Stealing defeat from the jaws of victory. How Democrats confirmed Kavvy.

Democrats would've done a lot better if they concentrated on Kavenaugh being an emotional partisan hack, instead of a 40 year old unprovable allegation.

Yup they would have done better without the 40 yr old case that had no witnesses and no proof.

They got hung on their own petard.
Liberals already do.
Whoopi Goldberg says its not really rape rape.
Whoopi Goldberg was supposed to fly to Canada if Trump got elected.

FLY Whoopi! FLY!

I don't think any of those threatening to leave the US did.

Did anyone expect anything else??
Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford when they were teenagers. It happened. It was a long time ago, but it happened. Kavanaugh now appears to be on the verge of confirmation. Democrats are hugely dismayed, but Democrats are to blame.

Ford was correct to bring her information to Congress. She was correct to come forward publicly. It was correct for her to be heard. But everything Democrats did was a mistake. They were stupid mistakes, they were selfish mistakes, and they were self defeating mistakes.

Feinstein should not have kept Ford's letter in her back pocket until the last minute. Grassley has been right about one thing, that Feinstein could have shared the information even while protecting Ford's confidentiality. When Ford came forward publicly Democrats made the nomination about justice for sexual assault victims, women's rights, and #metoo. That was a fatal mistake. Yes, what happened a when they were teenagers had some value for evaluating his character. But even under the best of circumstances, it cannot be the defining fact that reveals his character today.

Democrats tried to make the confirmation about Ford, and consequently about justice. They succeeded for a moment. But that was a mistake, because this always had to return to Kavanaugh. He was the one being voted on. The consequence of this mistake was that when the focus finally did returne to Kavanaugh, with the issue of justice in the background, the question stopped being whether or not to confirm Kavanaugh. It became whether or not to convict Kavanaugh.

This has become such a contentious issue, with key individuals like Senator Flake being so tormented as they try to decide how to vote. There's been tons of uncertainty, and if Democrats hadn't botched this whole thing so badly that uncertainty would be enough. You don't vote confirm a lifetime appointment because you're deeply conflicted but 51% sure. The logical choice would be to reject a nominee that doesn't entirely wow you, and move forward with another candidate.

But Democrats eliminated that by making strategic mistakes at every step of the way. Democrats turned this into a question of whether or not to convict Kavanaugh. A vote against confirmation became equivalent to a vote to convict. By making that the question, uncertainty necessarily breaks the other direction. Nobody wants to convict when they are only 51% sure.

Once again, Democrats prove that they are the world champions at losing.

Except.... we dont that, there was no corroborating evidence in fords story.
Rational common sense Americans are appalled at what the Democrats have done to the man and his family. They've stooped to all-time terrible lows in trying to keep Trump's pick out. Hopefully voters will make them pay at the Ballot Box in the future.
Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford when they were teenagers. It happened. It was a long time ago, but it happened. Kavanaugh now appears to be on the verge of confirmation. Democrats are hugely dismayed, but Democrats are to blame.

Ford was correct to bring her information to Congress. She was correct to come forward publicly. It was correct for her to be heard. But everything Democrats did was a mistake. They were stupid mistakes, they were selfish mistakes, and they were self defeating mistakes.

Feinstein should not have kept Ford's letter in her back pocket until the last minute. Grassley has been right about one thing, that Feinstein could have shared the information even while protecting Ford's confidentiality. When Ford came forward publicly Democrats made the nomination about justice for sexual assault victims, women's rights, and #metoo. That was a fatal mistake. Yes, what happened a when they were teenagers had some value for evaluating his character. But even under the best of circumstances, it cannot be the defining fact that reveals his character today.

Democrats tried to make the confirmation about Ford, and consequently about justice. They succeeded for a moment. But that was a mistake, because this always had to return to Kavanaugh. He was the one being voted on. The consequence of this mistake was that when the focus finally did returne to Kavanaugh, with the issue of justice in the background, the question stopped being whether or not to confirm Kavanaugh. It became whether or not to convict Kavanaugh.

This has become such a contentious issue, with key individuals like Senator Flake being so tormented as they try to decide how to vote. There's been tons of uncertainty, and if Democrats hadn't botched this whole thing so badly that uncertainty would be enough. You don't vote confirm a lifetime appointment because you're deeply conflicted but 51% sure. The logical choice would be to reject a nominee that doesn't entirely wow you, and move forward with another candidate.

But Democrats eliminated that by making strategic mistakes at every step of the way. Democrats turned this into a question of whether or not to convict Kavanaugh. A vote against confirmation became equivalent to a vote to convict. By making that the question, uncertainty necessarily breaks the other direction. Nobody wants to convict when they are only 51% sure.

Once again, Democrats prove that they are the world champions at losing.

No, he did not attack Ford, she is lying. There is no evidence that it happened, the witnesses she named said it didn't happen, and she lied over and over about details of her life that show she is a hack, a democrat who won the Golden Ticket by growing up in the same area as Kavanaugh...she is now the first #metoo millionaire and all she had to do was lie....
Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford when they were teenagers. It happened. It was a long time ago, but it happened. Kavanaugh now appears to be on the verge of confirmation. Democrats are hugely dismayed, but Democrats are to blame.

Ford was correct to bring her information to Congress. She was correct to come forward publicly. It was correct for her to be heard. But everything Democrats did was a mistake. They were stupid mistakes, they were selfish mistakes, and they were self defeating mistakes.

Feinstein should not have kept Ford's letter in her back pocket until the last minute. Grassley has been right about one thing, that Feinstein could have shared the information even while protecting Ford's confidentiality. When Ford came forward publicly Democrats made the nomination about justice for sexual assault victims, women's rights, and #metoo. That was a fatal mistake. Yes, what happened a when they were teenagers had some value for evaluating his character. But even under the best of circumstances, it cannot be the defining fact that reveals his character today.

Democrats tried to make the confirmation about Ford, and consequently about justice. They succeeded for a moment. But that was a mistake, because this always had to return to Kavanaugh. He was the one being voted on. The consequence of this mistake was that when the focus finally did returne to Kavanaugh, with the issue of justice in the background, the question stopped being whether or not to confirm Kavanaugh. It became whether or not to convict Kavanaugh.

This has become such a contentious issue, with key individuals like Senator Flake being so tormented as they try to decide how to vote. There's been tons of uncertainty, and if Democrats hadn't botched this whole thing so badly that uncertainty would be enough. You don't vote confirm a lifetime appointment because you're deeply conflicted but 51% sure. The logical choice would be to reject a nominee that doesn't entirely wow you, and move forward with another candidate.

But Democrats eliminated that by making strategic mistakes at every step of the way. Democrats turned this into a question of whether or not to convict Kavanaugh. A vote against confirmation became equivalent to a vote to convict. By making that the question, uncertainty necessarily breaks the other direction. Nobody wants to convict when they are only 51% sure.

Once again, Democrats prove that they are the world champions at losing.
Republicans were going to confirm Kavanaugh no matter what. He could rape a child in front of them and they’d suddenly start supporting child rape. That Democrats came so close is amazing. Even now, if Susan Collins announces at 3:00 that she’ll vote no, Democrats will have accomplished the impossible.

Wrong, that would be the democrats, they are supporting an actual child rapist, Senator Bob Melendez who went to the Dominican Republic and raped under age girls.....the democrat party is the party of rape...see bill clinton too.....and beating women...see keith ellison and all the other democrats accused of violence against women...
Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford when they were teenagers. It happened. It was a long time ago, but it happened. Kavanaugh now appears to be on the verge of confirmation. Democrats are hugely dismayed, but Democrats are to blame.

Ford was correct to bring her information to Congress. She was correct to come forward publicly. It was correct for her to be heard. But everything Democrats did was a mistake. They were stupid mistakes, they were selfish mistakes, and they were self defeating mistakes.

Feinstein should not have kept Ford's letter in her back pocket until the last minute. Grassley has been right about one thing, that Feinstein could have shared the information even while protecting Ford's confidentiality. When Ford came forward publicly Democrats made the nomination about justice for sexual assault victims, women's rights, and #metoo. That was a fatal mistake. Yes, what happened a when they were teenagers had some value for evaluating his character. But even under the best of circumstances, it cannot be the defining fact that reveals his character today.

Democrats tried to make the confirmation about Ford, and consequently about justice. They succeeded for a moment. But that was a mistake, because this always had to return to Kavanaugh. He was the one being voted on. The consequence of this mistake was that when the focus finally did returne to Kavanaugh, with the issue of justice in the background, the question stopped being whether or not to confirm Kavanaugh. It became whether or not to convict Kavanaugh.

This has become such a contentious issue, with key individuals like Senator Flake being so tormented as they try to decide how to vote. There's been tons of uncertainty, and if Democrats hadn't botched this whole thing so badly that uncertainty would be enough. You don't vote confirm a lifetime appointment because you're deeply conflicted but 51% sure. The logical choice would be to reject a nominee that doesn't entirely wow you, and move forward with another candidate.

But Democrats eliminated that by making strategic mistakes at every step of the way. Democrats turned this into a question of whether or not to convict Kavanaugh. A vote against confirmation became equivalent to a vote to convict. By making that the question, uncertainty necessarily breaks the other direction. Nobody wants to convict when they are only 51% sure.

Once again, Democrats prove that they are the world champions at losing.
Republicans were going to confirm Kavanaugh no matter what. He could rape a child in front of them and they’d suddenly start supporting child rape. That Democrats came so close is amazing. Even now, if Susan Collins announces at 3:00 that she’ll vote no, Democrats will have accomplished the impossible.
This is the kind of partisan mud slinging that has gotten us to this point. If you wish to lump ALL (insert group here) into one narrow line of thinking, one of two things are happening.

  1. You are no different than any racist, sexist, or homophobe.
  2. You are so partisain (and sure you are right) that you cannot imagine any way that a logical, thinking person could EVER disagree with you on ANYTHING.
Possibly both.
Be honest with yourself, rube
Why should we be honest with ourselves when you are a fucking two faced liar unable to be honest with yourself? Again for the slow and AMAZINGLY stupid.
She could not remember when where or how she got to the gathering. in 2012 she told her therapist there were 4 boys in the room and she could not name names. Yet suddenly NOW it was 2 and she clearly remembers who they were. The people claimed to be at the gathering ALL deny remembering any such gathering. Her girlfriend from that time said UNDER oath that the two of them did NOT know kavaneigh or Judge at the time finally decided on for when this non event occurred. she claimed Judge and Kavaneigh were so drunk they were bouncing off the walls going DOWN the stairs but were stealth quiet coming up.

She lied about her front door, she lied about being afraid to fly and she lied about helping others pass lie detector tests.

Yup all those lies and you believe her, I got a Unicorn I wanna sell you, one of a kind worth a fortune.
Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford when they were teenagers. It happened. It was a long time ago, but it happened. Kavanaugh now appears to be on the verge of confirmation. Democrats are hugely dismayed, but Democrats are to blame.

Ford was correct to bring her information to Congress. She was correct to come forward publicly. It was correct for her to be heard. But everything Democrats did was a mistake. They were stupid mistakes, they were selfish mistakes, and they were self defeating mistakes.

Feinstein should not have kept Ford's letter in her back pocket until the last minute. Grassley has been right about one thing, that Feinstein could have shared the information even while protecting Ford's confidentiality. When Ford came forward publicly Democrats made the nomination about justice for sexual assault victims, women's rights, and #metoo. That was a fatal mistake. Yes, what happened a when they were teenagers had some value for evaluating his character. But even under the best of circumstances, it cannot be the defining fact that reveals his character today.

Democrats tried to make the confirmation about Ford, and consequently about justice. They succeeded for a moment. But that was a mistake, because this always had to return to Kavanaugh. He was the one being voted on. The consequence of this mistake was that when the focus finally did returne to Kavanaugh, with the issue of justice in the background, the question stopped being whether or not to confirm Kavanaugh. It became whether or not to convict Kavanaugh.

This has become such a contentious issue, with key individuals like Senator Flake being so tormented as they try to decide how to vote. There's been tons of uncertainty, and if Democrats hadn't botched this whole thing so badly that uncertainty would be enough. You don't vote confirm a lifetime appointment because you're deeply conflicted but 51% sure. The logical choice would be to reject a nominee that doesn't entirely wow you, and move forward with another candidate.

But Democrats eliminated that by making strategic mistakes at every step of the way. Democrats turned this into a question of whether or not to convict Kavanaugh. A vote against confirmation became equivalent to a vote to convict. By making that the question, uncertainty necessarily breaks the other direction. Nobody wants to convict when they are only 51% sure.

Once again, Democrats prove that they are the world champions at losing.
Republicans were going to confirm Kavanaugh no matter what. He could rape a child in front of them and they’d suddenly start supporting child rape. That Democrats came so close is amazing. Even now, if Susan Collins announces at 3:00 that she’ll vote no, Democrats will have accomplished the impossible.
This is the kind of partisan mud slinging that has gotten us to this point. If you wish to lump ALL (insert group here) into one narrow line of thinking, one of two things are happening.

  1. You are no different than any racist, sexist, or homophobe.
  2. You are so partisain (and sure you are right) that you cannot imagine any way that a logical, thinking person could EVER disagree with you on ANYTHING.
Possibly both.
Be honest with yourself, rube
Why should we be honest with ourselves when you are a fucking two faced liar unable to be honest with yourself? Again for the slow and AMAZINGLY stupid.
She could not remember when where or how she got to the gathering. in 2012 she told her therapist there were 4 boys in the room and she could not name names. Yet suddenly NOW it was 2 and she clearly remembers who they were. The people claimed to be at the gathering ALL deny remembering any such gathering. Her girlfriend from that time said UNDER oath that the two of them did NOT know kavaneigh or Judge at the time finally decided on for when this non event occurred. she claimed Judge and Kavaneigh were so drunk they were bouncing off the walls going DOWN the stairs but were stealth quiet coming up.

She lied about her front door, she lied about being afraid to fly and she lied about helping others pass lie detector tests.

Yup all those lies and you believe her, I got a Unicorn I wanna sell you, one of a kind worth a fortune.

Hey.....I already gave you money for that Unicorn....
Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford when they were teenagers. It happened. It was a long time ago, but it happened. Kavanaugh now appears to be on the verge of confirmation. Democrats are hugely dismayed, but Democrats are to blame.

Ford was correct to bring her information to Congress. She was correct to come forward publicly. It was correct for her to be heard. But everything Democrats did was a mistake. They were stupid mistakes, they were selfish mistakes, and they were self defeating mistakes.

Feinstein should not have kept Ford's letter in her back pocket until the last minute. Grassley has been right about one thing, that Feinstein could have shared the information even while protecting Ford's confidentiality. When Ford came forward publicly Democrats made the nomination about justice for sexual assault victims, women's rights, and #metoo. That was a fatal mistake. Yes, what happened a when they were teenagers had some value for evaluating his character. But even under the best of circumstances, it cannot be the defining fact that reveals his character today.

Democrats tried to make the confirmation about Ford, and consequently about justice. They succeeded for a moment. But that was a mistake, because this always had to return to Kavanaugh. He was the one being voted on. The consequence of this mistake was that when the focus finally did returne to Kavanaugh, with the issue of justice in the background, the question stopped being whether or not to confirm Kavanaugh. It became whether or not to convict Kavanaugh.

This has become such a contentious issue, with key individuals like Senator Flake being so tormented as they try to decide how to vote. There's been tons of uncertainty, and if Democrats hadn't botched this whole thing so badly that uncertainty would be enough. You don't vote confirm a lifetime appointment because you're deeply conflicted but 51% sure. The logical choice would be to reject a nominee that doesn't entirely wow you, and move forward with another candidate.

But Democrats eliminated that by making strategic mistakes at every step of the way. Democrats turned this into a question of whether or not to convict Kavanaugh. A vote against confirmation became equivalent to a vote to convict. By making that the question, uncertainty necessarily breaks the other direction. Nobody wants to convict when they are only 51% sure.

Once again, Democrats prove that they are the world champions at losing.
Republicans were going to confirm Kavanaugh no matter what. He could rape a child in front of them and they’d suddenly start supporting child rape. That Democrats came so close is amazing. Even now, if Susan Collins announces at 3:00 that she’ll vote no, Democrats will have accomplished the impossible.
This is the kind of partisan mud slinging that has gotten us to this point. If you wish to lump ALL (insert group here) into one narrow line of thinking, one of two things are happening.

  1. You are no different than any racist, sexist, or homophobe.
  2. You are so partisain (and sure you are right) that you cannot imagine any way that a logical, thinking person could EVER disagree with you on ANYTHING.
Possibly both.
Be honest with yourself, rube
Why should we be honest with ourselves when you are a fucking two faced liar unable to be honest with yourself? Again for the slow and AMAZINGLY stupid.
She could not remember when where or how she got to the gathering. in 2012 she told her therapist there were 4 boys in the room and she could not name names. Yet suddenly NOW it was 2 and she clearly remembers who they were. The people claimed to be at the gathering ALL deny remembering any such gathering. Her girlfriend from that time said UNDER oath that the two of them did NOT know kavaneigh or Judge at the time finally decided on for when this non event occurred. she claimed Judge and Kavaneigh were so drunk they were bouncing off the walls going DOWN the stairs but were stealth quiet coming up.

She lied about her front door, she lied about being afraid to fly and she lied about helping others pass lie detector tests.

Yup all those lies and you believe her, I got a Unicorn I wanna sell you, one of a kind worth a fortune.

Hey.....I already gave you money for that Unicorn....

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