"Spy-gate" Mr. Trump???.......Really that desperate???

Trump's campaign was infiltrated and aided by the Russians.

And yet Trump is noticeably SILENT about this fact. He expresses NO anger about it.

It was Russians who infiltrated the Trump campaign, not the FBI.

Funny how the President doesn't make so much as a single tweet to complain about a foreign government infiltrating his campaign, isn't it?

Yep - Nary a word ever about Russian spies - he wants them to do it again!
He usually starts every morning like this
Then passes out from a drug induced haze until tomorrow morning

I think he's a she.

Your posts never suggest thinking, nor do they support others in that quest. Some day in the distant future you may grow up, and post something of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
I try to post so that you leftists may understand. If that means dumbing down, then I have accomplished my goal.

Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions are very telling, and though there is no substance nor thought behind it.

Now you understand! When you, as a leftist, learn to think and do for yourself, get back to me. I will at that time post something that you can grasp! Good luck!

For the record: This ^^^ is not a rebuttal, nor is it substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking.

The use of the term "leftist" as a pejorative is not substantive and your post is a childish*** response by one whose best work - so to speak - is to echo others who lack substance, thinking and credibility.

*** I know you are, but what am I, and, I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you call me bounces off of me and sticks to you.

As I suggested, grow up!
It was Russians who infiltrated the Trump campaign, not the FBI.

Funny how the President doesn't make so much as a single tweet to complain about a foreign government infiltrating his campaign, isn't it?

Yep - Nary a word ever about Russian spies - he wants them to do it again!

Yep, every time he thinks about the next General Election he tweets all over the place.
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???

'Desperate' is snowflakes repeatedly posting attacks on the President and denial of Democrat wrong-doing as the evidence against them continues to pour out to the public like water through a screen door on a submarine.'

The US IG has already blasted Comey and the FBI for FISA court abuse - illegally using a debunked Dossier and deceit to obtain warrants to conduct surveillance on the 2016 GOP Presidential candidate and his team during the 2016 election...AND the IG recommended Deputy Director McCabe be immediately indicted for crimes he committed in his part of the exposed Conspiracy.

NOW evidence has come out revealing the FBI / CIA had moles n the Trump campaign spying and informing on the candidate they voiced opposition to and the President they vowed to OUST (a COUP) if he won the election.

From OBAMA (who HAD to know that almost his entire Cabinet and every Director of his Law Enforcement and Intel Collection agencies wee engaged in this Conspiracy) to both US AGs (Holder and Lynch) and their proven criminal DOJ to the Director / Deputy Director / Agt of the FBI (Comey / McCabe / Strzok) to the Director of the CIA (Brennan) to the Director of the NIA (Clapper), they have been exposed as Obstructionists, Perjurers, Conspirators, and TRAITORS through exposed / revealed EVIDENCE.

Again, this is THE BIGGEST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY in this country's history....

....and Obama's Legacy will be that he was the orchestrator of the entire attempted political COUP!
Trump needs all the intel he can get to hold an advantage in case he sits down with Meuller.

Rudi spilled the beans

Giuliani told HuffPost that Trump needed the information about the informant before deciding whether to agree to an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller. “We can’t let our guy go in and be questioned without knowing this,” he said.

In other words, according to Giuliani, Trump convened the meeting to gain a strategic advantage in his personal negotiations with the special counsel.
The President has even more justification to tell Mueller to go F* Himself and not agree to an interview.

If anyone needs to be interviewed at this point, especially considering the new evidence showing how the FBI / CIA planted 'moles' in Trump's campaign, it is Mueller and Comey, preferably with WATER involved considering the exposed TREASON in which they have engaged.
I think he's a she.

Your posts never suggest thinking, nor do they support others in that quest. Some day in the distant future you may grow up, and post something of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
I try to post so that you leftists may understand. If that means dumbing down, then I have accomplished my goal.

Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions are very telling, and though there is no substance nor thought behind it.

Now you understand! When you, as a leftist, learn to think and do for yourself, get back to me. I will at that time post something that you can grasp! Good luck!

For the record: This ^^^ is not a rebuttal, nor is it substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking.

The use of the term "leftist" as a pejorative is not substantive and your post is a childish*** response by one whose best work - so to speak - is to echo others who lack substance, thinking and credibility.

*** I know you are, but what am I, and, I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you call me bounces off of me and sticks to you.

As I suggested, grow up!
Those are some pretty impressive words there. So, if you're as smart as those words suggest you are, why on earth are you a leftist - which - by definition - is a dependent state that needs others to think and do for them???!!!
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???
Do you have a job? Just to clarify, a job is the thing most responsible Americans have to support themselves and their families.
JOBS?Amazon has many workers on Fed assistance while Bezos makes 250 million A DAY When will republicans start supporting those in need instead of billionaires?
It’s just a matter of time before everyone learns how corrupt the obama administration was. Democrats have good reason to be scared. :)
Your posts never suggest thinking, nor do they support others in that quest. Some day in the distant future you may grow up, and post something of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
I try to post so that you leftists may understand. If that means dumbing down, then I have accomplished my goal.

Thanks so much for sharing, your opinions are very telling, and though there is no substance nor thought behind it.

Now you understand! When you, as a leftist, learn to think and do for yourself, get back to me. I will at that time post something that you can grasp! Good luck!

For the record: This ^^^ is not a rebuttal, nor is it substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking.

The use of the term "leftist" as a pejorative is not substantive and your post is a childish*** response by one whose best work - so to speak - is to echo others who lack substance, thinking and credibility.

*** I know you are, but what am I, and, I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you call me bounces off of me and sticks to you.

As I suggested, grow up!
Those are some pretty impressive words there. So, if you're as smart as those words suggest you are, why on earth are you a leftist - which - by definition - is a dependent state that needs others to think and do for them???!!!
ROTFLMAO! "By definition" he says! Whose definition is that again? Webster's? Funk & Wagnall's?

Or..could it be...defined by idiot Right-wingnutz? I know where I place my money!

You reveal your true ignorance with every post--please continue. Of course, none of this has anything to do with the OP....but I understand--you are incapable of refuting the premises made---because, by definition, you are a troll!
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???
Do you have a job? Just to clarify, a job is the thing most responsible Americans have to support themselves and their families.
JOBS?Amazon has many workers on Fed assistance while Bezos makes 250 million A DAY When will republicans start supporting those in need instead of billionaires?
When will those in need start supporting themselves?
I could have been poor and needy. I'm glad I decided otherwise.
Funny how the President doesn't make so much as a single tweet to complain about a foreign government infiltrating his campaign, isn't it?

By blaming JUST the FBI, the charlatan-in-chief knows well how to manipulate the morons who populate his "base" cult.
Funny how the President doesn't make so much as a single tweet to complain about a foreign government infiltrating his campaign, isn't it?

By blaming JUST the FBI, the charlatan-in-chief knows well how to manipulate the morons who populate his "base" cult.
Trump is a total incompetent. He couldn't stop his own campaign staff, or his son, from working with foreign infiltrators.

And he still can't stop his administration from leaking like a sieve.

What a retarded boob.
I worry about a President who can't stop his own people from cooperating with hostile foreign infiltrators. I really do.
I agree, but Trump's fellow travelers have done much more than "deflect and deceive" they have and continue to Obstruct Justice; people like Nunes ought to be brought before a criminal grand jury and if indicted and convicted sent to Federal Prison.

McConnell and Ryan ought to be censored for non feasance, since they continue to allow Nunes and his efforts to blunt the investigation of those culpable in the attack on our democracy by foreign powers.

Fully agree..........I actually blame MORE the cowards in congress who have placed their own sorry asses and party BEFORE the interests of this republic in the hands of a wanna-be despot.
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts:

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.)

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation???

your o/p is a rhetorical question, right? of course he's that desperate.
The extremely nervous charlatan-in-chief has chosen (in his infamous barrage of tweets instead of news conferences) to label the FBI investigation as "spy-gate"......NEAT

I don't know if ANY right winger on here still has an ounce of objectivity left, but at the very least consider these facts: I CAN'T WAIT

1. the Trump campaign was thoroughly informed that there were ample suspicions that the Russians were trying to infiltrate both campaigns. WHAT DID OUR POTUS DO ABOUT IT? NOT A FUCKING THING.

2. Trump hired several people within his campaign who either boasted of their ties to Russian information (Papadapolous) OR were actively being recruited by Russian agents (Page).......not to mention the crooked Manafort and Flynn. COOL STORY. NO DOUBT YOU COULD FIND SAMPLES OF TIES BETWEEN ALL PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS AND OTHER COUNTRIES AS WELL.

3. IF the FBI investigation was POLITICAL and not simply the FBI performing its functions.....THEN information on the Russian influence on the Trump campaign would have been exposed BEFORE the election....and, obviously, that did not happen.........(and conversely, the FBI's Comey did screw over the Clinton campaign.) TO-DATE THERE'S NO SMOKE, AND I'M LAUGHING MY ASS OFF @ TREATED TRUMP FAIRLY BUT CHEATED CLINTON OUT OF A WIN YOU WILL NEVER GET OVER.

So, Mr. Trump.......where the hell do you find the basis to be "irate"???.............Unless, of course, you're trying to rally your moronic base to reject the upcoming storm (pardon the expression) of Mueller's investigation??? WITCH HUNT
Yep - Nary a word ever about Russian spies - he wants them to do it again!

....and if you wonder why.....................


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