Stop Antisemitism

observant and vigilant is the same brain function. Your
self assessment of "realistic" is also a forebrain function----
it is what you "think"----ie your own conclusion. Your reality is
that you hear and see "ANTISEMITISM" here, there, and everywhere.
I am very fearful of dogs----When I walk alone at night----if something moves
I see A DOG
Er, no.

the muslimas are DEFENDING the RIGHTS of their "brothers" to rape and murder.
Nothing new----the koran encourages this behavior. As the rapist of mecca
rummaged around the genitalia of the adolescent boys in Yathrib---and then
LOPPED THE HEADS OF YOUNG BOYS who had pubic hair----his bevy of sluts
watched and LAUGHED-----it's in the koran----if you read that disgusting book--
do so on an empty stomach. I have lots of brothers----normal boys have pubic hair
by age 12
[ Can't the cities not allow these protests? This is not free speech, it has gone way beyond it. This is a result of decades of BDS and Apartheid Week on college campuses ]

Take every religion, even the religion of atheistism. How do you stop one from hating the other(s)? How would you stop an Atheist hating Christianity? How do you stop a Jew hating a Christian?

There's antisemitism, so what is there about atheists hating Christians?
I think that some of your confusion stems from a faulty definition. Anti-Semitism in its current definition isn't about hate, it is about acting on hate. If you have a feeling and keep it inside, then that isn't anti-semitism. If you express it or let it affect your behavior towards others, it becomes problematic.

If you look at the history of the word you can see it is a strange subset of "racism" which is problematic because of its identification of "semite" to a "race" but we can ignore that for now. There are two people who, early on, used the word (1860-1880): one was a Jew who was trying to limit the defining element of the term to a specific group and the other was a Jew hater who was trying to establish a more scientific understanding of the objects of his hatred. Had there been prevailing hatreds in other areas, they could have (and still could) drive someone to coin a term for those other subsets of general racism. Have at it.

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