Still Losing The Jewish Vote

I am not at all naïve------I am a separated officer in the US navy. The USA and Israel engage in joint training-----but have never fought in conjunction with each other. Islamic leaders have made claims that the US military joined Israel in
wars-------only to cover the reality of their defeats. Nasser was very much into this deceit in the 1967 war. He was almost comical----besides insisting that the USA was directly involved in that war------he insisted that HE WON. It gets even more stupid than that-------west Pakistan insisted that the Indian military aided east Pakistan-------sheeeesh you guys are pathetic
Like I said, you are very naive, and your judgement is suspect due to senility. ..... :cool:
I am not at all naïve------I am a separated officer in the US navy. The USA and Israel engage in joint training-----but have never fought in conjunction with each other. Islamic leaders have made claims that the US military joined Israel in
wars-------only to cover the reality of their defeats. Nasser was very much into this deceit in the 1967 war. He was almost comical----besides insisting that the USA was directly involved in that war------he insisted that HE WON. It gets even more stupid than that-------west Pakistan insisted that the Indian military aided east Pakistan-------sheeeesh you guys are pathetic
Like I said, you are very naive, and your judgement is suspect due to senility. ..... :cool:

you do not know what the word "senility" means----in fact it is not used in the practice of medicine to describe any kind of a thought disorder or cognitive disorder. The issue of whether or not Israel and the USA consult each other
in their military actions is not a matter of "judgement"-------it is a matter of FACT----they don't. You seem to want to insist they do. Do you have any examples of Israel consulting the USA regarding their military actions or of the USA consulting Israel regarding its military actions? Do you think that the USA asked Israel "what should we do in Afghanistan"? Did Obama ask Israel before he
enacted the assassination of your hero OSAMA? you got anything at all?
Again irosie, if you don't think Tel Aviv and Washington secretly consult each other before making any moves in the Middle East.

You are way more naive than the average poster on this board. ..... :cool:
Again irosie, if you don't think Tel Aviv and Washington secretly consult each other before making any moves in the Middle East.

You are way more naive than the average poster on this board. ..... :cool:

they "secretly consult each other" and the only American person they tell is YOU??? ok-----give me an example of one of those episodes of consultation
to which you were privy Not a difficult task-------make that three little minor examples that you "know" about
Oh, indeed!!

Looky, looky:

1,000 JA

Clinton 64 / Bush 26, margin = Clinton +38

Hallelujah, she is losing the Jewish vote!!!


Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.
A person non grata status in Israel? I`d wear that as a badge of honor.
Oh, indeed!!

Looky, looky:

1,000 JA

Clinton 64 / Bush 26, margin = Clinton +38

Hallelujah, she is losing the Jewish vote!!!


Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.
A person non grata status in Israel? I`d wear that as a badge of honor.

as would have ADOLF EICHMANN your point?

I thought you were an atheist, so means your are not a jew. Jew is not a race.

You have a lot to learn, I see. But it's interesting, we now have two Jew haters on this thread. One from the freaky Left (that would be you) and one from the freaky Right (Stormfront Kinetta!!

Fun times!!!
Oh, indeed!!

Looky, looky:

1,000 JA

Clinton 64 / Bush 26, margin = Clinton +38

Hallelujah, she is losing the Jewish vote!!!


Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.

Oh I thought these were American , mainly Traditional Jews. Not Israelis. From what I have read quite a few Israelis are pro the Iran deal as well. Well Pres. Obama is not the Israel Pres is he, so who gives a rip if they like him or not.

the post of STATIS ----does not even mention Israelis -------sheeesh penny----learn to read They did a poll of "mainly traditional jews"----was being a
"traditional jew" a criterion for taking part in the little poll? How was
"traditional jew"-----defined?

Actually, I specified "JA", which means Jewish Adults, and of course they are Americans, since it was a Clinton / Bush matchup and only Americans will be eligible to vote. And since Stormtrooper Kinetta made a joke about Hillary losing the Jewish vote (which she is not, she will get 7 of 10 Jewish votes, just like Obama, just like Kerry, just like Gore, just like Clinton, just like Dukakis, just like Mondale and so on and so forth...), I brought forth this poll.


And Pene-lopes is only bitching about it because she hates Jews.

Oh, indeed!!

Looky, looky:

1,000 JA

Clinton 64 / Bush 26, margin = Clinton +38

Hallelujah, she is losing the Jewish vote!!!


Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.
A person non grata status in Israel? I`d wear that as a badge of honor.

as would have ADOLF EICHMANN your point?
My point? Being a person non grata in an outlaw nation is not a bad thing. Put Eichmann away if that`s all you got unless your going to suggest he was their mentor.

Israeli Violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions

I thought you were an atheist, so means your are not a jew. Jew is not a race.
Jews are a people. Not a race, and not a religion. Judaism is a religion, you don't have to be a Jew to practice it Jew hater :slap:

They have to make up their mind, in what a definition of Jew is, use to be a jew was from Judea and one who practiced Judaism, then they said had to be born of a jewish mother, and now you can become a Jew ( and in Israel you must become one to marry a jew right, and Israel wants to be called a jewish state. I think your mixed up here. As I think it said on PM Bibi Wiki article, its a tradition. You might want to listen to the you tube video by the Pres. of the Atheist Assoc of the USA, he was a jew, but he says , now he is an atheist, because see you can't be both now can you? Jew lo0ses all it meaning. Why would one avoid pork if one is an atheist, unless one is a vegetarian. I do not eat pork and I'm not a jew. Make up your mind.

Is a jew who practices Judaism in America , orthodox Judaism , an American who practices Judaism or a Jew living in America?

What do you care? You hate all jews, so this is a non-sequitor.
Oh, indeed!!

Looky, looky:

1,000 JA

Clinton 64 / Bush 26, margin = Clinton +38

Hallelujah, she is losing the Jewish vote!!!


Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.
A person non grata status in Israel? I`d wear that as a badge of honor.

Actually, Eretz Israel is a wonderful place, you would like it there. Forget the hotheads talking politics right now.

Oh, indeed!!

Looky, looky:

1,000 JA

Clinton 64 / Bush 26, margin = Clinton +38

Hallelujah, she is losing the Jewish vote!!!


Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.
A person non grata status in Israel? I`d wear that as a badge of honor.

as would have ADOLF EICHMANN your point?
My point? Being a person non grata in an outlaw nation is not a bad thing. Put Eichmann away if that`s all you got unless your going to suggest he was their mentor.

Israeli Violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions

Buddy boy, Israel is NOT an outlaw nation. Get your facts straight.
It is the only free and fully functioning democracy in the Middle East.

End of story.
Again irosie, if you don't think Tel Aviv and Washington secretly consult each other before making any moves in the Middle East.

You are way more naive than the average poster on this board. ..... :cool:

they "secretly consult each other" and the only American person they tell is YOU??? ok-----give me an example of one of those episodes of consultation
to which you were privy Not a difficult task-------make that three little minor examples that you "know" about

Have you ever heard the word confidential.
Oh, indeed!!

Looky, looky:

1,000 JA

Clinton 64 / Bush 26, margin = Clinton +38

Hallelujah, she is losing the Jewish vote!!!


Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.
A person non grata status in Israel? I`d wear that as a badge of honor.

Actually, Eretz Israel is a wonderful place, you would like it there. Forget the hotheads talking politics right now.


Really, then why do so may reformed jews live in America.
Oh, indeed!!

Looky, looky:

1,000 JA

Clinton 64 / Bush 26, margin = Clinton +38

Hallelujah, she is losing the Jewish vote!!!


Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.
A person non grata status in Israel? I`d wear that as a badge of honor.

Actually, Eretz Israel is a wonderful place, you would like it there. Forget the hotheads talking politics right now.


Really, then why do so may reformed jews live in America.

Jews live all over the world, doofus.
Oh, indeed!!

Looky, looky:

1,000 JA

Clinton 64 / Bush 26, margin = Clinton +38

Hallelujah, she is losing the Jewish vote!!!


Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.
A person non grata status in Israel? I`d wear that as a badge of honor.

as would have ADOLF EICHMANN your point?
My point? Being a person non grata in an outlaw nation is not a bad thing. Put Eichmann away if that`s all you got unless your going to suggest he was their mentor.

Israeli Violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions
Again irosie, if you don't think Tel Aviv and Washington secretly consult each other before making any moves in the Middle East.

You are way more naive than the average poster on this board. ..... :cool:

they "secretly consult each other" and the only American person they tell is YOU??? ok-----give me an example of one of those episodes of consultation
to which you were privy Not a difficult task-------make that three little minor examples that you "know" about

Have you ever heard the word confidential.
Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.
A person non grata status in Israel? I`d wear that as a badge of honor.

as would have ADOLF EICHMANN your point?
My point? Being a person non grata in an outlaw nation is not a bad thing. Put Eichmann away if that`s all you got unless your going to suggest he was their mentor.

Israeli Violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions
Again irosie, if you don't think Tel Aviv and Washington secretly consult each other before making any moves in the Middle East.

You are way more naive than the average poster on this board. ..... :cool:

they "secretly consult each other" and the only American person they tell is YOU??? ok-----give me an example of one of those episodes of consultation
to which you were privy Not a difficult task-------make that three little minor examples that you "know" about

Have you ever heard the word confidential.

Of course----unlike you ----I am a real health care worker--. The sweet nothings our clients whisper as as you suck their cocks is not legally privileged

I thought you were an atheist, so means your are not a jew. Jew is not a race.
Jews are a people. Not a race, and not a religion. Judaism is a religion, you don't have to be a Jew to practice it Jew hater :slap:

They have to make up their mind, in what a definition of Jew is, use to be a jew was from Judea and one who practiced Judaism, then they said had to be born of a jewish mother, and now you can become a Jew ( and in Israel you must become one to marry a jew right, and Israel wants to be called a jewish state. I think your mixed up here. As I think it said on PM Bibi Wiki article, its a tradition. You might want to listen to the you tube video by the Pres. of the Atheist Assoc of the USA, he was a jew, but he says , now he is an atheist, because see you can't be both now can you? Jew lo0ses all it meaning. Why would one avoid pork if one is an atheist, unless one is a vegetarian. I do not eat pork and I'm not a jew. Make up your mind.

Is a jew who practices Judaism in America , orthodox Judaism , an American who practices Judaism or a Jew living in America?

Penny----your post is utterly incoherent. Jews decide what jews are and are not at all confused about the issue. YOU used the term "traditional jew"-----
claiming that a poll was taken amongst "traditional jews" -------I am a jew and can describe to you how jews use the term TRADITIONAL JEW------but you would be just as confused after I described that term as you are now. . It is best not to use terms that you do not understand. Do you know what a LAPSED CATHOLIC IS? I do not try to insist to the local priest that I know and he does not

I would imagine a lapse Catholic is the same as a lapsed Jew.
yea billy We Jews will flock the the cracker goyim party :badgrin:

I thought you were an atheist, so means your are not a jew. Jew is not a race.
Jews are a people. Not a race, and not a religion. Judaism is a religion, you don't have to be a Jew to practice it Jew hater :slap:

They have to make up their mind, in what a definition of Jew is, use to be a jew was from Judea and one who practiced Judaism, then they said had to be born of a jewish mother, and now you can become a Jew ( and in Israel you must become one to marry a jew right, and Israel wants to be called a jewish state. I think your mixed up here. As I think it said on PM Bibi Wiki article, its a tradition. You might want to listen to the you tube video by the Pres. of the Atheist Assoc of the USA, he was a jew, but he says , now he is an atheist, because see you can't be both now can you? Jew lo0ses all it meaning. Why would one avoid pork if one is an atheist, unless one is a vegetarian. I do not eat pork and I'm not a jew. Make up your mind.

Is a jew who practices Judaism in America , orthodox Judaism , an American who practices Judaism or a Jew living in America?

Penny----your post is utterly incoherent. Jews decide what jews are and are not at all confused about the issue. YOU used the term "traditional jew"-----
claiming that a poll was taken amongst "traditional jews" -------I am a jew and can describe to you how jews use the term TRADITIONAL JEW------but you would be just as confused after I described that term as you are now. . It is best not to use terms that you do not understand. Do you know what a LAPSED CATHOLIC IS? I do not try to insist to the local priest that I know and he does not

I would imagine a lapse Catholic is the same as a lapsed Jew.

I would say you are more like a lapsed human being.
Oh, indeed!!

Looky, looky:

1,000 JA

Clinton 64 / Bush 26, margin = Clinton +38

Hallelujah, she is losing the Jewish vote!!!


Not that I should think 1000 Jewish opinions mean much at all, like a drop in a bucket, but apparently these mainly reformed jews are for the iran deal:

The agreement imposes intrusive inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities by international nuclear experts, and it caps the level at which Iran can enrich uranium to far below what is necessary to make a nuclear weapon. In exchange for limiting its nuclear program and agreeing to intrusive inspections, Iran would receive phased relief from U.S. and international economic sanctions, as Iran complies with the terms of the agreement.

Would you support or oppose this agreement?


Strongly support ......................................................................26

Somewhat support....................................................................51

Somewhat oppose ....................................................................14

Strongly oppose ........................................................................8

Total Support.........................................................................78

Total Oppose..........................................................................22

Support - Oppose ...................................................................56


Comical at best. The agreement is a lie, and the Israelis know it. Obama is nearing persona non grata status in Israel.

Oh I thought these were American , mainly Traditional Jews. Not Israelis. From what I have read quite a few Israelis are pro the Iran deal as well. Well Pres. Obama is not the Israel Pres is he, so who gives a rip if they like him or not.

the post of STATIS ----does not even mention Israelis -------sheeesh penny----learn to read They did a poll of "mainly traditional jews"----was being a
"traditional jew" a criterion for taking part in the little poll? How was
"traditional jew"-----defined?

Actually, I specified "JA", which means Jewish Adults, and of course they are Americans, since it was a Clinton / Bush matchup and only Americans will be eligible to vote. And since Stormtrooper Kinetta made a joke about Hillary losing the Jewish vote (which she is not, she will get 7 of 10 Jewish votes, just like Obama, just like Kerry, just like Gore, just like Clinton, just like Dukakis, just like Mondale and so on and so forth...), I brought forth this poll.


And Pene-lopes is only bitching about it because she hates Jews.


Not all, I like the Howard on Big Bang (although not very bright) , Ben Stiller, Seinfeld, Adam Sandler, although they are rather short in stature, they make good comedians. :D

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