Stimulus Checks.

The problem is that it seems that the solution is to always fuck the little guy.

Perfect idiotic liberal lie. Govt spends trillions each year on the little guy by taxing the big guys!! Take a family of four. Free health care at $40k, free education at $20k, $12k national defense, $15K free infrastructure, $12k free housing, $12k( welfare, food stamps, disability). Thats $111,000/year.

Try being a little guy in Africa or India without any of that free stuff!!!

You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich. And we don't have free health care. At least nothing like the universal health care they have in most of the European countries. Along with Japan. And our free education ends at high school. In many other countries they actually provide free college education. The other things you mention are for everybody. Not just the poor.

The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.

What grade were you in the final time you failed out of math?

Did you not see these?

Tax rates by income level.jpg

tax rates in Kansas.png
You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.
so? it doesn't amount to anything since they don't make much. 99% of the $111,000 you get comes from the rich. Why not be a good boy and thank them for supporting you?

Yeah. That's why the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth. Because their taxes are so high. And with there being a LOT more poor people to pay, it does amount to something. I'll give you something else to disagree with.

View attachment 327513View attachment 327515
Your chart deals only with Kansas. Why do I give a flying fudge about Kansas?

I had another besides that. But that aside, what is likely in one state is likely in others.

Tax rates by income level.jpg
No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.

This why I LOATHE bed wetting leftist parasites. It's always the guy who has more shit than they do that has to suffer the consequences of shit.

It's not the land lord's fault you didn't save any fucking money. It's not the government's place to bankrupt someone else in your favor.

Now I could cotton to a policy where home owners get a break from lenders who were bailed out, and those breaks are passed down to renters, but you're looking at a massive goat fuck of paperwork.

The worst part of this is that the entire COVID scare was complete and utter BULLSHIT. It was a hysterical panic deliberately conjured up by leftist media apparatchiks to destroy the economy because they have not been able to defeat Trump. If hitlery had been elected and Ebola infected the country killing 1/3 of those infected, you can bet the media would be focused on some Christian Salon that refused to wax a tranny pervert's nut sack.

Are we going to do this next year when Trump wipes the floor with Creepy Joe?

The media needs to be held accountable for what amounts to inciting a panic with malicious intent and malice aforethought. Criminal indictments need to be issued and people like Mika Brezinsky and Rachel Madcow should be thrown in third world prisons just to outsource the cost of keeping them alive briefly.


You are saying COVID-19 was bullshit? Let's see you tell the 50K+ dead people's families that they aren't really dead, that it was all bullshit!
The problem is that it seems that the solution is to always fuck the little guy.

Perfect idiotic liberal lie. Govt spends trillions each year on the little guy by taxing the big guys!! Take a family of four. Free health care at $40k, free education at $20k, $12k national defense, $15K free infrastructure, $12k free housing, $12k( welfare, food stamps, disability). Thats $111,000/year.

Try being a little guy in Africa or India without any of that free stuff!!!

You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich. And we don't have free health care. At least nothing like the universal health care they have in most of the European countries. Along with Japan. And our free education ends at high school. In many other countries they actually provide free college education. The other things you mention are for everybody. Not just the poor.

The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.

What grade were you in the final time you failed out of math?

Did you not see these?

View attachment 328555
View attachment 328556

WTF cares about Kansas?
You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.
so? it doesn't amount to anything since they don't make much. 99% of the $111,000 you get comes from the rich. Why not be a good boy and thank them for supporting you?

Yeah. That's why the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth. Because their taxes are so high. And with there being a LOT more poor people to pay, it does amount to something. I'll give you something else to disagree with.

View attachment 327513View attachment 327515
Your chart deals only with Kansas. Why do I give a flying fudge about Kansas?

I had another besides that. But that aside, what is likely in one state is likely in others.

View attachment 328557

Why can't you use national figures?
The problem is that it seems that the solution is to always fuck the little guy.

Perfect idiotic liberal lie. Govt spends trillions each year on the little guy by taxing the big guys!! Take a family of four. Free health care at $40k, free education at $20k, $12k national defense, $15K free infrastructure, $12k free housing, $12k( welfare, food stamps, disability). Thats $111,000/year.

Try being a little guy in Africa or India without any of that free stuff!!!

You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich. And we don't have free health care. At least nothing like the universal health care they have in most of the European countries. Along with Japan. And our free education ends at high school. In many other countries they actually provide free college education. The other things you mention are for everybody. Not just the poor.

The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.

What grade were you in the final time you failed out of math?

Did you not see these?

View attachment 328555
View attachment 328556

WTF cares about Kansas?
People who live in Kansas.
You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.
so? it doesn't amount to anything since they don't make much. 99% of the $111,000 you get comes from the rich. Why not be a good boy and thank them for supporting you?

Yeah. That's why the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth. Because their taxes are so high. And with there being a LOT more poor people to pay, it does amount to something. I'll give you something else to disagree with.

View attachment 327513View attachment 327515
Your chart deals only with Kansas. Why do I give a flying fudge about Kansas?

I had another besides that. But that aside, what is likely in one state is likely in others.

View attachment 328557

Why can't you use national figures?
Because he wants to be as ass?
The problem is that it seems that the solution is to always fuck the little guy.

Perfect idiotic liberal lie. Govt spends trillions each year on the little guy by taxing the big guys!! Take a family of four. Free health care at $40k, free education at $20k, $12k national defense, $15K free infrastructure, $12k free housing, $12k( welfare, food stamps, disability). Thats $111,000/year.

Try being a little guy in Africa or India without any of that free stuff!!!

You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich. And we don't have free health care. At least nothing like the universal health care they have in most of the European countries. Along with Japan. And our free education ends at high school. In many other countries they actually provide free college education. The other things you mention are for everybody. Not just the poor.

The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.

What grade were you in the final time you failed out of math?

Did you not see these?

View attachment 328555
View attachment 328556

WTF cares about Kansas?
People who live in Kansas.

Do you? I don't! I could not care less about the tax rates in Kansas. Neither should you if you don't live there.
You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.
so? it doesn't amount to anything since they don't make much. 99% of the $111,000 you get comes from the rich. Why not be a good boy and thank them for supporting you?

Yeah. That's why the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth. Because their taxes are so high. And with there being a LOT more poor people to pay, it does amount to something. I'll give you something else to disagree with.

View attachment 327513View attachment 327515
Your chart deals only with Kansas. Why do I give a flying fudge about Kansas?

I had another besides that. But that aside, what is likely in one state is likely in others.

View attachment 328557

Why can't you use national figures?
Because he wants to be as ass?

Thank you, Mr. Moto!
Next, fuck landlords. God damned slumlords is what they are. I would like to see them all dead.

and then from whom would you rent?? It pays to think before you post.

If I had my way, I would prefer to rent from the government. Who would have strict guidelines to follow. As for me, I do rent. Yesterday it was snowing during the day. And I had no heat. Which has happened often enough. The landlord sets the heat for winter. It only comes on when it is about 28 degrees outside. But during fall or spring when things can still be chilly, I'm just screwed. I have to use an electric heater. Which sucks because I also pay for the electric.

If I had my way, I would prefer to rent from the government

We used to have those here in Chicago.

They sucked.

Having people who lived in them that sucked probably made them suckier. You are talking about ghetto projects aren't you.

You are talking about ghetto projects aren't you.

I'm talking about apartments you could rent from the government.

In other words, ghetto projects.

In other words, government rentals are worse than private rentals.
Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.

Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage.

Less than 3% of Americans earn the Federal minimum wage.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from. I suppose you also believe that the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Before the coronavirus hit, there were around 27 million unemployed working age adults in the U.S. And around 22 million that were underemployed.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from.


My advice is to NOT use your stimulus check to pay either rent or a mortgage with. There is a rent strike going on. Join it! Right now because of the coronavirus thing, it is illegal to evict you. Take advantage of it. If either your landlord or bank brings up rent or mortgage, just tell them you are out of work due to the coronavirus thing and can't pay it. I know that the banks got their bailout. So if your landlord brings up your stimulus check, ask them if they got one. If they did, then just tell them that you're squared away then. If they put up more of a fuss, (which they probably will) just tell them to write it off on their taxes.

If you disagree, consider this. I saw somebody on the news a couple days ago who used their stimulus check to pay their rent with. Do you know what they are now? HUNGRY! I say to hell with that! Do you think people should go hungry and deeper in debt, but for landlords and banks it should be business as usual? If you think that, I would have to ask you just how long you have been a sociopath.

There was a sort of similar situation that went on in the housing meltdown of 2008. I remember seeing a congresswoman on TV telling people to not allow themselves to be evicted. But to stay put. And that is my advice to you. Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
Rent strike?....are you serious?.....if you are having trouble paying rent you are suppose to contact your landlord and work something out but you will have to make up what you don't pay now or you will be out in the streets...why would you give people such bad advise?...

I see. So you are a landlord. Too bad for you I guess. There was a time in France where the little people were told to fuck off and die too. They started building guillotines. What in the hell makes you think that when people get back to work they will be able to "work something out." (ie. pay up asshole!) Maybe they can ask their employer for a stimulus increased first paycheck.
How old are you?
The problem is that it seems that the solution is to always fuck the little guy.

Perfect idiotic liberal lie. Govt spends trillions each year on the little guy by taxing the big guys!! Take a family of four. Free health care at $40k, free education at $20k, $12k national defense, $15K free infrastructure, $12k free housing, $12k( welfare, food stamps, disability). Thats $111,000/year.

Try being a little guy in Africa or India without any of that free stuff!!!

You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich. And we don't have free health care. At least nothing like the universal health care they have in most of the European countries. Along with Japan. And our free education ends at high school. In many other countries they actually provide free college education. The other things you mention are for everybody. Not just the poor.

The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.

What grade were you in the final time you failed out of math?

Did you not see these?

View attachment 328555
View attachment 328556

The poor don't pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.
The problem is that it seems that the solution is to always fuck the little guy.

Perfect idiotic liberal lie. Govt spends trillions each year on the little guy by taxing the big guys!! Take a family of four. Free health care at $40k, free education at $20k, $12k national defense, $15K free infrastructure, $12k free housing, $12k( welfare, food stamps, disability). Thats $111,000/year.

Try being a little guy in Africa or India without any of that free stuff!!!

You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich. And we don't have free health care. At least nothing like the universal health care they have in most of the European countries. Along with Japan. And our free education ends at high school. In many other countries they actually provide free college education. The other things you mention are for everybody. Not just the poor.

The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.

What grade were you in the final time you failed out of math?

Did you not see these?

View attachment 328555
View attachment 328556

WTF cares about Kansas?
People who live in Kansas.

Do you? I don't! I could not care less about the tax rates in Kansas. Neither should you if you don't live there.
Lighten're dealing with mentally ill people aka Liberals!
They show long lines of cars on the news of people needing food. Any landlord's consequences aren't worse than that. Also, I rent. Do you know what I am right now and have been for some time? COLD!!! The landlord keeps the temperature set to what makes him feel comfortable. But he doesn't live here. I say to hell with them all! Next, when most people live from paycheck to paycheck, just how much money do you expect them to save. Let the landlords go bankrupt and get a real job. Next, your "covid bullshit" has killed at least 50,000 people already.


Do you know why most people live "paycheck to paycheck"? Government. Now your dumbass believes they need to solve YOUR PROBLEMS? Keep voting for democrooks dumbass.


How many people died in car wrecks this year?

How many died of Swine Flu..
Bird Flu...

SARS or just common pneumonia?

This was over hyped bullshit and YOU KNOW IT, even as hard as you try to be deliberately ignorant.

Last edited:
What you say is far more true of the wealthy than the poor. And the wealthy are more likely to be rightists.


Are you huffing paint or just some college aged brat with a man bun? The real "rich" billionaires who own the media and wall street are almost exclusively leftwing global collectivists.

They hate gun rights, they hate private property (unless they own it or get the government they fund to control it at tax payer expense). There is NOTHING "right wing" about the sociopaths you are whining about. Do you believe hitlary was just some small town girl that wants to make things better for everyone? You watched too many Strawberry shortcake cartoons.

You are saying COVID-19 was bullshit? Let's see you tell the 50K+ dead people's families that they aren't really dead, that it was all bullshit!

Yes, I am saying the hysteria IS bullshit.

That many people will die in a few months in traffic across the country. More people died of H1N1 and everyone who got that bug KNEW they had it. There wasn't an "asymptomatic" victim of Swine Flu. The Wuhan Flu was designed to take us down.

You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.
so? it doesn't amount to anything since they don't make much. 99% of the $111,000 you get comes from the rich. Why not be a good boy and thank them for supporting you?

Yeah. That's why the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth. Because their taxes are so high. And with there being a LOT more poor people to pay, it does amount to something. I'll give you something else to disagree with.

View attachment 327513View attachment 327515
Your chart deals only with Kansas. Why do I give a flying fudge about Kansas?

I had another besides that. But that aside, what is likely in one state is likely in others.

View attachment 328557

Why can't you use national figures?

I don't think it would really make much difference. Do you know why the top 1% has 99% of the wealth? They write the tax laws.
Next, fuck landlords. God damned slumlords is what they are. I would like to see them all dead.

and then from whom would you rent?? It pays to think before you post.

If I had my way, I would prefer to rent from the government. Who would have strict guidelines to follow. As for me, I do rent. Yesterday it was snowing during the day. And I had no heat. Which has happened often enough. The landlord sets the heat for winter. It only comes on when it is about 28 degrees outside. But during fall or spring when things can still be chilly, I'm just screwed. I have to use an electric heater. Which sucks because I also pay for the electric.

If I had my way, I would prefer to rent from the government

We used to have those here in Chicago.

They sucked.

Having people who lived in them that sucked probably made them suckier. You are talking about ghetto projects aren't you.

You are talking about ghetto projects aren't you.

I'm talking about apartments you could rent from the government.

In other words, ghetto projects.

In other words, government rentals are worse than private rentals.

I guess much of it depends on what species of human you are and where you live. Where I live, most section 8 housing is in duplexes. Which isn't great. But it probably beats the hell out of a high rise. Though when you are living in a congested city, what do you expect.
Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.

Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage.

Less than 3% of Americans earn the Federal minimum wage.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from. I suppose you also believe that the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Before the coronavirus hit, there were around 27 million unemployed working age adults in the U.S. And around 22 million that were underemployed.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from.

View attachment 328578

I misunderstood your reply. I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

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