Stop and think about this for a moment.

Trump is simply the man that started the MAGA movement. So many Americans are hurting financially and fearful of the world conflicts, that ANY person that proposes to bring back sanity into the Whitehouse... and put OUR interest first.... will win in a landslide. Trump is not the only person that can do this. Quizzical that the Dems are running Joe Biden again. No?
Foresake him and put your support behind Haley or DeSantis and it ALL goes away.

What aren't you getting? :)
Huh? What the hell does that have to do with the post? This is past history now we've gone for nearly 4 years with every single 24-hour news cycle dominated by one name. I'm pretty sure there's nothing in past journalism that even comes close to this. Couldn't care less about the politics. I'm looking at the phenom of total news domination for the longest stretch I've ever seen anything dominate the news.
I haven’t voted a Republican for President in a long, long, time, I left the Republican party in 2006, deal with it. You really think all Americans are Democrats or Republicans? lol! That is just a stupid, stupid, ignorant comment. Maybe one day you will grow up, but I doubt it.

Trump was my President, just as Obama was my President and Biden is my President. Deal with it.

You parrot Republican lies, and defend their every action. Then claim you don't vote for them.
You parrot Republican lies, and defend their every action. Then claim you don't vote for them.
What lies? I don’t believe the election was stolen, I believe those on Jan 6 should be prosecuted, I believe that if Trump is convicted he needs to go to jail if that is required. Spare me your BS. I’m a fiscal conservative and a social moderate, I favor policies that that save Americans money and want the rich Congressmen out of office and have a Congress that works for the American people, not the rich, so far Democrats and Republicans love the rich and hate the American workers.

Now runaway like you always do.
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He has done his level best to stay in the headlines, it's where he likes to be.

Looks to me like that's where YOU like to put him! :auiqs.jpg:

3 pages of OPs with Trump in the title. He's in your head rent-free for sure!

And the media does the same thing. Y'all just can't help yourselves. :dunno:
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Yeah, 91 felony indictments will do that .
Or people with an unhealthy obsession with him. Enough to start 4 pages' worth of OPs about him. :rolleyes-41:

YOU keep Trump relevant and fresh and you WILL propel him right into The White House again. :D

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This has been the fastest damn four years in between POTUS election cycles ever. Trump hasn't been out of the headlines for a single day all the way through. Never saw that happen before.


And most of it has been for bad reasons, and he literally turns everything into a "witch hunt"... nothing good will come of it. The only bonus of Trump winning would be he can only serve that term than has to fuck off.
What's strange is to have the daily headlines 24/7 from Jan23 2020 till now totally dominated by Trump. It just occurred to me that not one single day has passed without a headline pushing his name.
Because every day we don't find out a new crime he says or does something outrageous to take the headline anyway.
Are you seriously trying to say it's not true?

JUst how oblivious are you?
Only demofks ignore reality you’re obtuse.

Tell us you didn’t hear about the 91 indictments he posted against himself. Fk, obtuse is too easy for your stupid ass

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