Spineless, sissy liberals throw tantrums in front of a professor who defends customes

The female student has a point.

It's an ivy league school and thus should maintain a proper dress code standard. ...... :cool:
If I was an aging liberal, I would be embarrassed that conservatives are the only ones carrying the banner of free speech today. Who would have believed the ideology that started the concept Free University so that opposing ideas can be taught in college has now come up with Political Correctness to suppress dissenting views.
I see Yale is getting its dose of "diversity" now....see all them non whites that were no doubt given entrance to Yale based off of the color of their skin.
HAHA!!! Just watched the video. That sums up liberalism PERFECTLY.

1. Disrespectful towards authority figure
2. Intolerance towards differing viewpoint
3. Restriction of free speech
4. Making college campus a permanent home

I could go on. But every value held dear by libs is on full display. If I had a daughter or son who was at college and yelled at an adult authority figure that way I yank their ass out or tell them they are paying it all on their own.

Brat bitch never been told no her whole life. She's gonna make a GREAT employee somewhere someday!!!
This is sad. Spoiled liberal meltdown. Shame on the house that spawned that value system.
And it probably won't change any time soon, since the Regressive Left supports it/spins for it/deflects for it wholeheartedly.

Colleges used to be bastions of free speech, free expression, stimulating debate, true intellectual curiosity and open minds.

Now they're just the opposite.
This is sad. Spoiled liberal meltdown. Shame on the house that spawned that value system.
And it probably won't change any time soon, since the Regressive Left supports it/spins for it/deflects for it wholeheartedly.

Colleges used to be bastions of free speech, free expression, stimulating debate, true intellectual curiosity and open minds.

Now they're just the opposite.
I don't think our colleges are messed up or censored. This chic has a stupid world view and a likely history of being sheltered to excess. Young people can still identify that for themselves.

Maybe she was breatfed until highschool. There's no telling how some of these liberal experiments will turn out.
Yep, the young woman is playing the victim. And nobody cares, except for the perpetual-victim conservatives, who were all ordered to have a meltdown over it, and who are all ecstatic to have another reason to play the victim.

Remember conservatives, you don't constantly get laughed at because of political correctness You get laughed at for being morons and ethical cripples. Whining about how mean the liberals are for laughing at you just shows us how we're hitting a sore spot, and that we should therefore keep punching there.

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