Stop Overthinking It: An Indictment Would Be Bad For Trump

Stop Overthinking It: An Indictment Would Be Bad For Trump​

For all his unusual strengths, Trump is defined these days more by his weaknesses — personal and political deficiencies that have grown with time and now figure to undermine any attempt to exploit the criminal case against him.

His base of support is too small, his political imagination too depleted and his instinct for self-absorption too overwhelming for him to marshal a broad, lasting backlash. His determination to look inward and backward has been a problem for his campaign even without the indictment. It will be a bigger one if and when he’s indicted.

1. Liberals are going to make sure Trump cannot run in 2024 with these ridiculous indictments.

2. That clears the way for DeSantis, who has a better chance of winning at any rate.

3. Liberals will then try the SAME TACTICS on DeSantis. What else do they have?

4. This will be transparent to everyone but brain-damaged liberals, and it will infuriate most Americans.

So keep at it, liberals, right to plan. :)
Go fuck yourself, dumb bitch.

It’s not my fault that you can’t realize how despised Trump is. Did you care when the markets crashed in 2020? People were hurting then too, and dying.

Now, go fuck yourself.
All of that was done on purpose to derail Trump. Covid, election shenanigans, and the endless derogatory inflammation from Prog shills. you cannot even reason why the ghettos are the same size as when the Great Society started in the mid 1960's. The prog shills at the top must be right. they just gotta.
Liberals are going to make sure Trump cannot run in 2024 with these ridiculous indictments.
How do you think they will accomplish this? What "law" states that he can't run if charged - or even convicted - with a crime? They cannot convict him with treason against the US and any other conviction will not disqualify him. They'll be back to the same old plan - damage his popularity. How has THAT worked out for them, so far?
If anything it will work in Trump's favor. This Soros picked clown lost most of his cases in NYC and is renown for dropping felony cases to misdemeanors in some instances resulting in tragic results. Since he took the job, NYC has become more and more dangerous. People who don't watch FOX and depend on the MSM are unaware of that. But the House is calling on him to testify why this stunt when he has no case and he will be exposed to the entire country.

Like always, Trump will win in the end. It's likely lawsuits will be heading Bragg's way and possibly NYC lawsuit as well. There will also be a complaint filed to the Bar Association which may lead to a suspension of his law license or perhaps total revoke.
He'll be lucky if New Yorkers don't lynch him.

They're already pissed off at him; Nothing to do with Trump.

Stop Overthinking It: An Indictment Would Be Bad For Trump​

For all his unusual strengths, Trump is defined these days more by his weaknesses — personal and political deficiencies that have grown with time and now figure to undermine any attempt to exploit the criminal case against him.

His base of support is too small, his political imagination too depleted and his instinct for self-absorption too overwhelming for him to marshal a broad, lasting backlash. His determination to look inward and backward has been a problem for his campaign even without the indictment. It will be a bigger one if and when he’s indicted.


But it would be a mistake to underestimate the cult-like devotion of Trump’s followers – the contempt Trump’s followers have for facts and the truth, the willingness of Trump supporters to disregard and attack political convention and established norms, and the contempt Trump sycophants have for the rule of law and our democratic institutions.
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But it would be a mistake to underestimate the cult-like devotion of Trump’s followers – the contempt Trump’s followers have for facts and the truth, the willingness of Trump supporters to disregard and attack political convention and established norms, and the contempt Trump sycophants have for the rule of law and our democratic institutions.
I know, we should round em all up, right?
Go fuck yourself, dumb bitch.

It’s not my fault that you can’t realize how despised Trump is. Did you care when the markets crashed in 2020? People were hurting then too, and dying.

Now, go fuck yourself.

Trump is despised by the fascist political class. They are scum so I don't care about their opinion other than if they despise Trump, then he was doing something good.

Because they are evil.
It has to do with Trump had all kinds of support and Biden did not. At all.

Fucktard. Let that sink in a minute..
So you have an overwhelming majority among the populace and Trump won the last election and still with facts and superior numbers on your side last time you folks still turned bitch and ran from the Capitol? Do I have that right? 😂😂😂

Stop Overthinking It: An Indictment Would Be Bad For Trump​

We've been in uncharted waters since Escalator Day. This one guy (with the huge help of his enablers) has pulled the country into a kind of political middle school mentality. So I'd think it's pretty much impossible to make any predictions.

This NY case, I don't know. Personally, I don't think it's a good idea, but who knows. I guess the big question is, outside of his dependably mindless base, do things like indictments PULL anyone new IN? That's a little tough to imagine, I guess.
Libs aren’t overthinking.

They just aren’t thinking at all.

But, what else is new?
Not indicting him, if this grand jury or any grand jury finds that he committed a crime or several crimes....

Would be for POLITICAL reasons.../and a two tiered justice system.


Indicting him, like anyone else in this country under the same circumstance....

Not indicting him, if this grand jury or any grand jury finds that he committed a crime or several crimes....

Would be for POLITICAL reasons.../and a two tiered justice system.


Indicting him, like anyone else in this country under the same circumstance....


You are what brainwashed looks like.

How sad.

This nation is done. Let it burn
We've been in uncharted waters since Escalator Day. This one guy (with the huge help of his enablers) has pulled the country into a kind of political middle school mentality. So I'd think it's pretty much impossible to make any predictions.

This NY case, I don't know. Personally, I don't think it's a good idea, but who knows. I guess the big question is, outside of his dependably mindless base, do things like indictments PULL anyone new IN? That's a little tough to imagine, I guess.

No, YOU lost your minds when he came down that escalator, and your butthurt is tearing the nation apart. Happy?
Why is that "brainwashed"?

The prosecutor is making up a charge and all you can do is parrot 'equal justice under the law' like a mindless parrot. That's not EQUAL JUSTICE sweetie if no one else ever gets prosecuted for it.

But whatever, you'll get your perp walk I'm sure. Let it burn. I do not care--this nation is done.
Why is that "brainwashed"?

Great. Here's an example. Some guy jaywalks every day, never a ticket, never a fine. Another guy takes two steps off the curb, is ticketed, and must pay the maximum $500 fine.

You all screech, but there's a LAW. Yes, there is, but that's not justice. Justice is properly and fairly INTERPRETING the law and applying it as equally as possible aside from persons committing crimes.

Most of America can see that's not happening. But again, whatever. It's already done.
The prosecutor is making up a charge and all you can do is parrot 'equal justice under the law' like a mindless parrot. That's not EQUAL JUSTICE sweetie if no one else ever gets prosecuted for it.

But whatever, you'll get your perp walk I'm sure. Let it burn. I do not care--this nation is done.
You are brainwashed! Stay away from your right wing FAKE media!!! Seek help!

I don't expect Trump to be Perp walked! Seems like he wants to be, for a photo op and martyr donations, but anyone else charged, would simply walk in and turn themselves in....and face their charges, with their due process, in a court of law.

If innocent of crimes, he will have his chance in court, with his evidence, to prove any other citizen, only with money and the best lawyer that money can buy, unlike most other citizens.

If the grand jury, finds crimes, then they should indict him or anyone else....that is their job....the DA, can still choose not to indict....even if the grand jury does.

You want and support pure lawlessness,

I want and support, law and order...not wild chaos and destruction of our Nation of laws.

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