Spring! ...what spring?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Not much blather about global warming from the Weather Channel these days. Last year on the 1st day of spring it was 84 in WC's home of Atlanta Ga. Today it might not get out of the 50's. Yeah, I heard it. The warmers have the argument surrounded. In warmsville la la land it's warm when it's cold.
I saw a groundhog yesterday and he (or she..we have to say that now) looked depressed. Weather forecast for next week, another named snow storm and 30's daytime in the mid-atlantic. The Weather Channel just created named winter storms and they are all full of themselves for the reaction they got with winter storm "nemo". They spent about an hour yesterday patting themselves on the back for the name like a bunch of freaking grade school kids. The weather science has turned into a pop-culture kiddie show.
I saw a groundhog yesterday and he (or she..we have to say that now) looked depressed. Weather forecast for next week, another named snow storm and 30's daytime in the mid-atlantic. The Weather Channel just created named winter storms and they are all full of themselves for the reaction they got with winter storm "nemo". They spent about an hour yesterday patting themselves on the back for the name like a bunch of freaking grade school kids. The weather science has turned into a pop-culture kiddie show.
Well, as I explained to a Midwestern friend, the problem is location, location, location......
We left-coasters are enduring the last punishing winter storm of the year.
Light winds, clouds and a quarter inch of rain.
Temps in the 60's.......
We're suffering here, too.:eusa_angel:
I saw a groundhog yesterday and he (or she..we have to say that now) looked depressed. Weather forecast for next week, another named snow storm and 30's daytime in the mid-atlantic. The Weather Channel just created named winter storms and they are all full of themselves for the reaction they got with winter storm "nemo". They spent about an hour yesterday patting themselves on the back for the name like a bunch of freaking grade school kids. The weather science has turned into a pop-culture kiddie show.
Well, as I explained to a Midwestern friend, the problem is location, location, location......
We left-coasters are enduring the last punishing winter storm of the year.
Light winds, clouds and a quarter inch of rain.
Temps in the 60's.......
We're suffering here, too.:eusa_angel:

That's my point. I merely used the mid-Atlantic as an example. The old locations don't seem to work anymore.
Chill maps all across the US tonight.......


54 degrees in Florida today and minus 3 degrees in Minnnesota!!!! These people are starving for some global warming.

We're all real sure that people across the country tonight are shitting their pants about global warming while they freeze their collective asses off.:up:
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Chill maps all across the US tonight.......


54 degrees in Florida today and minus 3 degrees in Minnnesota!!!! These people are starving for some global warming.

We're all real sure that people across the country tonight are shitting their pants about global warming while they freeze their collective asses off.:up:

We had -29 C last night:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZBJZqKnq5g&feature=youtu.be]Manitoba Spring - YouTube[/ame]

And have been in a deep freeze since October.
So was most of Europe
the right just cant understand sceince
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb3zD6dDbLg]Global What ?.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

I`ll paste in what I just finished writing in another thread:
For over a decade now winter has been starting earlier and hangs in longer...Starting in early October lasting till the end of May. We had to genetically engineer our ("Durham") wheat so that it is frost resistant. Else we would have had to import wheat for the last 15 years from the US and Australia, countries that can harvest 2 crops every year. The climate has gotten so cold that there are no more apple or other fruit tree orchards any more in central Canada and the only areas that remain, where we can grow vegetables outdoors are along a on a short and narrow stretch of warm pacific coast in southern BC and a few spots in the Okanagan valley. You can`t even grow grapes that are fit for regular wine in the Okanagan any more. Since ~ 10 years they developed a "frost" wine when the grapes froze on the branch,... just so they don`t go bankrupt like the farmers in central Canada which had to re-locate their grow-ops into heated indoor acres on trays.
All the while useful idiots like "Saigon" keep posting these idiotic temperature graphs that the IPCC discarded years ago.
They have been holding meetings in Hobart Australia since February to "explain" in September why them temps have stalled despite the CO2 increase.
In Canada we are quite sure that here the temperature increase has not just stalled but took a pretty severe dive in the last 10 years
OMG, this incessant stupidity of this argument is unkillable.

Honestly if by now you cannot understand that one days' weather report does nothing to support OR refute the GW theory, then it's super power is the imperviousness of its proponents sheer stupidity.
OMG, this incessant stupidity of this argument is unkillable.

Honestly if by now you cannot understand that one days' weather report does nothing to support OR refute the GW theory, then it's super power is the imperviousness of its proponents sheer stupidity.
it isn't nearly as stupid as the assertion that no matter what the weather, it's all the fault of Goebbels warming.
Chill maps all across the US tonight.......


54 degrees in Florida today and minus 3 degrees in Minnnesota!!!! These people are starving for some global warming.

We're all real sure that people across the country tonight are shitting their pants about global warming while they freeze their collective asses off.:up:
Yeah well Minnesota, they have the misfortune to have Canada as a neighbor. Makes me wonder why they don`t build a wall on our border like it`s done @ The US/Mexico border.
During the winter they get what Canada exhales and they have names for that.
A moderate snowstorm (-20 C and 30 mph winds) is called by Minnesotans an "Alberta Clipper".
The next meaner one (-20 and 50 mph howling winds) is called a "Saskatchewan Screamer)
The really brutal ones (-30 or colder and 50 or more mph winds) they call a "Manitoba Mauler"

So when I moved "down south" to Manitoba from the arctic at least I did not have to "acclimatize" my body metabolism or my cloths.

Funny that they skipped right by Manitoba which makes Alberta and Saskatchewan look like Florida on any winter day.."The force of nature":

Despite the cold weather, Winnipeg's skies are among the clearest in Canada and Winnipeg enjoys much sunny weather all year round. Snow depths of greater than 1 cm are seen on about 132 days each year in Winnipeg, compared with about 65 days in Toronto.

Winnipeg has a windy climate, which it owes to its prairie location. There are few natural barriers to prairie winds, allowing them to sweep down from the Arctic in wintertime.

The combination of very low temperatures and high windspeed is dangerous - and can be life threatening.
Manitoba is very definitely not the kind of place where you could run out of juice on the Trans Canada Highway in an EV without serious consequences
I wonder how far you could get with one of those at-30 or -40 C into a 50 mph headwind in a whiteout at night..
how would you even keep the windows from crusting up with ice ?
No matter my wife and all the women in my neighborhood won`t miss a single Bingo game in Portage, but then again none of them drive an EV either !
They all make it back late night at 11:30. It`s my problem how I dig out my wife`s car out of the snow drifts in my driveway in the morning and get it out of my way when I fire up my F-150 to get the mail.
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It's freaking cold on the North Carolina border which isn't even close to Canada. About 28 at 7 PM and going down to the teens tonite. If the glaciers are melting where is this cold weather coming from on the first day of spring? Outer space?
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! It's cold!!!!!!!!!

25° this morning!!!!!!!
It's freaking cold on the North Carolina border which isn't even close to Canada. About 28 at 7 PM and going down to the teens tonite. If the glaciers are melting where is this cold weather coming from on the first day of spring? Outer space?
Hey I prefer to live in my Manitoba deep freezer rather that North Carolina.
I was sent to Eden NC once to look over a plant, that some Canadian investors wanted to buy. It was hot outside but way too hot for me inside.
I went out the fire escape and walked through the tall grass towards some trees to sit in the shade. My NC "babysitter" yelled my name and held up some rags..."Hey Bernie you forgot your snake chaps...!"
After that I stayed indoors till I stepped out of my plane @ Winnipeg International.

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