Stop Antisemitism

I've learned from "X" that the "pro-Palestine" movement lives in a fantasy world where, putting mythology regarding 10/7 aside (for the uninitiated, please note that every single one of these beliefs is utterly false)...

--There was a country called Palestine, where Muslims and a small Jewish minority lived in peace and harmony, as they did throughout the Arab Muslim world

--Every Palestinian is indigenous to Palestine going back to the Canaanites, every Jew is not--Zionists "invaded" Palestine

--The UN, trying to compensate Jews for the Holocaust, "gave" the country to the Zionists, even though Palestinians were stalwart opponents of the Nazis

--Israel, entirely unprovoked, proceeded to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian population because of Zionist racism

--Israel then duped the happy Jewish populations of Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, etc to leave for Israel--Israel, entirely unprovoked, proceeded to seize the West Bank and Gaza in 1967 as part of its imperialist agenda

--The PLO arose spontaneously as a national liberation movement, with no help from East bloc secret services

--Hamas though a national liberation movement, also was created and funded by Israel--Palestinian governments in the West Bank and Gaza somehow arose spontaneously, Oslo never existed

--Israel made no legitimate peace offers in 2000 or 2001--Israel started the war that became known as the Second intifada

--Israel's reaction to the Second Intifada involved indiscriminate murder of Palestinians, part of a broader campaign of genocide

--After Fatah was defeated militarily Hamas became the focus of the "resistance," while simultaneously being funded and supported by Israel--Under Hamas rule, Gaza was both a paradise and the world's largest open-air prison

--Palestinians in Israeli jails who were duly convicted of various crimes including murder, after trials in which they were represented by counsel, are "hostages," while actual hostages held by Hamas are all guilty of something or other.

Israel doesn't fear Muslims. That's just stupid.

We didn't "put" our state in the Middle East, this is where we come from.

The "Zio" prefix is an antisemitic slur.

Syrian Girl has a history of posting genocidal tweets against Israelis. It seems she hates and fears us.

This is a country that is world famous for tolerance and decency. It is a country in which it should be normal to show pride in being Jewish.

Today’s #MarchAgainstAntisemitism sent a much-needed message to our Jewish community that Britain stands shoulder to shoulder with us. We also made clear to the authorities and our politicians that we expect them to act against hate before it’s too late.

Above all else, we reminded this country of what it is, and what it always should be. There is so much work to do, and that work continues tomorrow, but tonight let’s bask in the solidarity that we all felt today.

We are one United Kingdom, united against antisemitism.

Ya know, the distinction between good and evil in this war could not possibly be any clearer.

No matter how you want to slice it and what you want to look at, there are not two equal sides here. There is good and there is evil.

You can look at the protests.

One side sings songs of unity and peace. The other side yells chants of genocide and murder.

You can look at the hostages/prisoners.

One side longs for its children and wives to unite with their families. The other side demands the release of murderers and terrorists.

You can look at how the released are treated.

One side does everything it can to ensure their hostages come home safely and are treated accordingly. The other side parades its prisoners around the streets while calling for violence.

You can look at the value of human life.

One side mourns its casualties and yearns for peace. The other side celebrates the death of its people and yearns for destruction.

You can look at innocent deaths. One side goes to extraordinary lengths to minimize civilian deaths. The other side does everything in its power to maximize civilian deaths, which they then use as a PR tactic.

You can look at how the war can end.

One side can put down its weapons and achieve an instant end to the war. The other side can put down its weapons and be annihilated by the enemy.

You can look at the respective charters.

One side has a charter (the Torah) that puts peace and human life as the highest value. The other side has a charter that glorifies death and genocide.

You can look at the importance of truth.

One side tells the truth even when inconvenient. The other side has a propaganda machine that spreads lies and blood libels all day every day.

The point is, if you see the two sides as good vs evil, congratulations, you are a moral person.

If you don’t see the clear difference, if you compare the two sides, if you make an equal sign between innocent hostages and murderous prisoners, congratulations to you. You are morally bankrupt and an accomplice to murder, rape, abduction, and decapitation.

Israel has always been and will always be the moral side of the Middle East conflict. The other side represents radical Islam and proudly declares that Israel is only its first stop.

In order to navigate the challenges the world will face as a result of radical Islam spreading like a cancer, the first thing they need is a compass.

If you compare Israel to Hamas, you have no moral compass and when radical Islam comes for you, you will not know where to go or who to turn to.

If for no other reason, you should stand with Israel because Israel is fighting this war so you don’t have to.

The top: Who Hamas took and still hasn’t released

The bottom: Who Israel arrested and has now released If you can’t see the difference, you are a lost cause.
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[ The Jews needed this to make the Mandate for Palestine, Israel, come true. Not what the British Government did then ]


Israel doesn't fear Muslims. That's just stupid.

We didn't "put" our state in the Middle East, this is where we come from.

The "Zio" prefix is an antisemitic slur.

Syrian Girl has a history of posting genocidal tweets against Israelis. It seems she hates and fears us.

Zion is an antisemitic slur????
Zion is an antisemitic slur????
depending on who uses it. In the mouths of islamo nazi dogs and in their writings---it is used as a slur against Jews. In the anglican town in which I
grew up-----"WHITE" is used as a description of ----ANGLICANS. Saying
"that was white of you" or "christian of you" is a compliment
depending on who uses it. In the mouths of islamo nazi dogs and in their writings---it is used as a slur against Jews. In the anglican town in which I
grew up-----"WHITE" is used as a description of ----ANGLICANS. Saying
"that was white of you" or "christian of you" is a compliment
Zio is a pejorative term for Zionists, commonly used by anti-Zionists and white supremacists. The term is often considered antisemitic, particularly by Zionists.

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) lists "Zio" on their Translate Hate Glossary. The AJC claims that the term "Zio" is used by antisemites to disguise their antisemitism as merely anti-Zionism, asserting that "Zio" is actually a short-hand euphemism for "Jew".[1]Mosaic Magazine has said that "Zio" is a "new anti-Jewish slur".[2] Ben Samuels, writing for Haaretz, has claimed that the term was popularized first by David Duke and then later by leftists and members of the British Labour Party.[3] The Zionist writer Ariel Sobel has also claimed that "Zio" is an antisemitic slur with roots within antisemitic right-wing extremist circles that has been adopted by progressives.[4]

"Zio" can be used as a noun or as a hyphenated or unhyphenated adjective. "Zio-Nazi" is a common pejorative term for Zionists. Other variations of "Zio-" include Zio-Communism, Zio-economics, Zio-supremacism, and Zio-occupied America.[2]

In 2016, the British Labour Party released an inquiry into antisemitism stating that "Epithets such as...‘Zio’ and others should have no place in Labour party discourse going forward." Speaking at the inquiry's launch, Jeremy Corbyn declared that "‘Zio’ is a vile epithet that follows in a long line of earlier such terms that have no place whatsoever in our party."[5]

In 2017, the organizers of the Chicago Dyke March faced accusations of antisemitism after their Twitter account used the term "Zio tears".[6][7][8]

Tony Greenstein, a Jewish anti-Zionist from the United Kingdom, was accused of antisemitism in 2018 for using the term "Zios", among other allegations, and was expelled from the British Labour Party.[9][10]


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