Stopping gun violence, Oregon gun store refuses to sell gun to antifa, democrat party brown shirt member...

Hmm, one of the links on the dude's card.

Screw it, I'll run some down.

Peacepink3 <<this one's kinda crazy

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Stop shooting people who don't like you or look likeyou, MAGA.

The only people getting shot are unarmed, female Trump supporters, and the over 2 dozen innocent people murdered by the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa while they burned, looted and rioted as well as set up their own governments in our cities for a year....
Good for them.....the anti-gun extremists should be happy about this...right?

Oh, I can see it now. Gun shop owner refuses to sell gun to pick-up driving redneck with a MAGA bumper sticker and a confederate flag sticking out the back. Can you imagine the howls of protest from the dumbshit gun lovers.
Oh, I can see it now. Gun shop owner refuses to sell gun to pick-up driving redneck with a MAGA bumper sticker and a confederate flag sticking out the back. Can you imagine the howls of protest from the dumbshit gun lovers.

Those Red necks wouldn't use them to murder innocent civilians....antifa has murdered over 2 dozen Americans.
Oh, I can see it now. Gun shop owner refuses to sell gun to pick-up driving redneck with a MAGA bumper sticker and a confederate flag sticking out the back. Can you imagine the howls of protest from the dumbshit gun lovers.
Why a stereotype? FFL dealers are allowed to use discretion with whom they issue a weapon to .. MAGA or any other stereotype that excites you.
The only people getting shot are unarmed, female Trump supporters, and the over 2 dozen innocent people murdered by the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa while they burned, looted and rioted as well as set up their own governments in our cities for a year....
And they were arrested and tried. Several thousand are still in prison. Why must you lie and twist the facts.
Oh, I can see it now. Gun shop owner refuses to sell gun to pick-up driving redneck with a MAGA bumper sticker and a confederate flag sticking out the back. Can you imagine the howls of protest from the dumbshit gun lovers.
Dude, before you open that dumbass pie hole, i was in Virginia purchasing a .45 semi auto pistol. I had my background checked right after i got off work. Once it cleared, the gun shop owner, said that i was the first guy today, that actually passed the background check. So go blow yourself, you stupid twit, it isnt the owner of the store who is failing the innocent.

Oooh! Selective sales! I like this idea.
You act like this is something new, idiot.

The point of a background checks is to screen you've learned something.

Good for them.....the anti-gun extremists should be happy about this...right?

LOL How many Antifa members does this one-horse town have? Or, blacks for that matter.

Mighty brave of them to turn down business to non-existent customers. This would be like Harlem NY refusing to sell guns to anyone caught saying "Y’all” or humming a country song.

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