South Africa Today

Europeans should Leave African nations alone. Their presence in Africa has destroyed some parts of it. Don't worry Africans will be fine.

Sounds like you are suggesting a genocide?
Wouldn't be the first one in Africa.
Tutsis killing Hutus all whiteys fault.
Is there any continent on earth where your solution to any problem is anything other than kill whitey?

If I suggested you eat a PB&J sandwich you would somehow turn that into Blacks wanting to kill whites. Ask the Tasmanians what happens when whites invade their country. Oh I forgot they are all dead now. Sorry.

For which I should suffer apparently.....
I'm responsible for my actions, no one else's.
Why should I be killed because of something somebody else did somewhere else some time before I existed?
It will be decades before South Africans of any color can put the harm done by apartheid behind them.

What BS. Apartheid is what turned SA into by far the most advanced country in africa. Blacks haven't the intelligence for business or tech and now that they are in charge and chasing out the whites, the country is doomed.
Sounds like you are suggesting a genocide?
Wouldn't be the first one in Africa.
Tutsis killing Hutus all whiteys fault.
Is there any continent on earth where your solution to any problem is anything other than kill whitey?

If I suggested you eat a PB&J sandwich you would somehow turn that into Blacks wanting to kill whites. Ask the Tasmanians what happens when whites invade their country. Oh I forgot they are all dead now. Sorry.

For which I should suffer apparently.....
I'm responsible for my actions, no one else's.
Why should I be killed because of something somebody else did somewhere else some time before I existed?

Who said you should be killed? I missed that comment.
What claim? its a fact you are free to research on the internet.

You post something, you provide supporting evidence.
That's how it works.
No supporting evidence?
It's a lie.

Go to google lazy ass. Everyone knows people existed in Zimbabwe before whites came and invaded.
Did I say otherwise?
You said they were doing fine.
Care to support this claim?

The Zimbabwean kingdoms were powerfull pre colonial entities.
The life expectancy was 25 or thereabouts.
Tribalism and warfare were commonplace, 80% of children died before adulthood(age 13).
Yup, doing fine!!
Yes. They were doing fine before whites invaded. Didnt you know that?

So whites fucked up Zimbabwe by developing agriculture.
Then fucked it up more when the ethnic cleansing of whites left no one capable of working the land?

They fucked up by even invading the country. Stay out and no one has to worry.

500 years ago!!

Now let's stay current.
20 years ago, when whites owned land and lived in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe was known as the breadbasket of Africa,correct ?

Much of sub Saharan Africa relied on Zimbabwean grain, correct?
The white farmers were ethnically cleansed from Zimbabwe in the last 8 to 10 years , correct?
The land is occupied today but not farmed, correct?

The famine is the fault of the white man for dying when he was killed, is that right?
Let's talk about today only shall we, not 500 years ago!!
Stay current!!
Hate and genocide caused the current famine .
You post something, you provide supporting evidence.
That's how it works.
No supporting evidence?
It's a lie.

Go to google lazy ass. Everyone knows people existed in Zimbabwe before whites came and invaded.
Did I say otherwise?
You said they were doing fine.
Care to support this claim?

The Zimbabwean kingdoms were powerfull pre colonial entities.
The life expectancy was 25 or thereabouts.
Tribalism and warfare were commonplace, 80% of children died before adulthood(age 13).
Yup, doing fine!!

Yes they were doing fine. Its not up to white people to determine what fine is. Dont you know that?
So whites fucked up Zimbabwe by developing agriculture.
Then fucked it up more when the ethnic cleansing of whites left no one capable of working the land?

They fucked up by even invading the country. Stay out and no one has to worry.

500 years ago!!

Now let's stay current.
20 years ago, when whites owned land and lived in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe was known as the breadbasket of Africa,correct ?

Much of sub Saharan Africa relied on Zimbabwean grain, correct?
The white farmers were ethnically cleansed from Zimbabwe in the last 8 to 10 years , correct?
The land is occupied today but not farmed, correct?

The famine is the fault of the white man for dying when he was killed, is that right?
Let's talk about today only shall we, not 500 years ago!!
Stay current!!
Hate and genocide caused the current famine .

Lets stay current. Just because you steal something doesn't make it yours. It just means you stole. If whites had stayed out there would not have been any issues that nature would not have corrected. Whites caused the problem. The indigenous people were fine before whites came.
They fucked up by even invading the country. Stay out and no one has to worry.

500 years ago!!

Now let's stay current.
20 years ago, when whites owned land and lived in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe was known as the breadbasket of Africa,correct ?

Much of sub Saharan Africa relied on Zimbabwean grain, correct?
The white farmers were ethnically cleansed from Zimbabwe in the last 8 to 10 years , correct?
The land is occupied today but not farmed, correct?

The famine is the fault of the white man for dying when he was killed, is that right?
Let's talk about today only shall we, not 500 years ago!!
Stay current!!
Hate and genocide caused the current famine .

Lets stay current. Just because you steal something doesn't make it yours. It just means you stole. If whites had stayed out there would not have been any issues that nature would not have corrected. Whites caused the problem. The indigenous people were fine before whites came.

I stole nothing.
Just remember, Africans moved north and colonized Europe first.
Africans had a slave trade for thousands of years before any African slave set foot in America.

Perhaps a book or two would help you.
Now this genocide you desire, why don't you go to Africa and help organize it?
Take the black panthers with you!!!
See what a reception you get from the African blacks!!
The Zulu will laugh at you for being pussies.
Bantu will not consider working alongside you, unless you prove yourself in the fields, xhosha would advise you to stop your hating, San would consider you barbaric, Khoikhoi would think of you as inferior, Masai would offer you sustenance, and laugh as you puked.

Why do Africans not have the hatefull ideas you and the NBPP have?
500 years ago!!

Now let's stay current.
20 years ago, when whites owned land and lived in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe was known as the breadbasket of Africa,correct ?

Much of sub Saharan Africa relied on Zimbabwean grain, correct?
The white farmers were ethnically cleansed from Zimbabwe in the last 8 to 10 years , correct?
The land is occupied today but not farmed, correct?

The famine is the fault of the white man for dying when he was killed, is that right?
Let's talk about today only shall we, not 500 years ago!!
Stay current!!
Hate and genocide caused the current famine .

Lets stay current. Just because you steal something doesn't make it yours. It just means you stole. If whites had stayed out there would not have been any issues that nature would not have corrected. Whites caused the problem. The indigenous people were fine before whites came.

I stole nothing.
Just remember, Africans moved north and colonized Europe first.
Africans had a slave trade for thousands of years before any African slave set foot in America.

Perhaps a book or two would help you.
Now this genocide you desire, why don't you go to Africa and help organize it?
Take the black panthers with you!!!
See what a reception you get from the African blacks!!
The Zulu will laugh at you for being pussies.
Bantu will not consider working alongside you, unless you prove yourself in the fields, xhosha would advise you to stop your hating, San would consider you barbaric, Khoikhoi would think of you as inferior, Masai would offer you sustenance, and laugh as you puked.

Why do Africans not have the hatefull ideas you and the NBPP have?

You really need to read those books you are claiming I need to read. Please prove Africans invaded Europe first.

Why do you have genocide on the brain? Are you projecting what you wish you could do?

I know lots of Africans and to a man they want whites out of the continent.
They fucked up by even invading the country. Stay out and no one has to worry.

500 years ago!!

Now let's stay current.
20 years ago, when whites owned land and lived in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe was known as the breadbasket of Africa,correct ?

Much of sub Saharan Africa relied on Zimbabwean grain, correct?
The white farmers were ethnically cleansed from Zimbabwe in the last 8 to 10 years , correct?
The land is occupied today but not farmed, correct?

The famine is the fault of the white man for dying when he was killed, is that right?
Let's talk about today only shall we, not 500 years ago!!
Stay current!!
Hate and genocide caused the current famine .

Lets stay current. Just because you steal something doesn't make it yours. It just means you stole. If whites had stayed out there would not have been any issues that nature would not have corrected. Whites caused the problem. The indigenous people were fine before whites came.
They were eating each other.
500 years ago!!

Now let's stay current.
20 years ago, when whites owned land and lived in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe was known as the breadbasket of Africa,correct ?

Much of sub Saharan Africa relied on Zimbabwean grain, correct?
The white farmers were ethnically cleansed from Zimbabwe in the last 8 to 10 years , correct?
The land is occupied today but not farmed, correct?

The famine is the fault of the white man for dying when he was killed, is that right?
Let's talk about today only shall we, not 500 years ago!!
Stay current!!
Hate and genocide caused the current famine .

Lets stay current. Just because you steal something doesn't make it yours. It just means you stole. If whites had stayed out there would not have been any issues that nature would not have corrected. Whites caused the problem. The indigenous people were fine before whites came.
They were eating each other.

Do you mean like Europeans did and still do?
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The Egyptian links to Ireland and Scotland.
Scotland's past links with Ancient Egypt

Egypt is in Africa, right?

Where in that link does it say Egypt invaded Ireland and Scotland?

They were there, that's sufficient, given their warlike, violent nature!

50 years ago. Tell your co-worker to get over it, for cryin' out loud.

He is over it. I just wanted to point out that it wasn't so long ago that black people were subhumans. A lot of people still consider them to be.

For the most part people are "over it". But as we all know, just bringing it up in historical context, in the small minds of some is the same as trying to relive it and to the really ignorant is a way of trying to blame them in some way for the past. They are the ones who actually need to get over themselves.

Is that why young black men are blowing each other away within our cities? :( As far as I am concern this is the number one problem we face.

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