South Africa Today

I did not lie.
I posted evidence of Egyptians landing in Celtic lands.
Egypt did not deploy peacefully anywhere else.
Against Hittites?
No, violent and warlike.
Against Nubians?
Violent and warlike.
Against the Greeks, the Canaanites, the habeerew, the Romans?

But to Ireland that was different?
They collected slaves in Ireland, Wales, Cornwall and southwest Scotland.

Your hatred blinds you.

Racists like you tend to be blind to truth.

No you posted a story about the Egyptian Princess moving to Scotland. Thats not an invasion. You lied. Face it. Everyone can see that.

Who and what came with her( to Ireland actually), would it be her husband the general( best of 10 thousand, a brigade level commander) and his army?
A brigadier and a brigade of troops often travel across the known world to settle peacefully.

Europeans never invaded Africa.

Greeks then the Romans invaded Egypt.


One of my co-workers remembers when you couldn't go to certain parts of the Chicago, because they are no white zones! My friend remembers a time when they couldn't live in certain neighborhoods, because it wouldn't be safe from their white kids to go to a majority black school. That was yesterday!

And don't forget all the jobs white people can't have due to affirmative action. You're white and want to work at the PO, forget it.

BS. Practically no one in africa or the americas even had a written language until whites came. They were animals living in caves and they will return to that without the white man and his technology.

That was too ignorant for words but considering some of the stuff you say its not surprising. Practically no one in Europe bathed daily until the Moors taught Europeans that being clean was being healthy.

Baths?? HAHAHA. What does that have to do with intelligence, you moron?

BS. Practically no one in africa or the americas even had a written language until whites came. They were animals living in caves and they will return to that without the white man and his technology.

That was too ignorant for words but considering some of the stuff you say its not surprising. Practically no one in Europe bathed daily until the Moors taught Europeans that being clean was being healthy.

Baths?? HAHAHA. What does that have to do with intelligence, you moron?

I guess some whites like yourself still haven't learned. Its what caused a lot of deaths and probably the plauge idiot. Europeans thought it was some kind of badge of honor to not take baths until the Moors introduced public baths and then it was still hard to convince them to do it. I'd say that was severely lacking in intelligence. The Russians to their credit did not believe such nonsense.

King Louis XIV may have dressed fabulously but one Russian ambassador once stated “His Majesty [Louis XIV] stunk like a wild animal.” Like so many of his time in that part of Europe, Louis almost never bathed. In Louis’ case, his physicians advised him to abstain from bathing to maintain proper health. Louis himself also said he found the act of bathing disturbing. Rumor has it, in his adult life, he supposedly only bathed twice
Here is how the biggest city in south Africa looks like ;) Not bad.

[ame=]Johannesburg City Tour - Segment-1 - YouTube[/ame]

South Africa has fast trains ;)

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[ame=]This Video Will Shock South African people... wmv - YouTube[/ame]
No you posted a story about the Egyptian Princess moving to Scotland. Thats not an invasion. You lied. Face it. Everyone can see that.

Who and what came with her( to Ireland actually), would it be her husband the general( best of 10 thousand, a brigade level commander) and his army?
A brigadier and a brigade of troops often travel across the known world to settle peacefully.

Europeans never invaded Africa.

Greeks then the Romans invaded Egypt.


According to your fellow black supremacist haters, Greece and Rome were black societies.
Black on black violence is nothing new!!

You're not disagreeing with his claims are you?

You don't want to be labelled an Uncle Tom now do you?
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That was too ignorant for words but considering some of the stuff you say its not surprising. Practically no one in Europe bathed daily until the Moors taught Europeans that being clean was being healthy.

Baths?? HAHAHA. What does that have to do with intelligence, you moron?

I guess some whites like yourself still haven't learned. Its what caused a lot of deaths and probably the plauge idiot. Europeans thought it was some kind of badge of honor to not take baths until the Moors introduced public baths and then it was still hard to convince them to do it. I'd say that was severely lacking in intelligence. The Russians to their credit did not believe such nonsense.

King Louis XIV may have dressed fabulously but one Russian ambassador once stated “His Majesty [Louis XIV] stunk like a wild animal.” Like so many of his time in that part of Europe, Louis almost never bathed. In Louis’ case, his physicians advised him to abstain from bathing to maintain proper health. Louis himself also said he found the act of bathing disturbing. Rumor has it, in his adult life, he supposedly only bathed twice

One person?
The plague initiated in Europe?
You need to start reading bub!!
I guess some whites like yourself still haven't learned. Its what caused a lot of deaths and probably the plauge idiot.

You retarded monkey, the Black Plague was cause cause by rats and the rats were attracted to the waste overflow i the streets. It had nothing to do with bathing. The Black Death originated in Asia and was passed to Europe via trade and the rats spread it!

Europeans bathed like everyone else!

Bathing: A history
The 'Apostolic Constitutions,' an old episcopal manual originally compiled about the beginning of the third century of our era, look upon the use of the bath as quite a manner of course, and only provide against certain abuses... The early Fathers, in general, had no objection to baths being used for cleanliness or health . . ." (p. 287,289)
I guess some whites like yourself still haven't learned. Its what caused a lot of deaths and probably the plauge idiot.

You retarded monkey, the Black Plague was cause cause by rats and the rats were attracted to the waste overflow i the streets. It had nothing to do with bathing. The Black Death originated in Asia and was passed to Europe via trade and the rats spread it!

Europeans bathed like everyone else!

Bathing: A history
The 'Apostolic Constitutions,' an old episcopal manual originally compiled about the beginning of the third century of our era, look upon the use of the bath as quite a manner of course, and only provide against certain abuses... The early Fathers, in general, had no objection to baths being used for cleanliness or health . . ." (p. 287,289)

Dont be mad you melanin deficient cave ape. :lol: Your ancestors just had hygiene issues. As a matter of fact go wash your ass now you nasty pink mole rat. Stop lying on Asia. If it originated there why didn't it kill them off as well?

Why Bathing Was Uncommon in Medieval Europe

The houses would have had none of the things we accept as normal today – no running water, no toilets, no baths and washing basins. Soap was unheard of and as was shampoo. People would have been covered with dirt, fleas and lice. Beds were simply straw stuffed mattresses and these would have attracted lice, fleas and all types of bugs. Your toilet would have been a bucket which would have been emptied into the nearest river at the start of the day.

History of Soap

Some stories from history: 1) Henry the IV instituted the order of the bath 1399, which requested that his noblemen get into a water filled tub at least once in their lives during the ritual of knighthood, 2) Queen Isabella of Spain bragged that she had bathed only twice in her life...the day she was born, and the day she was married - that lucky prince;) 3) Queen Elizabeth was said to have bathed every 3 months...her attendants bragged..."whether she needeth it or no" that's class;) 4)Cromwell apparently didn't like people using soap, and so he slapped a heavy tax on it, which set a precedent for everyone who followed him because soap was obviously a "luxury" item.
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South Africa is heading towards the same fate as Zimbabwe after Blacks took over that country. Not as fast, but it's moving along that direction nevertheless.

The zimbabwe collapse didn't happen quickly either. After blacks took over in 1980 things went along ok for 20 years as most of the whites stayed. But starting in 2000 Robert Mugabe started his terror campaign against whites and they were either killed or left and then things fell apart.

SA has likewise done ok the last 20 years since blacks took over. But as mandela weakens the ANC is now starting to terrorize whites and the end is nigh.

South Africa is heading towards the same fate as Zimbabwe after Blacks took over that country. Not as fast, but it's moving along that direction nevertheless.

The zimbabwe collapse didn't happen quickly either. After blacks took over in 1980 things went along ok for 20 years as most of the whites stayed. But starting in 2000 Robert Mugabe started his terror campaign against whites and they were either killed or left and then things fell apart.

SA has likewise done ok the last 20 years since blacks took over. But as mandela weakens the ANC is now starting to terrorize whites and the end is nigh.

Mind your own business and get out while you can. Africans don't need you.

South Africa is heading towards the same fate as Zimbabwe after Blacks took over that country. Not as fast, but it's moving along that direction nevertheless.

The zimbabwe collapse didn't happen quickly either. After blacks took over in 1980 things went along ok for 20 years as most of the whites stayed. But starting in 2000 Robert Mugabe started his terror campaign against whites and they were either killed or left and then things fell apart.

SA has likewise done ok the last 20 years since blacks took over. But as mandela weakens the ANC is now starting to terrorize whites and the end is nigh.

Mind your own business and get out while you can. Africans don't need you.
13% of south African citizens are white.
Are you proposing a genocide?
Head to South Africa with that suggestion, see ho the xhosha and the koi koi, the San, the Bantu or the Zulu react!!

I hope you like being laughed at.
The zimbabwe collapse didn't happen quickly either. After blacks took over in 1980 things went along ok for 20 years as most of the whites stayed. But starting in 2000 Robert Mugabe started his terror campaign against whites and they were either killed or left and then things fell apart.

SA has likewise done ok the last 20 years since blacks took over. But as mandela weakens the ANC is now starting to terrorize whites and the end is nigh.

Mind your own business and get out while you can. Africans don't need you.
13% of south African citizens are white.
Are you proposing a genocide?
Head to South Africa with that suggestion, see ho the xhosha and the koi koi, the San, the Bantu or the Zulu react!!

I hope you like being laughed at.

Get out doesn't = genocide you unbalanced nutcase. Tell those 13% to hop on the next flight and get out of dodge. That way you wont have to worry about them being killed. If they stay its their own fault.
Mind your own business and get out while you can. Africans don't need you.
13% of south African citizens are white.
Are you proposing a genocide?
Head to South Africa with that suggestion, see ho the xhosha and the koi koi, the San, the Bantu or the Zulu react!!

I hope you like being laughed at.

Get out doesn't = genocide you unbalanced nutcase. Tell those 13% to hop on the next flight and get out of dodge. That way you wont have to worry about them being killed. If they stay its their own fault.

Why don't blacks respect human right. Didn't the fight for such things in the first place.
13% of south African citizens are white.
Are you proposing a genocide?
Head to South Africa with that suggestion, see ho the xhosha and the koi koi, the San, the Bantu or the Zulu react!!

I hope you like being laughed at.

Get out doesn't = genocide you unbalanced nutcase. Tell those 13% to hop on the next flight and get out of dodge. That way you wont have to worry about them being killed. If they stay its their own fault.

Why don't blacks respect human right. Didn't the fight for such things in the first place.

White people don't have a right to something they took by force. That is that entitlement syndrome taking control again. Why would you think it was ok that someone can stay in a house they forcible removed the rightful owners from?
(Note: These facts will most likely change drastically now that South Africa has fallen under black rule.)

White people have lived in South Africa much longer than Negroes. There have been White settlements in South Africa for over 300 years, about the same length of time Europeans have lived in North America. Even 150 years after the first colonies around Capetown, at the beginning of the 19th Century, there still were no Blacks within 500 miles. The Blacks wandered in from central Africa later on, possibly fleeing the slave trade or due to famine. In fact, most of South Africa’s Blacks were born in other countries.

South Africa is by far the wealthiest and most advanced country in Africa, producing nearly 75% of the continent’s Gross National Product. It is almost completely self- sufficient so boycotts have little affect upon its economy. In fact most of Africa is dependent upon South Africa. South Africa is governed by a Western parliamentary republic and strictly segregated racially. South Africa grants complete self-government to the Blacks in their own areas of the country.

Though South Africa is perpetually criticized by the world press for its racial separatism, its Blacks live better than the Blacks of any other African country and are multiplying rapidly and healthily. 87% of Black welfare costs are being paid by the White man. This includes food, clothing, training, housing, education an health care. –even old age pensions.

Thousands of South African Blacks graduate from college every year, more than three times as many as in the rest of Africa combined. Every Black child is within walking distance of a primary school. Africa’s largest hospital, which serves Blacks almost exclusively and performs over 1800 operations per month, is in South Africa.

The Blacks of South Africa own more cars than do all the citizens of the Soviet Union.

South Africa has more Black doctors, lawyers, professional people, and millionaires than all of the rest of the world combined.

In fact, conditions are “so bad” for Blacks in South Africa that the country has a tremendous problem with illegal Black immigration, having over one million illegal foreign workers.
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