stand back and stand by for a subpoena & Bannon Is Ordered to Testify

May 4, 2022
Trump World: The Walls Are Closing In -- We can hope, can't we?

Members of the Proud Boys are reportedly telling former President Donald Trump to stand back and stand by for a subpoena.

According to New York Times reported Alan Feuer, members of the Proud Boys who have been accused by the government of engaging in a seditious conspiracy are saying they "intend to subpoena Donald Trump as a witness at the trial."

Although it's not clear why members of the gang would want Trump to testify on their behalf, many other January 6th defendants have argued that broke into the Capitol and violently clashed with police officers because it was what the former president wanted them to do.

Feuer, however, expresses skepticism that the defendants will really be able to compel Trump's testimony.

and in familiar news for Trump World
Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon was ordered to testify under oath in a long-running sex-discrimination lawsuit against the former president’s 2016 campaign by a former staffer, who claims she was harassed by a male colleague who got angry when she was promoted.

Trump World: The Walls Are Closing In -- We can hope, can't we?

and in familiar news for Trump World

Why man? Why are you STILL falling for it? It is impossible for Trump to be charged for January 6th. I understand that you all like to twist his words around to mean whatever you want, but courts arent going to read his tweets and come to the conclusion that he led an insurrection. It will never happen, every lawyer knows this, every judge knows this. Why the FUCK did you believe those idiots dems in Congress? Why did you pin your hopes on their obviously dishonest words?

Your party lies to you constantly. So does you media.
Testify to what??? there isn't anything there... its been 6 plus years of looking into Trump... they couldn't even find a tax issue... and his top secret docs may have been simply a stack of empty cool looking folders....
If you are banking your happiness on Trump going to jail you are in for another dose of disappointment...
Why man? Why are you STILL falling for it? It is impossible for Trump to be charged for January 6th. I understand that you all like to twist his words around to mean whatever you want, but courts arent going to read his tweets and come to the conclusion that he led an insurrection. It will never happen, every lawyer knows this, every judge knows this. Why the FUCK did you believe those idiots dems in Congress? Why did you pin your hopes on their obviously dishonest words?

Your party lies to you constantly. So does you media.
Which media source can we go to that's 100% truthful 100% of the time?
None. But which media do we look to for DNC liberal/progressive dishonesty almost all of the time? Yep. Our modern main stream media.
What's the percentage of truth does your media sources have?
Why man? Why are you STILL falling for it? It is impossible for Trump to be charged for January 6th. I understand that you all like to twist his words around to mean whatever you want, but courts arent going to read his tweets and come to the conclusion that he led an insurrection. It will never happen, every lawyer knows this, every judge knows this. Why the FUCK did you believe those idiots dems in Congress? Why did you pin your hopes on their obviously dishonest words?

Your party lies to you constantly. So does you media.
your inability to deal with reality and facts is stunning
Oh, they got him now........
nope. The walls are closing in.

You people like the idea that the Faux Tribune of the People, might get away with something. You believe it's a game and you're on his team.

Well you're not. Just ask Michael Cohen.

None. But which media do we look to for DNC liberal/progressive dishonesty almost all of the time? Yep. Our modern main stream media.
says the Gnome, from under his rock

a Gnome is represented in medieval mythologies as a small, physically deformed (usually hunchbacked) creature resembling a dry, gnarled old man.

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