Stimulus Checks.

Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.
Hope you can lie and hide your attitude from your next landlord. Hate to see you homeless.
The problem is that it seems that the solution is to always fuck the little guy.

Perfect idiotic liberal lie. Govt spends trillions each year on the little guy by taxing the big guys!! Take a family of four. Free health care at $40k, free education at $20k, $12k national defense, $15K free infrastructure, $12k free housing, $12k( welfare, food stamps, disability). Thats $111,000/year.

Try being a little guy in Africa or India without any of that free stuff!!!

You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich. And we don't have free health care. At least nothing like the universal health care they have in most of the European countries. Along with Japan. And our free education ends at high school. In many other countries they actually provide free college education. The other things you mention are for everybody. Not just the poor.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich.
You make a point of dumb talking don't you? Everyone is getting clobbered. McDonalds is closed and so is Neiman Marcus and Tiffany's

Well from everything I have been hearing most people say, it isn't the landlords who are getting clobbered. In one way or another, they are going to get their back rent. Come hell or high water. Next, most of the fast food places are still open. It's just that you can only get the food through the drive through.
The problem is that it seems that the solution is to always fuck the little guy.

Perfect idiotic liberal lie. Govt spends trillions each year on the little guy by taxing the big guys!! Take a family of four. Free health care at $40k, free education at $20k, $12k national defense, $15K free infrastructure, $12k free housing, $12k( welfare, food stamps, disability). Thats $111,000/year.

Try being a little guy in Africa or India without any of that free stuff!!!

You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich. And we don't have free health care. At least nothing like the universal health care they have in most of the European countries. Along with Japan. And our free education ends at high school. In many other countries they actually provide free college education. The other things you mention are for everybody. Not just the poor.
Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.
Hope you can lie and hide your attitude from your next landlord. Hate to see you homeless.

It just so happens that my rent is taken care of. But I feel for those who have lost their jobs and can't pay it. And if I were in that position, you can bet your ass that I wouldn't be paying back rent when I was out of work due to the coronavirus plague. Neither would I let them evict me over it. And chances are, the police wouldn't do so either. Just as they didn't in the housing meltdown of 2008.
And we don't have free health care. At least nothing like the universal health care they have in most of the European countries. Along with Japan.
BS of course. You have Medicaid, Schip, community clinics, and emergency rooms, all free because you cant support yourself and feel so entitled to leech off of everyone else. And still you feel entitled to more despite making no contribution of your own?
You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.
so? it doesn't amount to anything since they don't make much. 99% of the $111,000 you get comes from the rich. Why not be a good boy and thank them for supporting you?

Yeah. That's why the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth. Because their taxes are so high. And with there being a LOT more poor people to pay, it does amount to something. I'll give you something else to disagree with.

Tax rates by income level.jpg
tax rates in Kansas.png
And our free education ends at high school. In many other countries they actually provide free college education.
Community colleges are all but free but still not enough leeching off the rich- right?? Is there anything you want to pay for? What entitles you to so much welfare from the rich and no contribution to society?? Imagine if your entitlement attitude became wide spread? Destroying the incentive to work is how Stalin and Mao slowing starved 120 million to death. Do you understand?
And we don't have free health care. At least nothing like the universal health care they have in most of the European countries. Along with Japan.
BS of course. You have Medicaid, Schip, community clinics, and emergency rooms, all free because you cant support yourself and feel so entitled to leech off of everyone else. And still you feel entitled to more despite making no contribution of your own?

I'll say this again. Take it in slowly. Maybe you'll understand then. In the U.S., we do NOT have universal health care. Also, if it wasn't for the poor people making and doing things, you wouldn't have shit. You could be swimming in piles of money, but all they would be are scraps of paper. So watch who you call a leech, leech.
The other things you mention are for everybody. Not just the poor.
so you don't appreciate the free national defense and infrastructure you enjoy every day? Ask poor people in Africa how they like doing without those as you enjoy them freely every day!! at the rich's expense
And our free education ends at high school. In many other countries they actually provide free college education.
Community colleges are all but free but still not enough leeching off the rich- right?? Is there anything you want to pay for? What entitles you to so much welfare from the rich and no contribution to society?? Imagine if your entitlement attitude became wide spread? Destroying the incentive to work is how Stalin and Mao slowing starved 120 million to death. Do you understand?

I have never heard of free college here in the U.S. Unless you have some sort of scholarship. But I have heard plenty about people who go to college having to deep into debt to pay for it.
In the U.S., we do NOT have universal health care.
the poor in effect have it through Medicaid Schip Community clinics, and various state programs. Still not enough free stuff for you from the middle class and rich?
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The other things you mention are for everybody. Not just the poor.
so you don't appreciate the free national defense and infrastructure you enjoy every day? Ask poor people in Africa how they like doing without those as you enjoy them freely every day!! at the rich's expense

Don't bring up poor third world countries. Stick to the developed countries.
In the U.S., we do NOT have universal health care.
the poor in effect have it through Medicaid Schip Community clinics, anda various state programs. Still not enough free stuff for you from the rich?

You can paint it any way you like. It still isn't universal health care. Also, some years ago there were some lowlifes across the street protesting against universal health care. On the end of the line there was a car parked with a sign supporting universal health care. I decided to go talk to them. I brought up how some insurance companies will come up with some bullshit excuse to deny somebody coverage. As it turned out. one of the two people at that end car actually worked for an insurance company. And coming up with bullshit excuses to deny somebody coverage was his job there. That is probably why he was at that rally. Because he had a guilty conscience. There is no telling how many people he helped to bankruptcy and an early grave.

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