Stop Antisemitism

Jewish-Yemeni writer on Israelis being colonizers: ā€Are they crazy? To tell me that my grandparents who fled persecution in Yemen and came to be safe in Israel are colonizers? We are not colonizers. We are refugees! Itā€™s a shameā€.

Iraqi Muslim girl on Israel being an "apartheid": ā€I have never encountered racism in Israel in my entire life. Even my Arab Muslim friends who wear hijab say they have never encountered racism or discriminationā€

ā€“ ā€What is happening right now in Gaza is the result of Hamas' barbarism. These terrorists are responsible for the death of children in Gazaā€.Muslim IDF soldier on claims about the IDF: ā€Accusations against IDF are outrageous. We serve Muslims, Christians, and Jews, with one purpose only: protecting our country, because we have no one else to protect us.ā€

ā€”Repost and spread their message!

A big thank you to the incredible and beautiful people I interviewed: Ben-Dror Yemini, Etaf Shtewe, and Tom Hareb. Iā€™ve had the most incredible and enlightening conversations with you all. Your courage, strength, and beauty are heartwarming and I wish the whole Arab and Muslim world could hear you. A huge thank you also goes to
an illuminating organization that is bringing communities together and fighting for peace in the Middle East. An amazing organization that is doing God's work: follow them. And last but not least: a big thank you to all the Israelis who wonā€™t stop inviting me to lunch and dinner! Such incredible hospitality. You make me feel at home. I wish I could invite you all over for kosher Swedish meatballs with a Yemeni twist. L'chaim!
ā€œ125 years ago, Ɖmile Zolaā€™s open letter, ā€˜Jā€™Accuseā€¦!ā€˜, ripped the scabs off the skin of France and revealed the festering pus beneath; a week ago, Bari Weissā€™s speech, ā€˜You Are the Last Line of Defenseā€™, did the same for todayā€™s America. I canā€™t say whether Weissā€™s speech will attain the immortality of Zolaā€™s letter, but it ought to. Attorney/blogger Ilya Shapiro attended the speech and called it ā€˜Bari Weissā€™s Speech for the Agesā€™. The parallels between Zolaā€™s letter and Weissā€™s speech are sufficient that I have taken to calling the latter ā€˜Jā€™Accuse 2023ā€²ā€.
This was the take away by journalist Robert Graboyes from a speech given by Bari Weiss, a former NY Times editor who founded and edits The Free Press.

In her talk, Weiss does more than just denounce the tsunami of antisemitism and ā€˜progressiveā€™ apologies for Hamas barbarism following the worst antisemitic atrocity since the Holocaust, but contextualises it as part of a broader threat facing both Jews and the West, and explains what must be done to defend our values ā€“ and our very civilisation.

Our work at CAMERA is part of that fight. As Weiss explains, so many lies about Jews, Israel and liberal democracies have spread in the face of inaction as a result of fear or politesse, before citing the leftist intellectual Sidney Hook, who broke with the Communists and subsequently implored those around him to ā€œalways answer an accusation or a chargeā€ and to ā€œnot let falsehoods stand unchallengedā€œ.

The text of her speech can be read here.


German authorities searched the properties of Hamas members, supporters and sympathisers today following an official ban on any activity by or in support of the Palestinian terrorist group.

According to German authorities, Hamas has about 450 members in the country, whose activities include expressions of sympathy, propaganda activities, financing and fundraising for the militant group.

Most of today's raids took place in Berlin, where 11 locations were raided by more than 300 police officers. Seven of the locations were linked to Hamas and four to Samidoun. Other searches occurred in the states of Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein.

German officials had taken previous actions this week in their attempts at cracking down on antisemitism in the country. On Tuesday, police raided the homes of 17 people in the southern state of Bavaria accused of spreading antisemitic hate speech and threats against the Jewish community.
Are you actually saying that Israel only allows people who are Jewish to become citizens of the country?

These Arabs are not only citizens but are part of the IDF.

Nope. I am referring to the favoritism for Jews and hoops non-Jews must jump through for granting citizenship, something I checked out back when I was wondering how a one-state solution would work.

Once again, I've only brought this issue of Zionism up because to me it's a secular issue. As part of discussing how to stop antisemitism, one needs to define it.

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