Special Counsel Asks Supreme Court To Rule Quickly Whether Trump Can Be Prosecuted

Nope, not true. The president can comment on anything government related and he can contest elections.
He contested the election as a candidate, not as president because the president does not play a role in the administration of state elections.

This is called federalism.
He contested the election as a candidate, not as president because the president does not play a role in the administration of state elections.

This is called federalism.
If a president sees corruption, he is obligated to point it out.
If a president sees corrption, he is obligated to point it out.
He has no role to play. He wasn’t acting as president. He was acting as a candidate.

That makes his claim to immunity especially tenuous.
The Supreme Court has earned its warranted disdain, the consequence of being dominated by partisan conservative ideologues who have exhibited their contempt for settled, accepted precedent.
Right again! Ruling to actual law makes all the goosestepper's skin crawl doesn't it Mrs. Jones??
All that would have to be hashed out during his trial.

That's now how criminal charges work. You don't have a trial to "hash out" if someone should be charged.

Present evidence of a crime to a Grand Jury, the Jury votes to reject or indict. The person is then charged first for the violation of a specific law.

"Court" is not a fishing expedition.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Special counsel Jack Smith on Monday asked the Supreme Court to take up and rule quickly on whether former President Donald Trump can be prosecuted on charges he plotted to overturn the 2020 election results.

Smith made his request for the court to act with unusual speed to prevent any delays that could push back the trial of the 2024 Republican presidential primary front-runner, currently set to begin on March 4, until after next year’s presidential election.

A federal judge ruled the case could go forward, but Trump signaled he would ask the federal appeals court in Washington to reverse that outcome. Smith is attempting to bypass the appeals court, the usual next step in the process, and have the Supreme Court take up the matter directly.

More at the link below...


Wise move by Special Counsel Jack Smith to get speedy SCOTUS ruling. What do you think>
It would be excellent if Democrats would use the genuine charges and not make things up.

Charges: "The four charges rely on three criminal statutes: a count of conspiring to defraud the government, another of conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and two counts related to corruptly obstructing a congressional proceeding. Applying each to Mr. Trump’s actions raises various complexities, according to a range of criminal law experts."

For some odd reason, when the Constitution was created, the president is immune.

And the things Trump were charged with were his acts as president.

What part of the constitution created immunity for the president?
In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

There are no provisions to indict the president nor to charge him or her with crimes by courts of law.
Oh look, another lying leftard asswipe.

Post the quote where Trump tells people to assault the capitol, you lying asshole.
Trump told them to march to the capitol. He told them that he would march there with them.
He told them if they didn't do something, they wouldn't have a country any more.
Trump also said the events of January 6th would be wild.

"There are no provisions to indict the president nor to charge him or her with crimes by courts of law."

That's not what the Constitution says.

Trump told them to march to the capitol. He told them that he would march there with them.
He told them if they didn't do something, they wouldn't have a country any more.
Trump also said the events of January 6th would be wild.
Notice those are your words. When will you smarten up and actually provide true quotes?

Still with your smear it does not prove the president tried to overthrow shit.
"There are no provisions to indict the president nor to charge him or her with crimes by courts of law."

That's not what the Constitution says.

It lays out what happens if he does wrong. it does not tell us to take him to court.
Trump told them to march to the capitol. He told them that he would march there with them.
He told them if they didn't do something, they wouldn't have a country any more.
Trump also said the events of January 6th would be wild.
He also told them to peacefully and Patriotically make their voices be heard.


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