Stop Antisemitism

[ They did not go after Russians, or Chinese, or Turkish people. They are not even going after Israelis. It is about the Jews, always about the Jews ]


Jews have been celebrating Hannukah for more than 2,000 years. The holiday commemorates a time when enemies tried to deny Jews their religious freedom.

Don’t let the irony get lost on you.
[ Are they going to cancel Ramadan celebrations? Kwanza? Easter? For how long?]

[ An epidemic, of cowards and cowardice is forming ]

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In addition to being expelled, forced to live in ghetto and being second class citizens, I learned that WWII was one of the MANY instances in which the Jewish population was the target of large-scale hate that led to their mass killings.

If Israel did not exist, if it was not for the power of Israel in the region, Jewish people would've been prosecuted and slaughtered to this day.

While many wars and tragedies have been happening in the world, It's disgusting and ignorant to compare and equivalent anything with the genocide of Jewish people during WII.

It's shameful to hear the same rhetoric that led to many many massacres against Jewish people today in 2023. I refuse to stay silent in the face of anti-Semitism.
[ When was Christian England not antisemitic? 1290 - All Jews were expelled. 1922 British took 78% of the Mandate for Palestine and gave it to non Jews. No non Jews complained about it, march because of it, demanded that the land be returned to the Jews for their Mandate ]

[ If the Jews leave, the Muslims and Christians Jew haters win ]

And also more general disparate treatment of Jewish students. My state has a law prohibiting masked demonstration. My university refuses to enforce it against pro-Hamas demonstrators, even after at least one violent incident and a letter from the state attorney general. You know that they would enforce it if the KKK showed up.

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