Stewart Doing What He Does Best


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
Calling out and trashing the BS going on in politics.

Stewart absoutly destroyed the right wingers in one of his best videos to date! :clap2::clap2:

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Jon Stewart is a very well informed man, and pretty smart as well, which is why he does such a great job in political satire.

Interestingly enough, did you hear on Colbert tonight when he read the GOP autopsy on his show tonight, and one of the recommendations was that GOP candidates and politicians should go on Jon Stewart and the Colbert show?
Orgasms over a comedian isn't pretty, sticky

and then they complain about how people listen to Rush
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I f the GOP keeps telling its loyals that anyone who disagrees with their platform is unworthy of consideration, the GOP is going to continue to alienate a huge percentage of the population.

It isn't HOW they spew their hateful messages, it's the hate itself that is causing them problems.

They're screwed because they created this political tent propped up by pandering to the hate of their grass roots, and the TARGETS OF THEIR HATRED aren't fools.
lol, all that over a John Stewart show^^^^^

the only one I see putting out hate is John Stewart
I f the GOP keeps telling its loyals that anyone who disagrees with their platform is unworthy of consideration, the GOP is going to continue to alienate a huge percentage of the population.

It isn't HOW they spew their hateful messages, it's the hate itself that is causing them problems.

They're screwed because they created this political tent propped up by pandering to the hate of their grass roots, and the TARGETS OF THEIR HATRED aren't fools.

They remind me of:

[ame=]Monty Python - Life of Brian - PFJ Splitters - YouTube[/ame]
I f the GOP keeps telling its loyals that anyone who disagrees with their platform is unworthy of consideration, the GOP is going to continue to alienate a huge percentage of the population.

It isn't HOW they spew their hateful messages, it's the hate itself that is causing them problems.

They're screwed because they created this political tent propped up by pandering to the hate of their grass roots, and the TARGETS OF THEIR HATRED aren't fools.

They remind me of:

[ame=]Monty Python - Life of Brian - PFJ Splitters - YouTube[/ame]

nothing hateful about that
Is calling Jon Stewart a "comedian" supposed to be an insult?

Good point. I could point to people like Mark Twain, who were satirists, but very well informed. Even politicians have garnered praise for their wit. Ronald Reagan was a good example.

Even when I disagree with Jon Stewart I like him. He seems like a well meaning guy, even when he is wrong. Satirists have been a part of politics since politics existed. It would be unwise for Republicans to marginalize Stewart because he is a "comedian".
Colbert and Stewart create hour of parody every night that mocks the GOP and Conservatism. It's been underrated as one of the reasons why the electorate, especially the young, have gone left in recent years. It's tough to survive in politics when you're a laughingstock, and that's what the GOP has become, thanks to their two tv shows.

But the main reason is, of course, the failure of the Dubya administration. He was one of the worst Presidents ever, and by the end of his eight years, "The Tough on Terror Party of Fiscal Responsibility" was losing two wars and giving welfare to Wall Street.

Conservatives only have themselves to blame, and it's clear on this message board that they haven't gotten around to doing that yet.
Great exchange between a great comedian and a rare newsperson I respect.

[ame=]Jon Stewart Vs. Chris Wallace On Fox Bias (CQB 241) - YouTube[/ame]
Orgasms over a comedian isn't pretty, sticky

and then they complain about how people listen to Rush

Someone is complaining?

People with horsepower are happy to hear Pigboy's/Hannity's/Beck's listeners discuss those programs. Smart executives/ up-and-coming managers are especially happy to hear water cooler discussions casting favorable light on nutball geniatti like Karl Rove or Joe Scarbrough.

In sum, people self identifying as human cattle (reactive- fear based, not proactive- solutions based) saves a lot of time that might have been wasted managing people who simply want to be told what to do.

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