Stimulus Checks.

Something truly stupid, proving the assertion it's an imbecile.

so you think Corona would have made our Founders Communists??? WHY??
That bed wetter can not "think", it clearly lacks a frontal lobe.

It's parroting agitprop mindlessly. It may as well be one of those computer driven posting bots with an altered algorithm. The bed wetters always say the same shit when it comes to guns.

Some retarded moonbat said:
If the founders knew about AR15's they would have written the Second Amendment differently.

Never mind they knew about guns like the Girandoni air rifle, cannons, hand grenades and the means to make explosives that would wipe out buildings. They made no law at all regarding people being able to create weapons of war. That never occurs to parasite leftist pukes because they have no capacity to think independently. This "quarantine" asshole is just another deliberately ignorant puke that will go away at some point.

You have probably seen the cars lined up or people standing in line to get some food. I very highly doubt even a single one of them was a landlord. So what does that tell you. Asspit. Also, renters usually have other expenses that are just about as important as having a roof over their head. Such as heating, electricity and water. What about those. In my opinion, for the time being, people shouldn't be charged for those things either.

Now, let me talk more sense into you. Though I hate landlords with a passion, they shouldn't be left out of this. While people are out of work due to the coronavirus plague, they SHOULDN'T pay rent. But at the same time, any landlord who isn't receiving rent due to this should also be forgiven any mortgage payments on such properties. This type of thing should work its way all the way up the food chain. You know, bees, ants and termites have civilizations too. And they have no need of money. Are you going to tell me that for a short time, to some degree, we can't do what even bugs can do

What it tells me is that you don't know your ass from page 8. You haven't a clue what the occupations are of the people in those cars. The checks people are receiving are suppose to help them with their bills, and rent is considered to be one of those bills. So your suggestion is to keep that money and screw your landlord over. What a great moral compass you possess...

As a land lady, if you hate us with a passion, it tells me you have tried to screw quite a few landlords and ended up out on your ass. LANDLORDS usually have other expenses that are just about as important as a roof over their heads also. Such as heat, food, electricity and water...

There are no mortgages on my properties. So there goes your stupid food chain defense. I depend on rent to pay my bills, buy food and gas, and electricity and heat. So, what you are suggesting is for everybody to F**k the person who has given them a home to live in, thereby justifying your desire to swindle people.

I would never rent to you, but if I was so foolish, I guarantee as soon as the pandemic was over your ass would be kicked right out the door, parasite...

Try reading my thread. Then get back to me. And if you don't owe any mortgage, you have even less reason to be paid. People being out of work due to the coronavirus is a big shit sandwich. And EVERYBODY has to take a bite. People's ability to eat takes precedence over your desire for rent. Like it or not.
You know, there was a similar situation that went on before the French Revolution. They built guillotines to take care of that problem. It is as Thomas Jefferson prophesied. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." If you tried to evict me, that tree would be getting refreshed. But not by me.
You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.
so? it doesn't amount to anything since they don't make much. 99% of the $111,000 you get comes from the rich. Why not be a good boy and thank them for supporting you?

Yeah. That's why the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth. Because their taxes are so high. And with there being a LOT more poor people to pay, it does amount to something. I'll give you something else to disagree with.

View attachment 327513View attachment 327515
Your chart deals only with Kansas. Why do I give a flying fudge about Kansas?

I had another besides that. But that aside, what is likely in one state is likely in others.

View attachment 328557

Why can't you use national figures?

I don't think it would really make much difference. Do you know why the top 1% has 99% of the wealth? They write the tax laws.

Do you know why the top 1% has 99% of the wealth?

Because you really suck at math.

No. It's because it is the reality. But maybe I could be wrong. Maybe it is the top 5% who have 95% of the wealth. Would that make a difference?
You must be hallucinating. The poor pay higher percentages of tax than the rich.
so? it doesn't amount to anything since they don't make much. 99% of the $111,000 you get comes from the rich. Why not be a good boy and thank them for supporting you?

Yeah. That's why the top 1% owns 99% of the wealth. Because their taxes are so high. And with there being a LOT more poor people to pay, it does amount to something. I'll give you something else to disagree with.

View attachment 327513View attachment 327515
Your chart deals only with Kansas. Why do I give a flying fudge about Kansas?

I had another besides that. But that aside, what is likely in one state is likely in others.

View attachment 328557

Why can't you use national figures?

I don't think it would really make much difference. Do you know why the top 1% has 99% of the wealth? They write the tax laws.

Do you know why the top 1% has 99% of the wealth?

Because you really suck at math.

No. It's because it is the reality. But maybe I could be wrong. Maybe it is the top 5% who have 95% of the wealth. Would that make a difference?
It depends on how they got it...or earned it.
It is most probable they went to school for many more years than the average person.
Is there corruption on Wall Street?
Should someone who serves pizza be able to get a 600K mortgage with only 10% down?
I voted for Trump to say screw you to the guys on Wall Street who gear all labor overseas.
Does that mean we don't need thousands of educated people to navigate our economy?
No...we need them.
No. It's because it is the reality. But maybe I could be wrong. Maybe it is the top 5% who have 95% of the wealth. Would that make a difference?

It's a free country. If you don't like people buying so much from Amazon thus making Bezos so wealthy encourage people not to buy from him.

No, you are a typical violent liberal and you want govt to take money from him at gunpoint- right?? Suppose the wealthy got together and tried to take back what you bought from them at gunpoint?

Govt is not supposed to be about gaining control of govt guns to rob from others on your behalf!!
. Maybe it is the top 5% who have 95% of the wealth. Would that make a difference?

Why not tell us how much wealth your libcommie govt would allocate to the top 5% and bottom 5% at gunpoint?? And why that is better than letting people freely determine for themselves where their money goes?? To complicated for you??
It is as Thomas Jefferson prophesied. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." If you tried to evict me, that tree would be getting refreshed. But not by me.
You of course, being a liberal or libcommie, know nothing whatsoever about Jefferson. Jefferson founded the Republican party in 1793 to stand against the growing power of the central govt, and at that time the central govt was tiny compared to today. Jefferson stood for freedom from liberalism or liberal govt.

Here are some quotes from Jefferson with which to begin your education:

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.

Most bad government has grown out of too much government.

Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread.
Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.

Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage.

Less than 3% of Americans earn the Federal minimum wage.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from. I suppose you also believe that the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Before the coronavirus hit, there were around 27 million unemployed working age adults in the U.S. And around 22 million that were underemployed.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from.

View attachment 328578

I misunderstood your reply. I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

That's precisely what I said.

Turns out, you were just about right. So much for statistics. Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is. I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour. But apparently in some states it is $7.25. With the correct answers being so hard to find, there must be something fishy going on. But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers. It seems to me that one third is more than 14.3%. Maybe we should get back to the stimulus checks.
Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.

Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage.

Less than 3% of Americans earn the Federal minimum wage.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from. I suppose you also believe that the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Before the coronavirus hit, there were around 27 million unemployed working age adults in the U.S. And around 22 million that were underemployed.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from.

View attachment 328578

I misunderstood your reply. I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

That's precisely what I said.

Turns out, you were just about right. So much for statistics. Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is. I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour. But apparently in some states it is $7.25. With the correct answers being so hard to find, there must be something fishy going on. But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers. It seems to me that one third is more than 14.3%. Maybe we should get back to the stimulus checks.
Maybe we should find out why people live in poverty.
I work with such people...their culture focuses on alcohol and genitals.
Do I want them to do better?
There are brilliant minds going to waste.
You have probably seen the cars lined up or people standing in line to get some food. I very highly doubt even a single one of them was a landlord. So what does that tell you. Asspit. Also, renters usually have other expenses that are just about as important as having a roof over their head. Such as heating, electricity and water. What about those. In my opinion, for the time being, people shouldn't be charged for those things either.

Now, let me talk more sense into you. Though I hate landlords with a passion, they shouldn't be left out of this. While people are out of work due to the coronavirus plague, they SHOULDN'T pay rent. But at the same time, any landlord who isn't receiving rent due to this should also be forgiven any mortgage payments on such properties. This type of thing should work its way all the way up the food chain. You know, bees, ants and termites have civilizations too. And they have no need of money. Are you going to tell me that for a short time, to some degree, we can't do what even bugs can do

What it tells me is that you don't know your ass from page 8. You haven't a clue what the occupations are of the people in those cars. The checks people are receiving are suppose to help them with their bills, and rent is considered to be one of those bills. So your suggestion is to keep that money and screw your landlord over. What a great moral compass you possess...

As a land lady, if you hate us with a passion, it tells me you have tried to screw quite a few landlords and ended up out on your ass. LANDLORDS usually have other expenses that are just about as important as a roof over their heads also. Such as heat, food, electricity and water...

There are no mortgages on my properties. So there goes your stupid food chain defense. I depend on rent to pay my bills, buy food and gas, and electricity and heat. So, what you are suggesting is for everybody to F**k the person who has given them a home to live in, thereby justifying your desire to swindle people.

I would never rent to you, but if I was so foolish, I guarantee as soon as the pandemic was over your ass would be kicked right out the door, parasite...

Try reading my thread. Then get back to me. And if you don't owe any mortgage, you have even less reason to be paid. People being out of work due to the coronavirus is a big shit sandwich. And EVERYBODY has to take a bite. People's ability to eat takes precedence over your desire for rent. Like it or not.
You know, there was a similar situation that went on before the French Revolution. They built guillotines to take care of that problem. It is as Thomas Jefferson prophesied. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." If you tried to evict me, that tree would be getting refreshed. But not by me.

So you get to eat, they get to eat, but I don't?
You hate landlords with a passion, because they get tired of your excuses, and kick your freeloading ass out. Here's a thought. Get a job and pay your rent and you would be amazed at how pleasant landlords can be....
PARASITE ~A creature that lives off another
Right out on your ass, parasite.
There were also robber barons like Andrew Carnegie

????? You said the wealthy were Republicans. I showed you the top 6 richest and they were all Democrats. Then you switched subject to wealthy guys dead for 100 years?????

Lucky you, you are not smart enough to know when to be embarrassed. Typical of liberalism.

Yeah. One of your rich guys was Bill Gates. There is a racist mexican group out there called LaRaza. It means "The Race." You can't get much more of a racist statement than that. And it isn't gringos they are talking about. Between Bill Gates and the U.S. government, that group has received over 10 million dollars. What is behind it is cheap labor and globalization. Which favors the rich. Yeah, do something right wing and call it left wing. I suggested to somebody around here that they watch the documentaries "The Corporation" and "What lies upstream." People like Andrew Carnegie didn't die out. If anything, they became more numerous.
I don't think it would really make much difference. Do you know why the top 1% has 99% of the wealth? They write the tax laws.

???? if the top 1% write the tax laws why do they pay 41% of all the personal income tax the govt collects rather than 1%???.

Because being wealthy, they can tell you any stupid statistics that they want and crush any others. I doubt if the wealthy really even pay taxes at all. That is just what they tell you. I gave showed some graphs concerning state taxes pain by income level. It fell on deaf ears.
People like Andrew Carnegie didn't die out. If anything, they became more numerous.

1) But you said the rich were Republicans??

2) Carnegie was a great great American but as a liberal it would not occur to you to learn about him. Lets begin your education:

"When Andrew Carnegie entered steel production in 1872, England dominated world production and the price of steel production was $56 per ton. By 1900 Carnegie Steel was manufacturing steel for $11.00 per ton and out stripping the entire production of England!" (page 126)
It is as Thomas Jefferson prophesied. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." If you tried to evict me, that tree would be getting refreshed. But not by me.
You of course, being a liberal or libcommie, know nothing whatsoever about Jefferson. Jefferson founded the Republican party in 1793 to stand against the growing power of the central govt, and at that time the central govt was tiny compared to today. Jefferson stood for freedom from liberalism or liberal govt.

Here are some quotes from Jefferson with which to begin your education:

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.

Most bad government has grown out of too much government.

Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread.

Yeah, the patriots were the wealthy and the tyrants were the poor. I'm not buying it.
You have probably seen the cars lined up or people standing in line to get some food. I very highly doubt even a single one of them was a landlord. So what does that tell you. Asspit. Also, renters usually have other expenses that are just about as important as having a roof over their head. Such as heating, electricity and water. What about those. In my opinion, for the time being, people shouldn't be charged for those things either.

Now, let me talk more sense into you. Though I hate landlords with a passion, they shouldn't be left out of this. While people are out of work due to the coronavirus plague, they SHOULDN'T pay rent. But at the same time, any landlord who isn't receiving rent due to this should also be forgiven any mortgage payments on such properties. This type of thing should work its way all the way up the food chain. You know, bees, ants and termites have civilizations too. And they have no need of money. Are you going to tell me that for a short time, to some degree, we can't do what even bugs can do

What it tells me is that you don't know your ass from page 8. You haven't a clue what the occupations are of the people in those cars. The checks people are receiving are suppose to help them with their bills, and rent is considered to be one of those bills. So your suggestion is to keep that money and screw your landlord over. What a great moral compass you possess...

As a land lady, if you hate us with a passion, it tells me you have tried to screw quite a few landlords and ended up out on your ass. LANDLORDS usually have other expenses that are just about as important as a roof over their heads also. Such as heat, food, electricity and water...

There are no mortgages on my properties. So there goes your stupid food chain defense. I depend on rent to pay my bills, buy food and gas, and electricity and heat. So, what you are suggesting is for everybody to F**k the person who has given them a home to live in, thereby justifying your desire to swindle people.

I would never rent to you, but if I was so foolish, I guarantee as soon as the pandemic was over your ass would be kicked right out the door, parasite...

Try reading my thread. Then get back to me. And if you don't owe any mortgage, you have even less reason to be paid. People being out of work due to the coronavirus is a big shit sandwich. And EVERYBODY has to take a bite. People's ability to eat takes precedence over your desire for rent. Like it or not.
You know, there was a similar situation that went on before the French Revolution. They built guillotines to take care of that problem. It is as Thomas Jefferson prophesied. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." If you tried to evict me, that tree would be getting refreshed. But not by me.

So you get to eat, they get to eat, but I don't?
You hate landlords with a passion, because they get tired of your excuses, and kick your freeloading ass out. Here's a thought. Get a job and pay your rent and you would be amazed at how pleasant landlords can be....
PARASITE ~A creature that lives off another
Right out on your ass, parasite.

You want to eat. Cake. You get to eat and they get to eat. That is the way it should work. I see people in long lines in cars waiting for food and people standing in line for food. Hundreds of them. I doubt if any single one of them was a landlord. Get this asshole. Money breeds money. It creates an aristocracy. From time to time, the tree of liberty must be refreshed with their blood. You are the parasite. You could be swimming in money. But without those people you look down on to do the work, all you money would be nothing more than scraps of paper.
You have probably seen the cars lined up or people standing in line to get some food. I very highly doubt even a single one of them was a landlord. So what does that tell you. Asspit. Also, renters usually have other expenses that are just about as important as having a roof over their head. Such as heating, electricity and water. What about those. In my opinion, for the time being, people shouldn't be charged for those things either.

Now, let me talk more sense into you. Though I hate landlords with a passion, they shouldn't be left out of this. While people are out of work due to the coronavirus plague, they SHOULDN'T pay rent. But at the same time, any landlord who isn't receiving rent due to this should also be forgiven any mortgage payments on such properties. This type of thing should work its way all the way up the food chain. You know, bees, ants and termites have civilizations too. And they have no need of money. Are you going to tell me that for a short time, to some degree, we can't do what even bugs can do

What it tells me is that you don't know your ass from page 8. You haven't a clue what the occupations are of the people in those cars. The checks people are receiving are suppose to help them with their bills, and rent is considered to be one of those bills. So your suggestion is to keep that money and screw your landlord over. What a great moral compass you possess...

As a land lady, if you hate us with a passion, it tells me you have tried to screw quite a few landlords and ended up out on your ass. LANDLORDS usually have other expenses that are just about as important as a roof over their heads also. Such as heat, food, electricity and water...

There are no mortgages on my properties. So there goes your stupid food chain defense. I depend on rent to pay my bills, buy food and gas, and electricity and heat. So, what you are suggesting is for everybody to F**k the person who has given them a home to live in, thereby justifying your desire to swindle people.

I would never rent to you, but if I was so foolish, I guarantee as soon as the pandemic was over your ass would be kicked right out the door, parasite...

Try reading my thread. Then get back to me. And if you don't owe any mortgage, you have even less reason to be paid. People being out of work due to the coronavirus is a big shit sandwich. And EVERYBODY has to take a bite. People's ability to eat takes precedence over your desire for rent. Like it or not.
You know, there was a similar situation that went on before the French Revolution. They built guillotines to take care of that problem. It is as Thomas Jefferson prophesied. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." If you tried to evict me, that tree would be getting refreshed. But not by me.

So you get to eat, they get to eat, but I don't?
You hate landlords with a passion, because they get tired of your excuses, and kick your freeloading ass out. Here's a thought. Get a job and pay your rent and you would be amazed at how pleasant landlords can be....
PARASITE ~A creature that lives off another
Right out on your ass, parasite.

You want to eat. Cake. You get to eat and they get to eat. That is the way it should work. I see people in long lines in cars waiting for food and people standing in line for food. Hundreds of them. I doubt if any single one of them was a landlord. Get this asshole. Money breeds money. It creates an aristocracy. From time to time, the tree of liberty must be refreshed with their blood. You are the parasite. You could be swimming in money. But without those people you look down on to do the work, all you money would be nothing more than scraps of paper.

Relax, Comrade Francis.

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