Straight Repeal Fail in Senate

The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
Our senator is no "betrayer." She is being mindful of the best outcomes for the people in her state. She also is mindful of the people in the whole country.
The people should come first, not party. The bills suck, and passing a skinny repeal would be a disaster, since I do NOT see a replacement in the offing. If they can't agree on the basics of a plan now, what magic is going to cause that to happen a year from now?
Obacare dies nothing for the people. The whole program was a disaster from the start.
Obamacare insured millions more people. It needs serious work. I don't care if they call it Trumpcare or what, but they need to do something to fix it without taking insurance away from that many people.
Well, go ahead--at least we'd end up with Dems in the majority in Congress again in 2018.
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
So you're FOR 22 million w/o health insurance and FOR tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.
Yup. You're a true deplorable!
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
Our senator is no "betrayer." She is being mindful of the best outcomes for the people in her state. She also is mindful of the people in the whole country.
The people should come first, not party. The bills suck, and passing a skinny repeal would be a disaster, since I do NOT see a replacement in the offing. If they can't agree on the basics of a plan now, what magic is going to cause that to happen a year from now?
Obacare dies nothing for the people. The whole program was a disaster from the start.
Obamacare insured millions more people. It needs serious work. I don't care if they call it Trumpcare or what, but they need to do something to fix it without taking insurance away from that many people.
Well, go ahead--at least we'd end up with Dems in the majority in Congress again in 2018.

Pull your goddamn head out of your ass, Obamacare is a disaster
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -
They must be liberal repubs, you know, what used to populate the party from 1861-1964?
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.
Got it, thanks Bush92 .........
Senators on Tuesday night blocked a wide-ranging proposal by Republicans to repeal much of ObamaCare and replace it with a more restrictive plan.

In Wednesday's vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition.

I could have told you that Susan Collins was a traitor long before this vote. She's part of Hillary Clinton's gang and is a fake Republican.
Yes, it takes a real traitor to break the Tea Party's government shut down a few years back. She actually has some sense. That is a traitor to you?
Tea Party was trying to have accountability in government. The federal government is "the problem."
Well it didn't work. They didn't want accountability--they wanted to overthrow Obamacare. It didn't work then and it isn't going to work now. IMO.
I fully understand the ACA was unconstitutional. If you know me, i aint down for that shit. But we already have implemented it. That would only hurt people. I cant support that. At some point, you have to think of the population
Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada

Their voters should primary them or better yet recall them
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
Our senator is no "betrayer." She is being mindful of the best outcomes for the people in her state. She also is mindful of the people in the whole country.
The people should come first, not party. The bills suck, and passing a skinny repeal would be a disaster, since I do NOT see a replacement in the offing. If they can't agree on the basics of a plan now, what magic is going to cause that to happen a year from now?
Obacare dies nothing for the people. The whole program was a disaster from the start.
Obamacare insured millions more people. It needs serious work. I don't care if they call it Trumpcare or what, but they need to do something to fix it without taking insurance away from that many people.
Well, go ahead--at least we'd end up with Dems in the majority in Congress again in 2018.
Millions were forced into a fraudulent program by Big Brother federal government.
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -

"Quislings" :rofl:
Trivialize World War much?

Last time I checked the Constitution you get TWO Senators. Nobody gets more than that.

And guess what each of those two senators -- all 114 of them --- are charged with by that Constitution .....

Give up?

--- Representing the constituents in their state. Not political parties --- constituents.

Trust me, it's true. You can look it up in the Constitution. Need to borrow my copy?

Partisan hacks --- such cat toys...........
FIX IT as we'll be doing forever DUHH. Go after the ridiculous costs which are the real problem after 70 years of GOP crony Big Health insanity. Going back to scam plans and cutting off those with pre-existing conditions is STOOPID.
McCain comes back and pretends to be the hero on the 51-50 talk vote, and then he votes against the measure to replace. I knew that fucker was up to his usual no-good shit.
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -
They must be liberal repubs, you know, what used to populate the party from 1861-1964?
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.

She's taking it up the chute on the Internet.
45-55 with 7 Quislings from within GOP voting against the measure.
Health care bill: Senate rejects full Obamacare repeal -
They must be liberal repubs, you know, what used to populate the party from 1861-1964?
Otherwise known as a moderate. Senator Collins is a real Republican though, and she votes with her party most of the time. Not for this, though.
Collins is a RHINO.
She's more than that. She is a full on traitor and part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle along with Abramovich, Podesta brothers, etc.
If you live in Maine, I respect your right to say that. Otherwise, worry about your own senators.
This is what happens when you do nothing but whine and complain for six years and offer no viable alternative, then get into power and have to act like grown ups and offer a viable alternative.
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
Our senator is no "betrayer." She is being mindful of the best outcomes for the people in her state. She also is mindful of the people in the whole country.
The people should come first, not party. The bills suck, and passing a skinny repeal would be a disaster, since I do NOT see a replacement in the offing. If they can't agree on the basics of a plan now, what magic is going to cause that to happen a year from now?
Obacare dies nothing for the people. The whole program was a disaster from the start.
Obamacare insured millions more people. It needs serious work. I don't care if they call it Trumpcare or what, but they need to do something to fix it without taking insurance away from that many people.
Well, go ahead--at least we'd end up with Dems in the majority in Congress again in 2018.
Republicans would pick up seats with straight repeal. Do you have any idea how unpopular Obamacare is with people?
Got it, thanks Bush92 .........
Senators on Tuesday night blocked a wide-ranging proposal by Republicans to repeal much of ObamaCare and replace it with a more restrictive plan.

In Wednesday's vote, Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine; Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia; John McCain of Arizona; Rob Portman of Ohio; Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Dean Heller of Nevada voted in opposition.

I could have told you that Susan Collins was a traitor long before this vote. She's part of Hillary Clinton's gang and is a fake Republican.
Yes, it takes a real traitor to break the Tea Party's government shut down a few years back. She actually has some sense. That is a traitor to you?
She is a full on Democrat wearing a Republican badge and a whole lot more. She is a Collins. Does that family name ring a bell, Mary Poppins?
The 7 betrayers to the cause of liberty need to be ousted in the primaries by true conservatives.
Our senator is no "betrayer." She is being mindful of the best outcomes for the people in her state. She also is mindful of the people in the whole country.
The people should come first, not party. The bills suck, and passing a skinny repeal would be a disaster, since I do NOT see a replacement in the offing. If they can't agree on the basics of a plan now, what magic is going to cause that to happen a year from now?
Obacare dies nothing for the people. The whole program was a disaster from the start.

Tell that to someone on it.:lol:

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