Speaker Boehner Is Done: Whip Team Fails To Get Enough Votes To Reelect Him

Just won't be the same...
Great news for the democrats, the disintegration of the GOP continues at breathtaking speed.
Perhaps a bloody HORSE HEAD found in his bed in the morning would send the correct message?

Removing him is the right course. It will also stand as a warning to the next speaker to keep his promises and do not act in a punitive manner when members vote against you. Hope he's toast...and McConnell should go as well.
Great news for the democrats, the disintegration of the GOP continues at breathtaking speed.
If it works out that he's re[placed, it's great news for the GOP. We need an honest broker. The disintegration was going on while Boehner was still there.

It doesn't sound like he's out...YET.

"Unless Democrats bail Boehner out in September or October, if and when such a vote for the speakership would occur, by that point there would be enough members opposed to Boehner’s re-election for him to lose his position.

When the August recess is over, if Meadows wants to—or any other member wants to—they could offer the motion to vacate the chair and remove Boehner as Speaker of the House as a privileged resolution, which means it gets a floor vote in full without the consent of Boehner’s leadership team. That means the Speaker is extraordinarily vulnerable, and his conservative opposition could make a move whenever, wherever they want to—and when they have the votes to remove him from office."
from the OP's link.
Great news for the democrats, the disintegration of the GOP continues at breathtaking speed.

No, they are just cleaning house. The Dems should try that.

I can't stand that spineless Boehner. I'd rather have Trey Gowdy as speaker.
Boehner is just one of several who make up the House Leadership that controls the agendas and makes appointments to committees. The vast majority of them will fight any effort to remove the Speaker as it will mean their own powerful positions and perks.

The only way to get rid of him will be if he loses the next election.
NO!! Not Boehner!!

Don't remove my Boehner!!
What will I have to live for?:crybaby:

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