Stimulus Checks.

I wouldn't pay it. I would join the rent strike. You can try, but you can't get blood from a stone. Yeah, people will owe the landlords, whoever they might make car payments to, the gas company, the electric company and whoever else. I say fuck it and just shoot anybody who tries to take what you don't have. If you get evicted, burn down your house or apartment. Let the government build prisons. Let's see how that works out for you.
Um that's felony arson.

Well... Y'know bed wetting leftist sociopaths are consumed with concern about law, respect for property, human life and individual liberty.

Indeed they do tend to be "poor" not only because they make shitty choices but they also empower sociopaths like Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Obozo, Hitlery, Mugabe, Kim Ill Sung among other criminals that promise to steal shit on their behalf, but never actually deliver the caviar to the peasants.
Sad point for sure. The more Christian compassion for the poor we feel the more our libs, now libcommies, make the poor feel entitled to free stuff rather than entitled to the freedom to work to pay for stuff.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin

"In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
i still haven't gotten my stimulus check, nor has the hubby, nor has my older sister, nor has my mom and dad....

it's almost a month since they passed the bill..... where the heck are the checks?

Did you pay taxes? I got mine 2 weeks ago.
Yes, we all do.... sis, and mom and dad too.....

My sister even files electronically and has her refund from overpaying deposited in her bank account..... Matt and I have never direct deposited any refund, we don't feel safe doing that....
i still haven't gotten my stimulus check, nor has the hubby, nor has my older sister, nor has my mom and dad....

it's almost a month since they passed the bill..... where the heck are the checks?

Did you pay taxes? I got mine 2 weeks ago.
Yes, we all do.... sis, and mom and dad too.....

My sister even files electronically and has her refund from overpaying deposited in her bank account..... Matt and I have never direct deposited any refund, we don't feel safe doing that....
Google "Where's my stimlus"
You will get an IRS.GOV Link where you will be asked personal and tax related question.
If you don't know the tax related questions, use the site to access the return from the requested year and write down the answers.
Go back and answer the questions and they will send out your check within a week.

My son went through this to get a check in the mail.
Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.

Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage.

Less than 3% of Americans earn the Federal minimum wage.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from. I suppose you also believe that the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Before the coronavirus hit, there were around 27 million unemployed working age adults in the U.S. And around 22 million that were underemployed.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from.

View attachment 328578

I misunderstood your reply. I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

That's precisely what I said.

Turns out, you were just about right. So much for statistics. Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is. I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour. But apparently in some states it is $7.25. With the correct answers being so hard to find, there must be something fishy going on. But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers. It seems to me that one third is more than 14.3%. Maybe we should get back to the stimulus checks.

Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is.

No question. The Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25

I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour.


With the correct answers being so hard to find

Not hard.

The federal minimum wage for covered nonexempt employees is $7.25 per hour.

there must be something fishy going on

You're an idiot.

But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers.

Why would you think that everyone in poverty is a worker?

Is it because you're an idiot?
Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.

Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage.

Less than 3% of Americans earn the Federal minimum wage.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from. I suppose you also believe that the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Before the coronavirus hit, there were around 27 million unemployed working age adults in the U.S. And around 22 million that were underemployed.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from.

View attachment 328578

I misunderstood your reply. I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

That's precisely what I said.

Turns out, you were just about right. So much for statistics. Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is. I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour. But apparently in some states it is $7.25. With the correct answers being so hard to find, there must be something fishy going on. But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers. It seems to me that one third is more than 14.3%. Maybe we should get back to the stimulus checks.

Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is.

No question. The Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25

I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour.


With the correct answers being so hard to find

Not hard.

The federal minimum wage for covered nonexempt employees is $7.25 per hour.

there must be something fishy going on

You're an idiot.

But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers.

Why would you think that everyone in poverty is a worker?

Is it because you're an idiot?

You want to bitch, bitch at wikkipedia. It was there that it said that the average minimum wage in the U.S. was $11.80 an hour. Next, you are fishy. Next, you may have me there. What I was trying to go for was the number of working age adults in the U.S. that were in poverty. But that aside, what is the poverty level, idiot. I remember hearing that in California, a person needed to earn around $50.00 an hour to live an average middle class lifestyle. And I doubt if it a lot different in the rest of the states. But who makes that kind of money. Not the majority for sure. You could probably make $25.00 an hour and still be below the poverty level. No matter how rosy of a picture you try to paint, I don't think the reality matches it. Or your 3% figure.
My advice is to NOT use your stimulus check to pay either rent or a mortgage with. There is a rent strike going on. Join it! Right now because of the coronavirus thing, it is illegal to evict you. Take advantage of it. If either your landlord or bank brings up rent or mortgage, just tell them you are out of work due to the coronavirus thing and can't pay it. I know that the banks got their bailout. So if your landlord brings up your stimulus check, ask them if they got one. If they did, then just tell them that you're squared away then. If they put up more of a fuss, (which they probably will) just tell them to write it off on their taxes.

If you disagree, consider this. I saw somebody on the news a couple days ago who used their stimulus check to pay their rent with. Do you know what they are now? HUNGRY! I say to hell with that! Do you think people should go hungry and deeper in debt, but for landlords and banks it should be business as usual? If you think that, I would have to ask you just how long you have been a sociopath.

There was a sort of similar situation that went on in the housing meltdown of 2008. I remember seeing a congresswoman on TV telling people to not allow themselves to be evicted. But to stay put. And that is my advice to you. Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
i still haven't gotten my stimulus check, nor has the hubby, nor has my older sister, nor has my mom and dad....

it's almost a month since they passed the bill..... where the heck are the checks?

When you do get it, don't throw it away on rent.
The most recent IRS data, from 2016, shows that the top 10 percent of income earners pay almost 70 percent of federal taxes.
Ask France what happened when they went after their top 10%. The 10% moved out and took their money with them. Guess who they targeted once that happened.

You want to eat. Cake. You get to eat and they get to eat. That is the way it should work. I see people in long lines in cars waiting for food and people standing in line for food. Hundreds of them. I doubt if any single one of them was a landlord. Get this asshole. Money breeds money. It creates an aristocracy. From time to time, the tree of liberty must be refreshed with their blood. You are the parasite. You could be swimming in money. But without those people you look down on to do the work, all you money would be nothing more than scraps of paper

So many stupid assumption that are wrong.

How do I eat if I depend on their rent to buy my groceries and pay my bills, and they don't pay the rent?
You have NO idea what occupations the people in their cars have.
Tree of liberty my ass.
What people do I look down on? My renters? Hardly.
My renters love me. Still have not gotten April's rent yet. Told them to let me know when they have it. Because unlike you, they are responsible adults that will pay it when they have it. The last person in that house was a boy whose parents died when he was in high school. Lost his job when the company was sold. We kept him there all winter. When they shut off his electric, we had it put in our name, so he'd be alright. He found a job, moved closer to work, and when he was solvent again paid us every thing he owed us.

Not everyone that rents is a parasite like you. I rent to people with higher moral standards than you have. You'd never even get in the door.

To know what percentage of the earnings the wealthy pay in taxes, you first have to know what they make. And who knows that? Nobody! They may pay a higher percentage of what they say they earn. But that doesn't mean a lot. The wealthy have many ways of finding ways to hide wealth. They can even hire expensive lawyers to help them do it. And each year there are many corporations that don't have to pay any taxes at all. Maybe you might find this graph interesting.

Next, if your renters can't afford to eat, what makes you think you deserve to. Because you're somehow superior? Don't make me laugh. People are out of work due to circumstances beyond their control. And letting however many die isn't the answer. Staying out of work for the time being is. And apart from to do so, they still have to eat. To do that, they shouldn't pay rent. Or car payments, or electric payments, or heating payments. And instead of digging a financial hole they will never be able to did their way out of, they shouldn't have to. Morality isn't the issue. Ability is. Also, the burden should lay with the government. That's their job. Taking care of the populace. Not shaking babies and kissing hands.
i still haven't gotten my stimulus check, nor has the hubby, nor has my older sister, nor has my mom and dad....

it's almost a month since they passed the bill..... where the heck are the checks?

Did you pay taxes? I got mine 2 weeks ago.
Yes, we all do.... sis, and mom and dad too.....

My sister even files electronically and has her refund from overpaying deposited in her bank account..... Matt and I have never direct deposited any refund, we don't feel safe doing that....
Google "Where's my stimlus"
You will get an IRS.GOV Link where you will be asked personal and tax related question.
If you don't know the tax related questions, use the site to access the return from the requested year and write down the answers.
Go back and answer the questions and they will send out your check within a week.

My son went through this to get a check in the mail.

That didn't work.
For the first week or two all that button did was go to a screen saying "payment status not available". Then the entire IRS site went down, every page. When it came back up it let me in for the first time, told me I was eligible but they didn't have bank info on me. Even though I was looking right at that bank info on the return I sent them. So I gave them again the same bank info. Checked with them a couple of days later and now it says I would be sent a check. Even after getting bank info twice. They haven't paid either way.
Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.

Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage.

Less than 3% of Americans earn the Federal minimum wage.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from. I suppose you also believe that the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Before the coronavirus hit, there were around 27 million unemployed working age adults in the U.S. And around 22 million that were underemployed.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from.

View attachment 328578

I misunderstood your reply. I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

That's precisely what I said.

Turns out, you were just about right. So much for statistics. Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is. I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour. But apparently in some states it is $7.25. With the correct answers being so hard to find, there must be something fishy going on. But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers. It seems to me that one third is more than 14.3%. Maybe we should get back to the stimulus checks.

Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is.

No question. The Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25

I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour.


With the correct answers being so hard to find

Not hard.

The federal minimum wage for covered nonexempt employees is $7.25 per hour.

there must be something fishy going on

You're an idiot.

But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers.

Why would you think that everyone in poverty is a worker?

Is it because you're an idiot?

You want to bitch, bitch at wikkipedia. It was there that it said that the average minimum wage in the U.S. was $11.80 an hour. Next, you are fishy. Next, you may have me there. What I was trying to go for was the number of working age adults in the U.S. that were in poverty. But that aside, what is the poverty level, idiot. I remember hearing that in California, a person needed to earn around $50.00 an hour to live an average middle class lifestyle. And I doubt if it a lot different in the rest of the states. But who makes that kind of money. Not the majority for sure. You could probably make $25.00 an hour and still be below the poverty level. No matter how rosy of a picture you try to paint, I don't think the reality matches it. Or your 3% figure.

You want to bitch, bitch at wikkipedia. It was there that it said that the average minimum wage in the U.S. was $11.80 an hour.

Wikipedia? That site that can be edited by idiots like you? That's your source? LOL!

What I was trying to go for was the number of working age adults in the U.S. that were in poverty.

Good luck. Try to be less of an idiot.
My advice is to NOT use your stimulus check to pay either rent or a mortgage with. There is a rent strike going on. Join it! Right now because of the coronavirus thing, it is illegal to evict you. Take advantage of it. If either your landlord or bank brings up rent or mortgage, just tell them you are out of work due to the coronavirus thing and can't pay it. I know that the banks got their bailout. So if your landlord brings up your stimulus check, ask them if they got one. If they did, then just tell them that you're squared away then. If they put up more of a fuss, (which they probably will) just tell them to write it off on their taxes.

If you disagree, consider this. I saw somebody on the news a couple days ago who used their stimulus check to pay their rent with. Do you know what they are now? HUNGRY! I say to hell with that! Do you think people should go hungry and deeper in debt, but for landlords and banks it should be business as usual? If you think that, I would have to ask you just how long you have been a sociopath.

There was a sort of similar situation that went on in the housing meltdown of 2008. I remember seeing a congresswoman on TV telling people to not allow themselves to be evicted. But to stay put. And that is my advice to you. Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
i still haven't gotten my stimulus check, nor has the hubby, nor has my older sister, nor has my mom and dad....

it's almost a month since they passed the bill..... where the heck are the checks?

When you do get it, don't throw it away on rent.
we own our home....outright.

your landlord has expenses to pay, just like you!
i still haven't gotten my stimulus check, nor has the hubby, nor has my older sister, nor has my mom and dad....

it's almost a month since they passed the bill..... where the heck are the checks?

Did you pay taxes? I got mine 2 weeks ago.
Yes, we all do.... sis, and mom and dad too.....

My sister even files electronically and has her refund from overpaying deposited in her bank account..... Matt and I have never direct deposited any refund, we don't feel safe doing that....
Google "Where's my stimlus"
You will get an IRS.GOV Link where you will be asked personal and tax related question.
If you don't know the tax related questions, use the site to access the return from the requested year and write down the answers.
Go back and answer the questions and they will send out your check within a week.

My son went through this to get a check in the mail.

That didn't work.
For the first week or two all that button did was go to a screen saying "payment status not available". Then the entire IRS site went down, every page. When it came back up it let me in for the first time, told me I was eligible but they didn't have bank info on me. Even though I was looking right at that bank info on the return I sent them. So I gave them again the same bank info. Checked with them a couple of days later and now it says I would be sent a check. Even after getting bank info twice. They haven't paid either way.

And now the IRS payment page is returning "Access Denied"

Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "" on this server.​

What a swell government. Makes you identify yourself and then denies access to your own info.
i still haven't gotten my stimulus check, nor has the hubby, nor has my older sister, nor has my mom and dad....

it's almost a month since they passed the bill..... where the heck are the checks?

Did you pay taxes? I got mine 2 weeks ago.
Yes, we all do.... sis, and mom and dad too.....

My sister even files electronically and has her refund from overpaying deposited in her bank account..... Matt and I have never direct deposited any refund, we don't feel safe doing that....
Google "Where's my stimlus"
You will get an IRS.GOV Link where you will be asked personal and tax related question.
If you don't know the tax related questions, use the site to access the return from the requested year and write down the answers.
Go back and answer the questions and they will send out your check within a week.

My son went through this to get a check in the mail.

That didn't work.
For the first week or two all that button did was go to a screen saying "payment status not available". Then the entire IRS site went down, every page. When it came back up it let me in for the first time, told me I was eligible but they didn't have bank info on me. Even though I was looking right at that bank info on the return I sent them. So I gave them again the same bank info. Checked with them a couple of days later and now it says I would be sent a check. Even after getting bank info twice. They haven't paid either way.

It will be nice to finally enact the Green New Deal and finally have libcommie govt monopolist bureaucrats running everything!!!
Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.

Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage.

Less than 3% of Americans earn the Federal minimum wage.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from. I suppose you also believe that the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Before the coronavirus hit, there were around 27 million unemployed working age adults in the U.S. And around 22 million that were underemployed.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from.

View attachment 328578

I misunderstood your reply. I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

That's precisely what I said.

Turns out, you were just about right. So much for statistics. Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is. I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour. But apparently in some states it is $7.25. With the correct answers being so hard to find, there must be something fishy going on. But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers. It seems to me that one third is more than 14.3%. Maybe we should get back to the stimulus checks.

Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is.

No question. The Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25

I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour.


With the correct answers being so hard to find

Not hard.

The federal minimum wage for covered nonexempt employees is $7.25 per hour.

there must be something fishy going on

You're an idiot.

But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers.

Why would you think that everyone in poverty is a worker?

Is it because you're an idiot?

You want to bitch, bitch at wikkipedia. It was there that it said that the average minimum wage in the U.S. was $11.80 an hour. Next, you are fishy. Next, you may have me there. What I was trying to go for was the number of working age adults in the U.S. that were in poverty. But that aside, what is the poverty level, idiot. I remember hearing that in California, a person needed to earn around $50.00 an hour to live an average middle class lifestyle. And I doubt if it a lot different in the rest of the states. But who makes that kind of money. Not the majority for sure. You could probably make $25.00 an hour and still be below the poverty level. No matter how rosy of a picture you try to paint, I don't think the reality matches it. Or your 3% figure.

You want to bitch, bitch at wikkipedia. It was there that it said that the average minimum wage in the U.S. was $11.80 an hour.

Wikipedia? That site that can be edited by idiots like you? That's your source? LOL!

What I was trying to go for was the number of working age adults in the U.S. that were in poverty.

Good luck. Try to be less of an idiot.

Like it or not, the economy never was as cheery as fools like you want to make it out to be. If the government says the economy is doing good, you would be better off believing the opposite. In the U.S., before the coronavirus, there were about 28 million working age adults who were unemployed. Things are so bad that many quit even trying to find a job. There were also around 22 million Americans who were underemployed. So what's next for you. Are you going to tell me that human caused global warming is a hoax?
My advice is to NOT use your stimulus check to pay either rent or a mortgage with. There is a rent strike going on. Join it! Right now because of the coronavirus thing, it is illegal to evict you. Take advantage of it. If either your landlord or bank brings up rent or mortgage, just tell them you are out of work due to the coronavirus thing and can't pay it. I know that the banks got their bailout. So if your landlord brings up your stimulus check, ask them if they got one. If they did, then just tell them that you're squared away then. If they put up more of a fuss, (which they probably will) just tell them to write it off on their taxes.

If you disagree, consider this. I saw somebody on the news a couple days ago who used their stimulus check to pay their rent with. Do you know what they are now? HUNGRY! I say to hell with that! Do you think people should go hungry and deeper in debt, but for landlords and banks it should be business as usual? If you think that, I would have to ask you just how long you have been a sociopath.

There was a sort of similar situation that went on in the housing meltdown of 2008. I remember seeing a congresswoman on TV telling people to not allow themselves to be evicted. But to stay put. And that is my advice to you. Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
i still haven't gotten my stimulus check, nor has the hubby, nor has my older sister, nor has my mom and dad....

it's almost a month since they passed the bill..... where the heck are the checks?

When you do get it, don't throw it away on rent.
we own our home....outright.

your landlord has expenses to pay, just like you!

And I suppose because they are landlords, their expenses take president. And they have more right to eat than their tenants. Back a long time ago in France, there were those who thought as you do. Then the French started to build guillotines. That took care of that problem. Also, you don't own your house. Stop paying taxes on it. You will find out who really owns it.
My advice is to NOT use your stimulus check to pay either rent or a mortgage with. There is a rent strike going on. Join it! Right now because of the coronavirus thing, it is illegal to evict you. Take advantage of it. If either your landlord or bank brings up rent or mortgage, just tell them you are out of work due to the coronavirus thing and can't pay it. I know that the banks got their bailout. So if your landlord brings up your stimulus check, ask them if they got one. If they did, then just tell them that you're squared away then. If they put up more of a fuss, (which they probably will) just tell them to write it off on their taxes.

If you disagree, consider this. I saw somebody on the news a couple days ago who used their stimulus check to pay their rent with. Do you know what they are now? HUNGRY! I say to hell with that! Do you think people should go hungry and deeper in debt, but for landlords and banks it should be business as usual? If you think that, I would have to ask you just how long you have been a sociopath.

There was a sort of similar situation that went on in the housing meltdown of 2008. I remember seeing a congresswoman on TV telling people to not allow themselves to be evicted. But to stay put. And that is my advice to you. Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
i still haven't gotten my stimulus check, nor has the hubby, nor has my older sister, nor has my mom and dad....

it's almost a month since they passed the bill..... where the heck are the checks?

When you do get it, don't throw it away on rent.
we own our home....outright.

your landlord has expenses to pay, just like you!

And I suppose because they are landlords, their expenses take president. And they have more right to eat than their tenants. Back a long time ago in France, there were those who thought as you do. Then the French started to build guillotines. That took care of that problem. Also, you don't own your house. Stop paying taxes on it. You will find out who really owns it.

And I suppose because they are landlords, their expenses take president.

Precedent over your weed intake? Yes.

Back a long time ago in France, there were those who thought as you do.

If you have to pay rent, you're going to build a guillotine?
Chances are, as it was then, the police won't remove you.
??? Your debt will grow, eventually you will be evicted, you will then need another landlord to trust you will pay the new higher rent that your bad credit will trigger. Best course is, if you cant pay, make the best deal you can with your creditors to minimize the damage as much as possible.

No. Then you vote for a National Socialist leader. Who then proclaims imminent domain over most rental properties and takes possession of them. Then basically turns them into section 8 housing. Also, I had a friend who's son was the friend of the son of a landlord. He told my friends son that all his father had to do for a living was collect money. Maybe it's time such people got a real fucking job instead of being parasites. And actually make something tangible that contributed to the human condition.
Landlords pay property taxed and are required to maintain property according to code.
The issue is that there is no way low income workers will ever be able to make back payments.
On the other hand, why would a landlord kick someone out when no one has money now and the landlord will have to go through the pain of advertising and showing the rentals to other people who have out of work?

It sure is refreshing to hear somebody say something sensible on this topic.
Why should the renters be the only ones to take a bite if the coronavirus shit sandwich. Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage. Which they have trouble enough getting by with. Let alone pay back rent with. Also, the average minimum wage here in the U.S. is $11.80 an hour. If you are lucky enough to work 40 hours a week, that comes out to $1888 a month. The stimulus checks will be around $600 less than that. Only a sucker's sucker would wast it on paying back rent.

Also, probably most people only earn minimum wage.

Less than 3% of Americans earn the Federal minimum wage.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from. I suppose you also believe that the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Before the coronavirus hit, there were around 27 million unemployed working age adults in the U.S. And around 22 million that were underemployed.

I wonder what rat infested hell hole you dug that statistic up from.

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I misunderstood your reply. I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

I thought you were saying that only 3% of Americans are paid minimum wage, or lower.

That's precisely what I said.

Turns out, you were just about right. So much for statistics. Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is. I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour. But apparently in some states it is $7.25. With the correct answers being so hard to find, there must be something fishy going on. But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers. It seems to me that one third is more than 14.3%. Maybe we should get back to the stimulus checks.

Maybe there is some question as to what minimum wage is.

No question. The Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25

I have heard the average is $11.80 an hour.


With the correct answers being so hard to find

Not hard.

The federal minimum wage for covered nonexempt employees is $7.25 per hour.

there must be something fishy going on

You're an idiot.

But on one website from PEW Research, they say that 14.3% of Americans live in poverty. Which is 43.6 million people. But I also found that there are around 157 million workers in the U.S. That is nearly a third of workers.

Why would you think that everyone in poverty is a worker?

Is it because you're an idiot?

You want to bitch, bitch at wikkipedia. It was there that it said that the average minimum wage in the U.S. was $11.80 an hour. Next, you are fishy. Next, you may have me there. What I was trying to go for was the number of working age adults in the U.S. that were in poverty. But that aside, what is the poverty level, idiot. I remember hearing that in California, a person needed to earn around $50.00 an hour to live an average middle class lifestyle. And I doubt if it a lot different in the rest of the states. But who makes that kind of money. Not the majority for sure. You could probably make $25.00 an hour and still be below the poverty level. No matter how rosy of a picture you try to paint, I don't think the reality matches it. Or your 3% figure.

You want to bitch, bitch at wikkipedia. It was there that it said that the average minimum wage in the U.S. was $11.80 an hour.

Wikipedia? That site that can be edited by idiots like you? That's your source? LOL!

What I was trying to go for was the number of working age adults in the U.S. that were in poverty.

Good luck. Try to be less of an idiot.

Like it or not, the economy never was as cheery as fools like you want to make it out to be. If the government says the economy is doing good, you would be better off believing the opposite. In the U.S., before the coronavirus, there were about 28 million working age adults who were unemployed. Things are so bad that many quit even trying to find a job. There were also around 22 million Americans who were underemployed. So what's next for you. Are you going to tell me that human caused global warming is a hoax?
don’t know about cheery but it was best in usa history And that was with liberals shipping jobs to china and with liberals inviting in 30 million illegals to take our jobs and bid down our wages. Imagine the economy we would have without antibusiness liberals everywhere?

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