Stormy Daniels sues Trump

Stormy Daniels is a nasty oportunist out to make a fast buck by blackmailing Trump for trivialities.

In an unforunate typically populist way the MSM clowns seems to be concentrating on unimportant garbage like this rather than letting Trump continue succesfully making America great again, specially in comparison to all the weaklings who preceded him and were the laughing stock of the world.
Stormy Daniels is a nasty oportunist out to make a fast buck by blackmailing Trump for trivialities.

In an unforunate typically populist way the MSM clowns seems to be concentrating on unimportant garbage like this rather than letting Trump continue succesfully making America great again, specially in comparison to all the weaklings who preceded him and were the laughing stock of the world.

We are just trying to expose Trump as an "illegitimate" president. The election should be nullified and Hillary installed as president.
That Trump celebrity gossip is strong from the Fake News. Move on with your lives if Trump is a straight man. This was decade ago too... Let's talk about nobama saying pussy?
That Trump celebrity gossip is strong from the Fake News. Move on with your lives if Trump is a straight man. This was decade ago too... Let's talk about nobama saying pussy?

A decade ago? No, sparky, the payoff was right before the presidential election.


Not really. I'm just fascinated with his lies and paying off a porn start right before the election. Maybe Hillary should have paid off Comey. How many other women did Trump pay off?
At least one other one: Playboy model Karen McDougal with $150,000

Karen McDougal Describes Alleged Affair With Trump in New Yorker Article

You know there are others too. The flood gates are open now. They'll be coming out of the woodwork now. How many will Melania tolerate until she walks?
Holy hell what a stud!!!...if he was bouncing this young chick at 70 years old???...... now THAT is a man I want for President!

not without the cash he isn't. & i'm sure with viagra too.

Haha,,, you think for one second she thought she could become his wife? A porn star?? If so, she is a complete moron.
According to her, she came back for seconds...if you believe her...he must be that and a bag of chips.

wait- what? who said anything about about her wanting to be wifey #4? i said the only way he can get any action is to pay for it. of course she would come back for 2nds if the price was right. why would she want a ring on her finger & be stuck with him 24/7? she may be a paid whore - but she ain't stooooooopid.
Not really. I'm just fascinated with his lies and paying off a porn start right before the election. Maybe Hillary should have paid off Comey. How many other women did Trump pay off?
At least one other one: Playboy model Karen McDougal with $150,000

Karen McDougal Describes Alleged Affair With Trump in New Yorker Article

You know there are others too. The flood gates are open now. They'll be coming out of the woodwork now. How many will Melania tolerate until she walks?

i seriously think that trump has something hanging over melania.... either a really bad financial prenup, which makes me feel zero sympathy for her staying with him....

or worse.... he gets full custody of barron if they split up. if it's the latter, it's the ONLY reason i can see her staying; either way - it's crystal clear she didn't come to america on some bogus 'einstein' visa.

I haven't seen any evidence Trump paid her a dime, his lawyer says he wasn't even aware of the settlement. Can you prove otherwise, or does your bias just prevent you accepting the lawyers word?
Trumpov's Lawyer Admitted he paid her off, and complained Trumpov hasn't reimbursed him.

Trumpov's lawyer also said the payment was delayed several times because he couldn't get in touch with Trumpov.

WTF are you talikng about MORON? Do you just watch Faux News.

What a low-info partisan Idiot you are.
You're Not qualified to even be in this discussion.

I've got a link, do you????????????

“I am Mr. Trump’s longtime special counsel and I have proudly served in that role for more than a decade,” Cohen said Tuesday night in a statement first reported by the New York Times. “In a private transaction in 2016, I used my own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford. Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.

Longtime Trump attorney says he made $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels with his money

Ooh look, a link to claims by Trump's lawyer.'re saying we should believe his claims as fact?

Hahahahaha...good one
So Trumps lawyer is guilty of lying by association?
Fallacy...not accepting his claim as true is not the same as claiming it is false.

Did you make that error intentionally as a charlatan's tactic, or was it by error out of ignorance?
Boy, Democrats and their Fake News are all over this one. So much going on in the world, and this is all they got. They've become so out of touch with reality. Why are so many folks still voting Democrat? They're voting against their own best interests. The Party threw American Citizens overboard years ago.

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