State's rights, tyranny and the Federal Government

That case involves an Oregon Court and Oregon Law.

Thread's over. Eagle has decided states' right should _not_ apply.
That case involves an Oregon Court and Oregon Law.

Thread's over. Eagle has decided states' right should _not_ apply.
That was decided by 5 people in Black Robes.................
The GAG ORDER IS UTTER BS............
In the wake of the recent Supreme Court decision regarding same-sex marriage, a lot of discussion has gone on over whether the Federal Government is tyrannically oppressing "state's rights".

Aside from the root issue that almost every mention of "state's rights" is referring to states having the right to discriminate against it's own citizens, I wonder why people with such dislike and distrust of the federal government seem to have no problems with state government overreach.

Why is one government telling you what to do better than the other?

oh brother. the people in California voted down Homosexual marriage and you all had black robe justices step and OVERTURN their rights to vote on it in their own state. so you might like being RULED over but that isn't how our country used to work. now it's just mob rules

Was this a typo? How is it mob rule if you are complaining that a small group is responsible for changing law?
The answer to the original post is so simple that it hardly merits an answer.

Government officials in Montana, for example, are in tune to the needs and wants of Montanans regarding government of themselves....much more so than New York Pinheads, Chicago Mobsters and California Loons...who refuse to recognize different cultures, different climates, different populations, different geographical considerations...and who insist on imposing their fucked up ways that have developed from their own culture, climates, population, and geography.

Its why the Constitution said that powers not specifically given to the Federal Government are reserved to the States.

Fuck the Federal Government.

We are in a serious time for our country on these when the Federalists tried to run everyone like they thought they ought to act..and Jefferson came along and saved us...and we got the Era of Good Feeling out of it....or like the 1850's which drifted eventually into Civil War.

Our history hasn't seen the Loons & Socialists, like the O.P., push things so far since those evil times.
In the wake of the recent Supreme Court decision regarding same-sex marriage, a lot of discussion has gone on over whether the Federal Government is tyrannically oppressing "state's rights".

Aside from the root issue that almost every mention of "state's rights" is referring to states having the right to discriminate against it's own citizens, I wonder why people with such dislike and distrust of the federal government seem to have no problems with state government overreach.

Why is one government telling you what to do better than the other?

Sounds like a far left rant more than a post for discussion. But hey I guess the mods can post their religious beliefs while they get to censors others on the board.

There are many laws that discriminate against it's own citizens, look at the smokers issue. Is it fair to make laws that only affect them and not anyone else? How about affirmative action where you have to hire solely based on race, sex, etc.?

The "rights" arguments from the far left are often based on something that does not exist anymore to keep the flock in their slave quarters.
state government overreach

What does that even mean?

it means that states can't make unconstitutional laws...The 10th amendment has that oft overlooked stipulation.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."


The United States Constitution has secured an unprecedented degree of human freedom, upholding the rule of law, securing the blessings of liberty, and providing the framework for the people of America to build a great, prosperous, and just nation unlike any other in the world.

George Washington thought that it was “little short of a miracle” that the delegates could agree on the Constitution. Americans had stumbled on this road before. The United States had established an earlier constitution in 1781, the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles, each state governed itself through elected representatives, and the state representatives in turn elected a weak central government, one so feeble that it was unworkable. This league of states, hastily crafted during wartime, had to be replaced with a real government.

The challenge was devising stable institutional arrangements that would reconcile majority rule and minority rights, that is, reflect the consent of the governed but avoid majority tyranny. The new constitution would need to secure the rights promised in the Declaration of Independence and do so through a republican form of government. The founders responded with a written Constitution that created a strong government of limited powers, with the then-novel institutions of the separation of powers and federalism.

The Constitution of the United States

Thanks but by what does that even mean, I was asking what is he talking about, what State laws is he referring to. I did not mean what is the definition of the words he used. He asked a question without telling us what he is referring to
The gag order is in place by the judge on all parties.

You guys don't like laws that tell you that you are wrong but that you have to follow them regardless.
Government officials in Montana, for example, are in tune to the needs and wants of Montanans regarding government of themselves..

And the counties will be more in tune with their population than the states, so county laws should take precedence. And the cities will be even more in tune, so city laws should take precedence. And each person knows best, so each person should have their own laws.

That's where the "More local is better!" logic takes you. Unless you can show why it should stop at the states, and nobody can.

Its why the Constitution said that powers not specifically given to the Federal Government are reserved to the States.

No, it doesn't say that. It says those powers are reserved to the states _or_ to the people. Note the "or". It's one or the other. In the case of basic rights, those powers go to the people, not the states.

Fuck the Federal Government.

In this case, that's like saying "fuck liberty". Your precious state-level tyranny was squashed. Deal with it.

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