Sponsors are dropping rush.

Nobody shops at JC Penney. That's why that company has been laying off people and closing stores for years.
What's your other point? That another EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVULLLL corporation is actually run by a bunch of PC libs?
How could any corporation be run by Liberals? I mean, they wouldn't stay in business for a week, right?

well... except for Apple, Starbucks, Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway for a start...

Ben & Jerry's!!!! ;)
How could any corporation be run by Liberals? I mean, they wouldn't stay in business for a week, right?

well... except for Apple, Starbucks, Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway for a start...


Capitalism is only OK when liberals do it though

I have no problem with capitalism. I love making money. That doesn't mean it doesn't need to be tempered by regulation.

Adam Smith's Laissez Faire Capitalism was a failure the first time around why would we want to revisit it?
You know Clear Channel is a right wing organization how?
Where's your evidence?
Let's suppose CC was "right wing"? SO what? Are you implying your comfort level begins and ends with the political leanings of EVERY company?
If so, it shows you are superficial.

Follow the thread Scooter. I am not the one calling them that I am parroting the leftists logic.
Ok I made an error. Why make it personal with the snide name calling?
I don't know who you are. I have no recollection of your user name.
"Scooter"....Give me a fucking break.
Now you can be assured that you are on my shit list. Now go pull that cork out your ass.
Go see that Padre an your way out. He'll punch your ticket for you.
Now you can respond with some caustic nonsense that quite frankly I will never read.


I like how the gleeful lefty media is counting local sponsors which in the big picture account for very little of the total revenue generated by the show.
Really? Who gives a fuck about Joe's Car Wash in Kalamazoo, MI?
Look, the Rush Limbaugh show isn't going anywhere.
LIberals are giddy over the possibility that a conservative viewpoint could possibly be silenced.
The bottom line is you libs cannot compete in the arena of ideas. You cannot tolerate debate. You libs are incensed over the very notion that anyone dare oppose your agenda.
In the process of debate your side loses the battle of facts nearly 100% of the time. For that reason we have the scourge of political correctness and the dumbing down of education.
Rush lost 12.....gained 3 new advertizers and 2 that left have asked to come back.

Carbonite lost 12% of it's value in the NASDAC after they announced they were dropping Rush.

Looks like the left is losing this war. Pretty soon they cut their losses and drop the issue.
You know Clear Channel is a right wing organization how?
Where's your evidence?
Let's suppose CC was "right wing"? SO what? Are you implying your comfort level begins and ends with the political leanings of EVERY company?
If so, it shows you are superficial.

Follow the thread Scooter. I am not the one calling them that I am parroting the leftists logic.
Ok I made an error. Why make it personal with the snide name calling?
I don't know who you are. I have no recollection of your user name.
"Scooter"....Give me a fucking break.
Now you can be assured that you are on my shit list. Now go pull that cork out your ass.
Go see that Padre an your way out. He'll punch your ticket for you.
Now you can respond with some caustic nonsense that quite frankly I will never read.

You called me Superficial and you have a problem with Scooter? :lol:
the dittoheads :alcoholic: are still listening no doubt. :clap2:

Of COURSE they are!

"Ditto" means the same or a copy of.

"Head" is where your brain is supposed to be located at.

However.............the ditto heads have let Rush do their thinking for them for so long, their brains have atrophied to the point where they're just bags of meat with eyeballs waiting for someone to tell them what to do and say.
Rush lost 12.....gained 3 new advertizers and 2 that left have asked to come back.

Carbonite lost 12% of it's value in the NASDAC after they announced they were dropping Rush.

Looks like the left is losing this war. Pretty soon they cut their losses and drop the issue.
Rush has lost 50, schmuck.

Nobody reputable is saying he lost 50.
So... the question for all you slavering leftist psycho-sycophants is this: Do you expect this to actually hurt Rush? Do you think this will drive him off the air or decrease his audience?


not sure it will hurt him but im guessing he is a toxic subject for the republican party since what he does reflects on them in a strange sort of way.

and should we just suck it when some ass clown vomits his contempt and hate for a woman he knows nothing about? just like he has a right to call her a slut. we have the right to tell him what we think. and we have. we dont condone it and have said so.

there are consequences when you use your fame and popularity to hurt people.
It apears those consequences are just one sided in some peoples opinions, so stay tuned on getting to the bottom of the heap pile, and revealing the whole story upon who is supporting who in the sea of immoralism, and when they do say it is wrong, and when they don't say it is wrong...

Obama is keeping company with radicals and left wing nut jobs, who have steered him in the wrong direction badly on many a issue (almost making him a dictator), and has since made him make some serious gaff's and policy mistakes thus far in his Presidency.... Oh and I thought that it was simply disgusting how he (Obama) brought his own daughters into the mix on this adult issue. For what then, to make it personal somehow maybe, by figuring that some one would attack them with cheap words spoken also, otherwise once he put them out there like that ? Did he do this in so that he could really play the heroe or be the heroe by defending them if something were then said of this ???? Who brings their own daughters into a politically charged heated adult debate like that? I know that I wouldn't... Obama had thrown his own granny under the bus during his presidential campaign, I mean what won't this fellow do when you get right down to it, or when he gets into a pinch ? How about leaving the family out of it Mr.Obama, oh and while your at it, how about calling Sarah Palin, you know to see if she is alright, after the hideous attacks by Bill Marher (one of your big contributors) and David Lettermen when he attacked her daughter etc. ?
Rush lost 12.....gained 3 new advertizers and 2 that left have asked to come back.

Carbonite lost 12% of it's value in the NASDAC after they announced they were dropping Rush.

Looks like the left is losing this war. Pretty soon they cut their losses and drop the issue.
Rush has lost 50, schmuck.

Nobody reputable is saying he lost 50.
Can you smell the desperate flop sweat on the left?
Not a coincidence that Bain Capital is in this mess and that mitt weaseled out of making a real stand.

Oh wait - its Mitt. He doesn't have opinions until Norquist gives them to him.

Mitt has the sense not to lower himself into this crap.

Obama obviously doesn't.

Mitt is a coward who can't stand up to a radio blowhard.

Perhaps he didnt want to shame himself like Steele HAD to. You remember...he HAD to apologize to Rushbo. The head of the RNC apologized to fucking Limbaugh.

That man runs the republican party. I love being a dem.

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