State Religion: You cannot dirty the pride flag that is painted on a street without being arrested

No it doenst. Me damaging your property is treated differently under the law than me damaging public property
I'm waiting for an serious accident to happen as a result of the lack of traction on that excessive paint. But WTF, the taxpayers of Spokane have plenty of money to shell out for stupid fee-good projects gone wrong. I steer clear of that county at all costs.
No it doenst. Me damaging your property is treated differently under the law than me damaging public property
Nope. Sorry. It can be charged as criminal mischief in Florida.

You're wrong and should probably stop talking. Instead go read up on the charges and past convictions for when someone vandalizes a school or park.
What about all the people in government and society who were offended by skid marks on a street? That’s the better question
Well doing burnouts on a public street is a safety risk to everyone involved so yeah you would think anyone doing so should be a concern to government and society. Doing it on top of a City sanctioned art display is just moronic.
So you agree damaging public property is a crime, like say a city approved piece of art.
I agree that the government should treat this


Anand this


The same.

That said the second one shouldn’t be on the street to begin with.
Well doing burnouts on a public street is a safety risk to everyone involved so yeah you would think anyone doing so should be a concern to government and society. Doing it on top of a City sanctioned art display is just moronic.
If you want to give them a ticket, that’s fine.

A felony? That’s state-imposed intimidation/punishment for defacing their religious symbol.
If they were treated the same, then no problem with either of them being there.

I.E., the opposite of what you said.

Yeah, you fked up again. Even when you try to deceive, the truth still comes out.
One is a political statement which the Government shouldn’t be involved in. They should be treated the same under the law if they are going to put it on the road though. Goodness you are dumb.
If you want to give them a ticket, that’s fine.

A felony? That’s state-imposed intimidation/punishment for defacing their religious symbol.
That’s just the bullshit you choose to believe. The same folks who went ape shit when the public property they liked was vandalized are seeing no problem with this vandalism. Like then don’t do the crime if you are going to be a bitch when caught.
How does saying one shouldn't even be allowed to be there mean treating them the same?

Jesus, are they putting lead in paint again?
The intent of the “pride” flag crosswalk is political. The Government should never be pushing political statements via the public money, unless it’s going to do it for all points of view regardless of how objectionable some people might find them. Why aren’t there crosswalk flags for (insert political movement here)?
One is a political statement which the Government shouldn’t be involved in. They should be treated the same under the law if they are going to put it on the road though. Goodness you are dumb.
Damn that government of freedom embracing the freedom to love and live how you choose. Can’t have that shit.
That’s just the bullshit you choose to believe. The same folks who went ape shit when the public property they liked was vandalized are seeing no problem with this vandalism. Like then don’t do the crime if you are going to be a bitch when caught.
Were the people who defaced the confederate generals statues charged with a felony?

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