Stop Antisemitism

I have a question about the anti-Semitic term, as for me I think of it strictly in terms of hate based on religion and separate from the secular. Thus, I wonder why my belief in separation of church and state, which is opposed to the concept of Zionism, is considered anti-Semitic?
I have a question about the anti-Semitic term, as for me I think of it strictly in terms of hate based on religion and separate from the secular. Thus, I wonder why my belief in separation of church and state, which is opposed to the concept of Zionism, is considered anti-Semitic?
You say you are for a separation of church and state. Are you as similarly against the existence of Vatican City? England (with its state religion) and any and every Muslim country that mixes legal systems to incorporate Islamic law?

Though I don't think that being against a theologically driven state of Israel is anti-semitic if you don't believe in the theology, Zionism is a political movement that allows Jews to have autonomy and self determination in their own country. If you don't want to let Jews have that political autonomy then that becomes a problem of anti-semitism, especially if you don't espouse the exact same feeling towards every other group that wants autonomy.
You say you are for a separation of church and state. Are you as similarly against the existence of Vatican City? England (with its state religion) and any and every Muslim country that mixes legal systems to incorporate Islamic law?

I'm definitely not against the existence of them nor Israel. But I do oppose our government's support in terms of financial aid to any country where race and/or religion is used as a factor in regard to citizenship.
A Jewish actor who left Equity years ago told Variety that the union has become “utterly redundant and useless and something to battle against as a Jewish actor.” She added that Equity “has this huge responsibility and power and it’s so misused and so upsetting as a minority within this industry.” Another former Equity member who is related to Holocaust survivors said: “I personally found [the statement] offensive because words like ‘genocide’ are so misappropriated. It’s really triggering.”

“Maybe they should try and live up to their name and do their job before straying into areas [in which] they’re even less qualified to cause damage,” said another unnamed former Equity member who is also a Hollywood actor.

The declaration was Equity’s second statement about the Israel-Hamas war. In the union’s first, published on Oct. 17, it also accused Israel of apartheid, as well as an “occupation [that] deprives Palestinians of their human rights, driving continued violence” and the “collective punishment of the Palestinian people for the crimes of Hamas.”

“We condemn those politicians in the UK who seek to characterize Palestinian solidarity as extremist, and recognize that there can be no apologist for antisemitism or Islamophobia,” the union added.

Jewish actress Maureen Lipman said that she left Equity years ago “because of their slanted bias during the [former UK Labour Party leader Jeremy] Corbyn era on the BDS [anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement] and on their obsessive focus on the Middle East to the exclusion of every other conflict in the world.” She said regarding the union’s latest statement about the Israel-Hamas war: “An actors union with no empathy. The irony.”

In both statements, Equity argued it needed to comment on the Israel-Hamas war, saying that since 1930, it has “undertaken international solidarity work to advance the cause of the trade union movement, and in the interests of artists facing oppression.”

“Our longstanding involvement in the Middle East dates back almost 40 years, and the events of this month have demanded that we engage in as practical a way as possible to the threats faced by artists and working people in Israel and Palestine,” the union said.

In 2021, the union supported a rally where a number of attendees held antisemitic signs, including one that showed a picture of Jesus carrying a cross and the text: “Do not let them do the same thing today again.”

(full article online)

I'm definitely not against the existence of them nor Israel. But I do oppose our government's support in terms of financial aid to any country where race and/or religion is used as a factor in regard to citizenship.
Are you actually saying that Israel only allows people who are Jewish to become citizens of the country?

These Arabs are not only citizens but are part of the IDF.

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I'm definitely not against the existence of them nor Israel. But I do oppose our government's support in terms of financial aid to any country where race and/or religion is used as a factor in regard to citizenship.
In Israel, anyone can become a citizen but this doesn't seem to be the case in Vatican City.
[Dome of the Rock is on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount is the most religious place for Jews ]


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