Stormy Daniels sues Trump

How about a simple I don't know, all we have is a he said, she said. Of course your bias will only allow you to believe the worse about Trump, but what I see is a gal looking for a big payday. It's hard for objective people to believe a person that keeps changing her story.


Let me use some of Trump's own words for you to maul over. He said he doesn't settle, because doing so will just bring more and more people out of the wood work to sue him.

So the fact he paid her off, that goes to show you he IS GUILTY. If he paid off everyone that accused him of this, he'd spend millions of dollars doing it.

I haven't seen any evidence Trump paid her a dime, his lawyer says he wasn't even aware of the settlement. Can you prove otherwise, or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?


What in the world are you talking about?

They had a copy of the agreement on all the networks. Sarah Sanders even admitted to the document and it going to an arbitrator in her press conference yesterday...

What he knows now and what he knew at the time couldn't possibly be different, right? You regressives crack me up.


What the fuck are you talking about? Trump didn't know he was with Stormy Daniels?

The document even says there might be pictures. I certainly hope so, so it will embarrass the fuck out of you people that will deny this shit to the grave.

Your ADD is showing, get back to me when you learn to follow a thought through a string. Posts in a string aren't an island, one leads to another. BTW I haven't denied a damn thing. All I've said so far is, it's a he said, she said, and her story has changed several times.

Let me use some of Trump's own words for you to maul over. He said he doesn't settle, because doing so will just bring more and more people out of the wood work to sue him.

So the fact he paid her off, that goes to show you he IS GUILTY. If he paid off everyone that accused him of this, he'd spend millions of dollars doing it.

I haven't seen any evidence Trump paid her a dime, his lawyer says he wasn't even aware of the settlement. Can you prove otherwise, or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?


What in the world are you talking about?

They had a copy of the agreement on all the networks. Sarah Sanders even admitted to the document and it going to an arbitrator in her press conference yesterday...

What he knows now and what he knew at the time couldn't possibly be different, right? You regressives crack me up.


What the fuck are you talking about? Trump didn't know he was with Stormy Daniels?

The document even says there might be pictures. I certainly hope so, so it will embarrass the fuck out of you people that will deny this shit to the grave.

Your ADD is showing, get back to me when you learn to follow a thought through a string. Posts in a string aren't an island, one leads to another. BTW I haven't denied a damn thing. All I've said so far is, it's a he said, she said, and her story has changed several times.

I never change my stories.

Believe me.
Meanwhile, mentions of Stormy attempting to be blocked via her NDA from talking about Trump’s “alleged children” and “paternity information” has Twitter running wild with theories about why the NDA would include language concerning, as O’Donnell put it, “all private information relating to or pertaining to Donald Trump, including… paternity information.”

President Trump’s ‘Paternity Information’ In Stormy Daniels’ NDA Discussed On MSNBC By Stormy’s Lawyer [Video]

Meanwhile, mentions of Stormy attempting to be blocked via her NDA from talking about Trump’s “alleged children” and “paternity information” has Twitter running wild with theories about why the NDA would include language concerning, as O’Donnell put it, “all private information relating to or pertaining to Donald Trump, including… paternity information.”

President Trump’s ‘Paternity Information’ In Stormy Daniels’ NDA Discussed On MSNBC By Stormy’s Lawyer [Video]

It is okay as long as I did not pay for a baby to be killed at the White House.
Let me use some of Trump's own words for you to maul over. He said he doesn't settle, because doing so will just bring more and more people out of the wood work to sue him.

So the fact he paid her off, that goes to show you he IS GUILTY. If he paid off everyone that accused him of this, he'd spend millions of dollars doing it.

I haven't seen any evidence Trump paid her a dime, his lawyer says he wasn't even aware of the settlement. Can you prove otherwise, or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?


What in the world are you talking about?

They had a copy of the agreement on all the networks. Sarah Sanders even admitted to the document and it going to an arbitrator in her press conference yesterday...

What he knows now and what he knew at the time couldn't possibly be different, right? You regressives crack me up.


What the fuck are you talking about? Trump didn't know he was with Stormy Daniels?

The document even says there might be pictures. I certainly hope so, so it will embarrass the fuck out of you people that will deny this shit to the grave.

Your ADD is showing, get back to me when you learn to follow a thought through a string. Posts in a string aren't an island, one leads to another. BTW I haven't denied a damn thing. All I've said so far is, it's a he said, she said, and her story has changed several times.


It's not he said she said when Trump, who has already said he doesn't pay people off in order to avoid future law suits, PAYS SOMEONE OFF.
Can't say I care much. Trump can bang all the sluts he wants outside the white house. I think it's pretty humiliating for his wife, but maybe she doesn't care. Meh.
So, Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, used Trump organization email when making arrangements with Stormy Daniels - but yet Trump didn't know about it? Really?
So, Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, used Trump organization email when making arrangements with Stormy Daniels - but yet Trump didn't know about it? Really?

sarah sanders actually acknowledge that Donald knew. that's why he got mad at her.

everyone knows he knew. at least anyone who isn't lying for him.
So, Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, used Trump organization email when making arrangements with Stormy Daniels - but yet Trump didn't know about it? Really?

sarah sanders actually acknowledge that Donald knew. that's why he got mad at her.

everyone knows he knew. at least anyone who isn't lying for him.

True - but now we have more proof.
More bad news for Trump. This guy is already on the edge.
JUMP, pretty please.

Another story that will infuriate Melania.

Do you buffoons really think Melania married Trump because she "loves" him? Stop being so naive.
ahhhh, your jealous.

Beautiful women marrying rich men twice their age has been going on for a long time. It's seldom about love. Someone thinking it is...comes across as incredibly naive. That's all I'm saying.

oh my god! just LOOK at him & you know melania was in it for the cash. not to mention he is one huuuuuuuge asshole.

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