farm the land down the generations have been murdered or thrown off their land.
Urban street thugs have been moved in to replace them.
They have no interest, motivation or idea of how to raise crops.

Ever heard of biting off your nose to spite your face?

Europeans should Leave African nations alone. Their presence in Africa has destroyed some parts of it. Don't worry Africans will be fine.
I wish they would too. Blacks can do their own technology and can handle things just fine.

Zimbabwe is sure doing just fine, most of the whites have been deported or murdered in the homes their families built over generations.

How's the breadbasket of Africa doing these days?
Tell us again how the current famine is due to global warming or the evil white man?
Nothing at all to do with the fact that the established farmers, who grew up learning to farm the land down the generations have been murdered or thrown off their land.
Urban street thugs have been moved in to replace them.
They have no interest, motivation or idea of how to raise crops.

Ever heard of biting off your nose to spite your face?

Europeans should Leave African nations alone. Their presence in Africa has destroyed some parts of it. Don't worry Africans will be fine.

Very few Europeans live in Africa.
There are a few white Africans.
So Zimbabwean failures to maintain the nations cereal crops is the white mans fault for dying when killed?
I wish they would too. Blacks can do their own technology and can handle things just fine.

Zimbabwe is sure doing just fine, most of the whites have been deported or murdered in the homes their families built over generations.

How's the breadbasket of Africa doing these days?
Tell us again how the current famine is due to global warming or the evil white man?
Nothing at all to do with the fact that the established farmers, who grew up learning to farm the land down the generations have been murdered or thrown off their land.
Urban street thugs have been moved in to replace them.
They have no interest, motivation or idea of how to raise crops.

Ever heard of biting off your nose to spite your face?

Europeans should Leave African nations alone. Their presence in Africa has destroyed some parts of it. Don't worry Africans will be fine.

Sounds like you are suggesting a genocide?
Wouldn't be the first one in Africa.
Tutsis killing Hutus all whiteys fault.
Is there any continent on earth where your solution to any problem is anything other than kill whitey?
Zimbabwe is sure doing just fine, most of the whites have been deported or murdered in the homes their families built over generations.

How's the breadbasket of Africa doing these days?
Tell us again how the current famine is due to global warming or the evil white man?
Nothing at all to do with the fact that the established farmers, who grew up learning to farm the land down the generations have been murdered or thrown off their land.
Urban street thugs have been moved in to replace them.
They have no interest, motivation or idea of how to raise crops.

Ever heard of biting off your nose to spite your face?

Europeans should Leave African nations alone. Their presence in Africa has destroyed some parts of it. Don't worry Africans will be fine.

Sounds like you are suggesting a genocide?
Wouldn't be the first one in Africa.
Tutsis killing Hutus all whiteys fault.
Is there any continent on earth where your solution to any problem is anything other than kill whitey?

If I suggested you eat a PB&J sandwich you would somehow turn that into Blacks wanting to kill whites. Ask the Tasmanians what happens when whites invade their country. Oh I forgot they are all dead now. Sorry.
So Zimbabwean failures to maintain the nations cereal crops is the white mans fault for dying when killed?

Yes. They were doing fine before whites invaded. Didnt you know that?

So whites fucked up Zimbabwe by developing agriculture.
Then fucked it up more when the ethnic cleansing of whites left no one capable of working the land?

They fucked up by even invading the country. Stay out and no one has to worry.

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