South Africa Today

No the white man developed from the Blacks that stayed in Europe and mutated to survive the Ice Age. Dont you know anything?
Their brains must have mutated too.

No. Actually the pineal gland atrophied and the result was a lack of melanin production. Melanin inhibits the production of vitamin D so the survivors became lighter to maximize exposure to the sun to produce vitamin D. The net result was a loss if you want to be technical.
That would explain why the white man went on to develop modern societies while the black man went on to develop new methods of cooking people.
Their brains must have mutated too.

No. Actually the pineal gland atrophied and the result was a lack of melanin production. Melanin inhibits the production of vitamin D so the survivors became lighter to maximize exposure to the sun to produce vitamin D. The net result was a loss if you want to be technical.
That would explain why the white man went on to develop modern societies while the black man went on to develop new methods of cooking people.

No. It only explains the fear and insecurity racist whites experience when confronted with a Black man.
No. Actually the pineal gland atrophied and the result was a lack of melanin production. Melanin inhibits the production of vitamin D so the survivors became lighter to maximize exposure to the sun to produce vitamin D. The net result was a loss if you want to be technical.
That would explain why the white man went on to develop modern societies while the black man went on to develop new methods of cooking people.

No. It only explains the fear and insecurity racist whites experience when confronted with a Black man.
Really? How?
That would explain why the white man went on to develop modern societies while the black man went on to develop new methods of cooking people.

No. It only explains the fear and insecurity racist whites experience when confronted with a Black man.
Really? How?

You already know. Thats why you are racist. You are afraid. If you weren't afraid you wouldn't feel compelled to try and belittle Black people. Take a psych 101 class. You are very transparent. :lol:
South Africa needs to invest in infrastructure, science, tech and education.

HAHAHA. They can't do it you ignorant jackass.!!! Might as well try to make chimps into engineers. Blacks are mentally inferior.
Yes the San are black dumbass. How could you be so stupid?

I read a book recently (The Old Way) about the san (bushmen). Author says they're pretty much gone now. People blame the white man but i don't think so. They had an extremely harsh life for centuries and around 1990 opted for the white man's world of exotic food and booze and drugs. Hasn't worked out very well but few really want to return to the hunter-gatherer life.
Yes the San are black dumbass. How could you be so stupid?

I read a book recently (The Old Way) about the san (bushmen). Author says they're pretty much gone now. People blame the white man but i don't think so. They had an extremely harsh life for centuries and around 1990 opted for the white man's world of exotic food and booze and drugs. Hasn't worked out very well but few really want to return to the hunter-gatherer life.

I thought you said they weren't Black? :lol: Dont talk to me if you have to lie.
Yes the San are black dumbass. How could you be so stupid?

I read a book recently (The Old Way) about the san (bushmen). Author says they're pretty much gone now. People blame the white man but i don't think so. They had an extremely harsh life for centuries and around 1990 opted for the white man's world of exotic food and booze and drugs. Hasn't worked out very well but few really want to return to the hunter-gatherer life.

There's a good reason why humanity has slowly gone from hunter-gather to civilized. Simply life is much easier and less harsh.

food is taken to a store = walk to the store and buy some.
Water is brought to your home...Not having to go down by the river.
The government makes sure food, water and air is clean.
You get to go further distances within a car. 200 miles a day...NO problem.

science and medical progress = longer life to be there for your children and grand children.
No. It only explains the fear and insecurity racist whites experience when confronted with a Black man.
Really? How?

You already know. Thats why you are racist. You are afraid. If you weren't afraid you wouldn't feel compelled to try and belittle Black people. Take a psych 101 class. You are very transparent. :lol:
In other words, you're just talking out your ass, as usual. But do keep talking because it's entertaining to watch an idiot trying to act like an intellectual.
Really? How?

You already know. Thats why you are racist. You are afraid. If you weren't afraid you wouldn't feel compelled to try and belittle Black people. Take a psych 101 class. You are very transparent. :lol:
In other words, you're just talking out your ass, as usual. But do keep talking because it's entertaining to watch an idiot trying to act like an intellectual.

Thats what I would say if exposed. I understand. :lol:

There's a good reason why humanity has slowly gone from hunter-gather to civilized. Simply life is much easier and less harsh.

food is taken to a store = walk to the store and buy some.
Water is brought to your home...Not having to go down by the river.
The government makes sure food, water and air is clean.
You get to go further distances within a car. 200 miles a day...NO problem.

science and medical progress = longer life to be there for your children and grand children.

The author of the book says most of the bushmen diet was just roots dug out of the ground. And they didn't even have shovels - they used sticks!!! The author, who is female, says the san women seldom menstruated because they had no fat and worked so hard.

It was a life with very little physical pleasure and who wants that?. Welfare in the white man's world is better.
No the white man developed from the Blacks that stayed in Europe and mutated to survive the Ice Age. Dont you know anything?
They didn't "mutate" they evolved

Evolved would mean they got better. They only changed to adapt to the climatic conditions. Their brains are still the same African brain. Be happy about that. Your ancestor Tank. Black Grimaldi man.

No the white man developed from the Blacks that stayed in Europe and mutated to survive the Ice Age. Dont you know anything?
They didn't "mutate" they evolved

Evolved would mean they got better. They only changed to adapt to the climatic conditions. Their brains are still the same African brain.
What kind of changes did they do to adapt to the climatic conditions?
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Live pictures from Johannesburg, or London, or Chicago, or Watts. Could be anywhere with the diversity, I am not sure.


So the white man invaded Europe now?
Should he be forced to leave?

No the white man developed from the Blacks that stayed in Europe and mutated to survive the Ice Age. Dont you know anything?
I don't think anyone disputes the White man evolved out of the black man.
No the white man developed from the Blacks that stayed in Europe and mutated to survive the Ice Age. Dont you know anything?
They didn't "mutate" they evolved

Evolved would mean they got better. They only changed to adapt to the climatic conditions. Their brains are still the same African brain. Be happy about that. Your ancestor Tank. Black Grimaldi man

Whites have larger brains.
Average Brain Size for the Three Races ? Greg Laden's Blog
They should leave if they are afraid of being killed.

Africans can decide who gets the land themselves. No white intervention needed.

I don't care when the Dutch arrived. Black people were there first. Get out.

The San are Black and one of the oldest ethnicities on the face of the earth. Get your people out.

One of my daughters is currently in SA and she said Blacks cant stand whites. Wake up stupid.

Italians girls are cool they wouldnt eject Blacks.

San are black ?
The ANC would disagree.

White Africans are more South African than the Xhosha who moved to South Africa shortly after the Dutch.

The San were given a protected status until Mbeke began his pogroms against them.
Removing the status that had been in place since the early 18th century.
In breach of UN laws.
You have no daughter in South Africa.
Another of your many lies.

Yes the San are black dumbass. How could you be so stupid?

My guess is this is where Asians inherited their specific look from.



Don't look black to me.
Mbeke looked black, Mugabe too.
The San amongst many indigenous sub Saharan people's are yellow in color.

Currently they are the target of ethnic cleansing by the ANC.

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