"Spy-gate" Mr. Trump???.......Really that desperate???

Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions are very telling, and though there is no substance nor thought behind it.

Now you understand! When you, as a leftist, learn to think and do for yourself, get back to me. I will at that time post something that you can grasp! Good luck!

For the record: This ^^^ is not a rebuttal, nor is it substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking.

The use of the term "leftist" as a pejorative is not substantive and your post is a childish*** response by one whose best work - so to speak - is to echo others who lack substance, thinking and credibility.

*** I know you are, but what am I, and, I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you call me bounces off of me and sticks to you.

As I suggested, grow up!
Those are some pretty impressive words there. So, if you're as smart as those words suggest you are, why on earth are you a leftist - which - by definition - is a dependent state that needs others to think and do for them???!!!
ROTFLMAO! "By definition" he says! Whose definition is that again? Webster's? Funk & Wagnall's?

Or..could it be...defined by idiot Right-wingnutz? I know where I place my money!

You reveal your true ignorance with every post--please continue. Of course, none of this has anything to do with the OP....but I understand--you are incapable of refuting the premises made---because, by definition, you are a troll!
And you are a worthless, dependant, leftist piece of shit. Point?
Point? I'm not a Lefty--to start with..although I proudly admit to being a Never-Trumper. Point? That you are an unthinking Partisan hack..and a demonstrably unintelligent one, at that? Self-evident, I would think.

Point---that I see the weaknesses in the Leftist argument..but that you..so obviously don't.

Here..some reading for someone..i don't doubt that it's beyond you..that demonstrates the true issues and problems with the Mueller investigation.

Opinion | Robert Mueller, You’re Starting to Scare Me

A brief quote:

"Imagine for a moment that Robert Mueller was never pressed into service as a special counsel and wasn’t a household name. Imagine that there had never been any prompt for his investigation — that Donald Trump hadn’t blown all those kisses at Vladimir Putin, that the stooges and grifters around Trump hadn’t swooned at the prospect of sucking on Mother Russia’s teat, or that there’d been no offer of milk in the first place.

What would we be focusing on right now?"
Funny how the President doesn't make so much as a single tweet to complain about a foreign government infiltrating his campaign, isn't it?

By blaming JUST the FBI, the charlatan-in-chief knows well how to manipulate the morons who populate his "base" cult.
Trump is a total incompetent. He couldn't stop his own campaign staff, or his son, from working with foreign infiltrators.

And he still can't stop his administration from leaking like a sieve.

What a retarded boob.
I love it when you worthless leftists lose elections.
The FBI informant was spying on Russian infiltrators and the traitors who were cooperating with them.

Of course Trump is pissed off about that. His own son is a collaborator.

You have to wonder why Trump is not expressing outrage that hostile foreign infiltrators were moving with total freedom around his campaign.

And you have to wonder about an incompetent boob who still can't stop leaks. You have to wonder how much more sensitive information hostile foreign governments are stealing while the Trump administration is asleep at the switch.
Desperate' is snowflakes repeatedly posting attacks on the President and denial of Democrat wrong-doing as the evidence against them continues to pour out to the public like water through a screen door on a submarine.'

Nitwit.....THIS thread is about the corrupt, orange charlatan.....You are free to start your own about those "evil" democrats.........Answer what was posed in the O/P......or go back to bed.
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???
morning 49, anything new in the world of trump bothering you today? feel free to vent here if ya find anything.
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???

You gals are really scared. A lot of left wing commie fuckers from the Obama administration are going down. :D

Dems tried to overthrow the US government
Katie Pavlich - Turley: Trump's Concerns About Spying Have Been Largely Validated

"The president was openly mocked for this allegation. People like Clapper said it simply wasn't true."

Clapper declared under oath that Obama was NOT spying on Americans ... only to have it exposed that he WAS illegally doing so the next week. To prevent Clapper from being indicted for Perjury Democrats invited him back to 'amend' his testimony...then pushed back against GOP calls for indictment until the statute of limitations for his crime ran out.

Just recently Clapper was busted AGAIN for having Perjured himself....and now Democrats want to present Clapper's opinion that Trump and his team weren't being spied on as 'evidence' that it did not happen? REALLY?!

Snowflakes also want us to believe that the FBI, according to the US IG, abused the FISA Courts by illegally acquiring warrants to conduct on surveillance (spy on, wire tap, etc..0 on Trump and his team...but that they never actually did so. Again, REALLY?!

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation??? WITCH HUNT

"To date there's NO smoke"?????..............Really, nitwit?


......and, regarding the "Witch Hunt"....(hannity would be proud of you.) How did that mantra worked out for that other guy?


So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation??? WITCH HUNT

"To date there's NO smoke"?????..............Really, nitwit?

View attachment 195027

......and, regarding the "Witch Hunt"....(hannity would be proud of you.) How did that mantra worked out for that other guy?

..View attachment 195028.

You stupid fuck. The indictments are unrelated and primarily the result of misinformation aka "lying to the FBI".
The proof of that is that you yet have to offer a single word that actually addresses the OP.

Indeed.......NOT ONE of these Trump cult members has had the gonads to address the O/P.......it must be a rule among the cult membership that whenever cornered, the "best" thing to do is blame Clinton, Obama, Rinos, random democrats...and, if all of that fails, throw in their own grandmothers.
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You stupid fuck. The indictments are unrelated and primarily the result of misinformation aka "lying to the FBI".

So, there DUDE.....would you then openly agree that the moron-in-chief hires ONLY corrupt liars???

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation??? WITCH HUNT

"To date there's NO smoke"?????..............Really, nitwit?

View attachment 195027

......and, regarding the "Witch Hunt"....(hannity would be proud of you.) How did that mantra worked out for that other guy?

..View attachment 195028.

You stupid fuck. The indictments are unrelated and primarily the result of misinformation aka "lying to the FBI".
Do you honestly believe that? It's a particularly amusing allegation..given the indictment FOR lying to the FBI! The indictment for money laundering? Most of the indictments have nothing at all to do with anyone's statements..but are the results of evidence..yup, evidence..uncovered via patient investigation. AKA..the paper trail.

Has it ever occurred to you to post facts garnered by learning...about both sides of the issues of the day--rather than just knee-jerking along with all the other partisan hacks?

Just askin...
Blame Trump? We know that former president Obama abused his authority like a freaking 3rd world dictator when he authorized the illegal surveillance of an opposing political candidate.in a presidential election. Democrats deny it but Obama lap dog James Clapper admits it. Desperate democrats are caught in a bind and their last hope before the party falls apart is that somehow the MSM covers the story up and their ignorant base laughs it off.
I heard about half an hour of conservative talk show host Mike Gallagher this morning, and he and his listeners are saying it's over, this is The Big One, heads are going to roll, people are definitely going to jail, and Trump and the Republicans are exonerated and in the clear. They are positively giddy and breathless in anticipation.The relief is washing over them in waves.

Does anyone know what this is all about?
Blame Trump? We know that former president Obama abused his authority like a freaking 3rd world dictator when he authorized the illegal surveillance of an opposing political candidate.in a presidential election. Democrats deny it but Obama lap dog James Clapper admits it. Desperate democrats are caught in a bind and their last hope before the party falls apart is that somehow the MSM covers the story up and their ignorant base laughs it off.
We, in fact, do not know that. No matter how many times it gets repeated..it is not the truth. No one is denying that an informant was inserted into the Trump campaign. But, since we all know that there were at least 4 people who WERE in contact with the Russians..there was ample probable cause to do that. Nobody was spying on Trump. There is not a single speck of evidence that anyone was spying on Trump. It is a completely made-up allegation. If you have any evidence..please share it..otherwise..STFU!
I heard about half an hour of conservative talk show host Mike Gallagher this morning, and he and his listeners are saying it's over, this is The Big One, heads are going to roll, people are definitely going to jail, and Trump and the Republicans are exonerated and in the clear. They are positively giddy and breathless in anticipation.The relief is washing over them in waves.

Does anyone know what this is all about?
Sounds like the usual for conservative talk radio.
I heard about half an hour of conservative talk show host Mike Gallagher this morning, and he and his listeners are saying it's over, this is The Big One, heads are going to roll, people are definitely going to jail, and Trump and the Republicans are exonerated and in the clear. They are positively giddy and breathless in anticipation.The relief is washing over them in waves.

Does anyone know what this is all about?
It's about the desire to create an alternate reality..and somehow have it become real..through the endless repetition of lies and the deliberate misinterpretation of facts. Extreme spin...they are working overtime..Trump has given them the dog whistle...and the hounds are baying.
We, in fact, do not know that. No matter how many times it gets repeated..it is not the truth. No one is denying that an informant was inserted into the Trump campaign. But, since we all know that there were at least 4 people who WERE in contact with the Russians..there was ample probable cause to do that. Nobody was spying on Trump. There is not a single speck of evidence that anyone was spying on rump. It is a completely made-up allegation. If you have any evidence..please share it..otherwise..STFU!

....and, if I may add.......

For the FBI to NOT have investigated the Trump campaign associates, would have been DERELICTION of the FBI's scope of work.......

Second, IF (as already stated) the investigation by the FBI had been political, we would have heard about BEFORE the election.
We, in fact, do not know that. No matter how many times it gets repeated..it is not the truth. No one is denying that an informant was inserted into the Trump campaign. But, since we all know that there were at least 4 people who WERE in contact with the Russians..there was ample probable cause to do that. Nobody was spying on Trump. There is not a single speck of evidence that anyone was spying on rump. It is a completely made-up allegation. If you have any evidence..please share it..otherwise..STFU!

....and, if I may add.......

For the FBI to NOT have investigated the Trump campaign associates, would have been DERELICTION of the FBI's scope of work.......

Second, IF (as already stated) the investigation by the FBI had been political, we would have heard about BEFORE the election.
I heard the Trumpista response to that..amusing. they say that since all the Democrats were so sure that Hilary was going to win..they just put the info in their pocket for a rainy day. Seems a bit odd--since when Comey blew up the Clinton campaign...it would have been a rainy a day as there was..for the Clinton camp.

But..the bar is low for a Trumpette rebuttal to stick--a tweet or two..and it's gospel!
Yep - Nary a word ever about Russian spies - he wants them to do it again!

....and if you wonder why.....................

View attachment 195026

It's amazing that Liberals / Snowflakes haven't looked back at Obama's debate with Romney in which Obama, in defense of Putin / Russia, joked about / made fun of Romney's prophetic warning about Russia being a threat.

Much like his 8 years of financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, aiding, and abetting terrorists - even dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional un-approved wars to help them, Obama continuously aided and abetted Putin and Russia.

1. Snowflakes rabidly defended Barry when he was caught with a 'hot mike' telling Putin Puppet Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he (Barry) would be more flexible and able to do more after his re-election. In essence, this was Obama passing on to Putin his willingness to work with / for Putin.

2. Despite being rash and quickly throwing out his ill-advised 'Red Line' to al-Assad, Obama made no effort to support the Ukraine as Russia built up troops on their border and finally invaded and took over Crimea. Obama made ZERO effort to keep the United State's promise to help the Ukraine defend its sovereign border, signaling to the friends and enemies alike that Obama's U.S. DID NOT honor promises and DID back down when his bluff was called.

3. Evidence shows the Obama administration aided Russia again during their successful effort to acquire Uranium One and a share of the US' supply of uranium. Evidence shows then FBI Director Mueller, Secretary of State Clinton, US AG Holder, and President Obama all knew Russia was committing numerous serious crimes - intimidation, blackmail, and even 'buying' high ranking politicians and nuclear agency members - in their effort to acquire Uranium One.

Holder and Clinton KNEW about these crimes, but none of the group, especially these 2 notified the board they were on - the board responsible for making the decision to sell Russia Uranium One or not - about the crimes. Hillary, in the midst of the Russian bribery scandal, did not inform the board that the Clinton administration had received millions in 'donations' from the KGB through the Russian who lead the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

Obama KNEW about these crimes, and when the board approved the sale he quickly signed off on it. Afterwards, the protections that prevented the uranium from being shipped out of the US were lifted, the uranium moved to Canada, and from there it was shipped to Europe and into the waiting hands of the Russians.

4. Evidence shows President Obama and his administration discovered the Russians were engaging in multiple INFLUENCE Operations inside the U.S. as well as attempting to hack the US power grid at least as early as 2015...and records show he did nothing about it.

- Evidence shows the Russians ran a military-style PSYOP program using US Social media to successfully get LIBERALS to organize and march for them.

- Evidence also shows the Russians PAID Liberal groups - to include The Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa - to successfully spread racial unrest and violence. (Hillary's campaign was proven to have paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies where they beat and bloodied Trump supporters.)

- Evidence shows Obama learned that the Russians were attempting to hack the communications of high level members of Congress, but, again, Obama did not even notify them to warn them this was happening. He instead said noting and allowed the Russians to continue their effort.

- Evidence shows the Obama administration learned the Russians were trying to hack the US power grid...once again, Barry did NOTHING.

The reason Barry did nothing to stop the Russians' attempt at plundering and pillaging the US, or at least PART of the reason - there could be more to it - was that Barry wanted Putin's blessing to invade Syria (Un-Constitutionally and without Congressional approval), which he ended up getting.

SO Hillary got millions, Bill got $500,000, Hillary got propaganda from a foreign spy and Russians she used illegally in an attempt to effect the outcome of the election, and Trump got his green light to go into Syria.....

...but yet Liberal Extremists and snowflakes would have us believe that...what...the Russians did all of this in an attempt to influence the election FOR DONALD TRUMP?!

Yep - Nary a word ever about Russian spies - he wants them to do it again!

....and if you wonder why.....................

View attachment 195026

It's amazing that Liberals / Snowflakes haven't looked back at Obama's debate with Romney in which Obama, in defense of Putin / Russia, joked about / made fun of Romney's prophetic warning about Russia being a threat.

Much like his 8 years of financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, aiding, and abetting terrorists - even dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional un-approved wars to help them, Obama continuously aided and abetted Putin and Russia.

1. Snowflakes rabidly defended Barry when he was caught with a 'hot mike' telling Putin Puppet Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he (Barry) would be more flexible and able to do more after his re-election. In essence, this was Obama passing on to Putin his willingness to work with / for Putin.

2. Despite being rash and quickly throwing out his ill-advised 'Red Line' to al-Assad, Obama made no effort to support the Ukraine as Russia built up troops on their border and finally invaded and took over Crimea. Obama made ZERO effort to keep the United State's promise to help the Ukraine defend its sovereign border, signaling to the friends and enemies alike that Obama's U.S. DID NOT honor promises and DID back down when his bluff was called.

3. Evidence shows the Obama administration aided Russia again during their successful effort to acquire Uranium One and a share of the US' supply of uranium. Evidence shows then FBI Director Mueller, Secretary of State Clinton, US AG Holder, and President Obama all knew Russia was committing numerous serious crimes - intimidation, blackmail, and even 'buying' high ranking politicians and nuclear agency members - in their effort to acquire Uranium One.

Holder and Clinton KNEW about these crimes, but none of the group, especially these 2 notified the board they were on - the board responsible for making the decision to sell Russia Uranium One or not - about the crimes. Hillary, in the midst of the Russian bribery scandal, did not inform the board that the Clinton administration had received millions in 'donations' from the KGB through the Russian who lead the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

Obama KNEW about these crimes, and when the board approved the sale he quickly signed off on it. Afterwards, the protections that prevented the uranium from being shipped out of the US were lifted, the uranium moved to Canada, and from there it was shipped to Europe and into the waiting hands of the Russians.

4. Evidence shows President Obama and his administration discovered the Russians were engaging in multiple INFLUENCE Operations inside the U.S. as well as attempting to hack the US power grid at least as early as 2015...and records show he did nothing about it.

- Evidence shows the Russians ran a military-style PSYOP program using US Social media to successfully get LIBERALS to organize and march for them.

- Evidence also shows the Russians PAID Liberal groups - to include The Black Fist, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa - to successfully spread racial unrest and violence. (Hillary's campaign was proven to have paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies where they beat and bloodied Trump supporters.)

- Evidence shows Obama learned that the Russians were attempting to hack the communications of high level members of Congress, but, again, Obama did not even notify them to warn them this was happening. He instead said noting and allowed the Russians to continue their effort.

- Evidence shows the Obama administration learned the Russians were trying to hack the US power grid...once again, Barry did NOTHING.

The reason Barry did nothing to stop the Russians' attempt at plundering and pillaging the US, or at least PART of the reason - there could be more to it - was that Barry wanted Putin's blessing to invade Syria (Un-Constitutionally and without Congressional approval), which he ended up getting.

SO Hillary got millions, Bill got $500,000, Hillary got propaganda from a foreign spy and Russians she used illegally in an attempt to effect the outcome of the election, and Trump got his green light to go into Syria.....

...but yet Liberal Extremists and snowflakes would have us believe that...what...the Russians did all of this in an attempt to influence the election FOR DONALD TRUMP?!

Or..to condense your post to its cogent whole:


To address my take on the Russian motives..as I've said many times before..i don't think that Putin gave a rip as to who was elected..his goal..in which he succeeded..was to sow discord among the American people. His disinformation campaign spanned both sides of the aisle. It was not just internet and social media posts, but deliberate organizing of groups in the Real World..to protest..to act out---to inflame the fires of our culture wars.

I believe it continues to this day.

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