State Religion: You cannot dirty the pride flag that is painted on a street without being arrested

Were the people who defaced the confederate generals statues charged with a felony?
We have been over that already in one of the other threads. Yea there were felony charges in some of those cases. And to preempt you no I’m not going to do the work for you and provide links. Look it up so you can remember it next time
It’s not the governments job to validate your feelings or lifestyle.
Correct its job is to prevent bigots from vandalizing public property and it’s doing a good job in this case:. The government’s job is to defend the freedom of its citizens to live and love who they want regardless of the feelings of people who want to restrict loving adults from a consenting relationship. Agian it’s doing a good job in this case/.
We have been over that already in one of the other threads. Yea there were felony charges in some of those cases. And to preempt you no I’m not going to do the work for you and provide links. Look it up so you can remember it next time

We have been over that already in one of the other threads. Yea there were felony charges in some of those cases. And to preempt you no I’m not going to do the work for you and provide links. Look it up so you can remember it next time

The only person I could find that was charged.

She was cleared.
Correct its job is to prevent bigots from vandalizing public property and it’s doing a good job in this case:. The government’s job is to defend the freedom of its citizens to live and love who they want regardless of the feelings of people who want to restrict loving adults from a consenting relationship. Agian it’s doing a good job in this case/.
They shouldn’t be using public funds to put that or any political messaging on the street to begin with you Jack ass
The intent of the “pride” flag crosswalk is political. The Government should never be pushing political statements via the public money, unless it’s going to do it for all points of view regardless of how objectionable some people might find them. Why aren’t there crosswalk flags for (insert political movement here)?
If the LGBTQ+ crowd is allowed to deface a crosswalk, the other three crosswalks in the intersection should be allowed to be defaced as well---maybe swastikas, stars and bars, POW-MIA? What's good for one should be good for all.
The Pride flag is such a religious emblem that the United States leftist government arm is aggressively seeking out minor, local offenses and throwing the book at these "heretics".
Expressing pride with a flag has nothing to do with religion. The pathological need to destroy it has EVERYTHING to do with religion. A bastardized and perverted interpretation of Christianity
Expressing pride with a flag has nothing to do with religion. The pathological need to destroy it has EVERYTHING to do with religion. A bastardized and perverted interpretation of Christianity
There’s no issue with people flying whatever flag they want. Fly em, burn em, wrap yourself in them or wipe your ass with them. So long as they belong to you more power to you. The Government shouldn’t be using public funds to paint political flags on public streets.
Expressing pride with a flag has nothing to do with religion. The pathological need to destroy it has EVERYTHING to do with religion. A bastardized and perverted interpretation of Christianity

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