Stories that make me cry.

And fuck the Owl he's a flaming queen...Just don't ask him to a Mexican luau where they have ungutted fish fry on the coals of the fire along with the same style of dog cooked...
And fuck the Owl he's a flaming queen...Just don't ask him to a Mexican luau where they have ungutted fish fry on the coals of the fire along with the same style of dog cooked...

I have no problem with flaming queens. And they have fabulous accessories to loan you.

Coincidentally, I just watched that and a few others yesterday. I cried till my head hurt. They show up on my YouTube page. I usually pass them but once in awhile I lose my idiot mind and watch.

It re-affirms my disgust of the humans on this planet and that if a dog and a human were drowning, I'd rescue the dog.

Then I went to our local shelter web site and signed up to volunteer.
You cried then went and ate an animal. Hypocrite.

I don't torture my dinner to death and I don't eat dog.

Sorry but that's exactly what we do. We pay others to torture animals so we can buy a clean, -lasitc wrapped chunk that has no resemblance to the animal. And its getting worse.

As our livestock industry is being taken over by other countries and as the R govt puts fewer and fewer restrictions on them and as they hire more and more undocumented, it gets worse and worse.

Traitor trump cuts regulations and then kooks the other way as workers are paid less and less.

Last figure I knew was that turnover of workers was in excess of 300%.

And the meat is getting more and more dangerous for the same reasons. Back when slaughterhouses were US owned and paid a working wage, the govt still allowed less than three seconds to examine an entire carcass.

As for eating dog, as horrendous as that is, it nothing compared to the BILLIONS of animals killed here in the US every day.
I wonder if they showed a scared newborn human baby "made comfortable" as Va. Gov Northam puts it, waiting to be put to death if it would make anyone cry as much as a mangy dog?
Y'all are right of course.

No reason to have empathy for the misery of any creature, so long as there are other creatures that suffer as well.

Believe it or not, I'm not for animal torture of any kind. But this thread was supposed to be about this particular video and similar cases.
Y'all are right of course.

No reason to have empathy for the misery of any creature, so long as there are other creatures that suffer as well.

Believe it or not, I'm not for animal torture of any kind. But this thread was supposed to be about this particular video and similar cases.

"No reason to have empathy for the misery of any creature, so long as there are other creatures that suffer as well."

Oh, I disagree.

I've posted before about being a photographer to document cruelty cases. I despise the cruelty humans are capable of but not just for non-human animals,

The cruelty of our livestock industry is truly incomprehensible and is kept hidden from our sight. Try not to laugh but way back when I first learned of the cruelty behind what's on our plates or the truth behind the insurance-driven cruelty of medical "research", I honestly believed that if they were well known, people would rise up as one and demand that it stop.

Fact is, people DO know of both. Especially with the internet, the facts are at our fingertips but people either ignore it, ridicule it and/or pass laws to make it illegal to make it public.

Once people DO see their eating habits cause animal cruelty, they're put in a very uncomfortable position. If they choose to do nothing, they are saying they approve of cruelty to animals.

With all my being, I hope whomever did that to the dog in the OP is made to suffer but that won't happen. It never does.
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