Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag

This is quite honestly the stupidest post I have ever seen.


I have disagreed with you on many things, but I've never called you stupid. You, above all people, should realize that when you have to resort to personal attacks, you've lost the debate.
I apologize if I hurt your feelings. But if you can't be honest on a message board, where can you be honest?

Destroying someone else's property is never the right thing to do unless you are willing to take the punishment for doing it. Obviously, this kid wasn't willing to take the punishment.

I find it shocking that anyone could claim he didn't deserve some form of punishment for his actions.

He took the flag down as it was improperly displayed ABOVE the American flag. He tried to give it to the assistant principal who refused to take it. At that point, he'd done his duty. He did nothing wrong in throwing it away as no one owned up to owning the flag and the assistant principal refused to take it.

I find it shocking that any American would think this kid deserved to be punished for acting appropriately. But then again, we do live in a world where 5 American students in an American public school were sent home on May 5 for wearing t shirts with the American flag on it and even earlier, a young child was punished for drawing a picture of the flag in art class and putting "God Bless America" on it.

And because I know you will call me a liar:
hahahaha! The little toad negged me with the comment, "debate, don't attack."

That is fucking hilarious and ironic.

Hey, your continuation of being a prude just verifies the fact that you are acting more and more uneducated, desperate, and stupid. I don't mind if you don't care about my feedback, I just don't like seeing people whose sole enjoyment comes from attacking others (the word is sadistic, and it doesn't have to be physical), and I do what is in my powers to try and check them a little, which on USMB includes commenting and negging if necessary. Now scurry off to urbandictionary to find some new string of swear words you can use to sound even more impressively ignorant and arrogant (the worst combination btw).
I find it shocking that any American would think this kid deserved to be punished for acting appropriately. But then again, we do live in a world where 5 American students in an American public school were sent home on May 5 for wearing t shirts with the American flag on it and even earlier, a young child was punished for drawing a picture of the flag in art class and putting "God Bless America" on it.

And because I know you will call me a liar: Salinas Teacher Calls This Drawing "Offensive" | NBC Bay Area

Another really good point. It is an unfortunate phenomena that has developed in the last couple of decades, where we are so afraid of offending or restricting the rights of minorities, that we unnecessarily and hurtfully deny rights to others. Double standards suck, and they need to be fixed, but keep in mind that they are better than what used to be. I would take my own troubles in trying to secure student loans over the oppression and suppression of someone of a different race than me any day.

And reps for citing your source unlike many people who give a story or stats without proving it. :clap2:
I find it shocking that any American would think this kid deserved to be punished for acting appropriately. But then again, we do live in a world where 5 American students in an American public school were sent home on May 5 for wearing t shirts with the American flag on it and even earlier, a young child was punished for drawing a picture of the flag in art class and putting "God Bless America" on it.

And because I know you will call me a liar: Salinas Teacher Calls This Drawing "Offensive" | NBC Bay Area

Another really good point. It is an unfortunate phenomena that has developed in the last couple of decades, where we are so afraid of offending or restricting the rights of minorities, that we unnecessarily and hurtfully deny rights to others. Double standards suck, and they need to be fixed, but keep in mind that they are better than what used to be. I would take my own troubles in trying to secure student loans over the oppression and suppression of someone of a different race than me any day.

And reps for citing your source unlike many people who give a story or stats without proving it. :clap2:

Yeah, but I only did that because I knew I'd be called a liar. I really object to being called a liar but at the same time I don't think I should have to cite proof of everything I say. It's tiresome and trivial.
This is quite honestly the stupidest post I have ever seen.


I have disagreed with you on many things, but I've never called you stupid. You, above all people, should realize that when you have to resort to personal attacks, you've lost the debate.
I apologize if I hurt your feelings. But if you can't be honest on a message board, where can you be honest?

Destroying someone else's property is never the right thing to do unless you are willing to take the punishment for doing it. Obviously, this kid wasn't willing to take the punishment.

I find it shocking that anyone could claim he didn't deserve some form of punishment for his actions.

I believe that the assistant principal took the coward's way out and was totally derelict in his responsibilities to help the student and recover the property. Whoever it was, became more concerned over the political implications.
Did anyone tell you that 20 MILLION illegals in our country supported by people like you and Ravi are a greater wrong then someone removing a Mexican flag from a US School? You retards routinely announce we can do nothing about the illegals and waste no time defending them and demanding amnesty. Amnesty is EXACTLY why there are 20 MILLION of them now. In 86 we had 2 million and granted them amnesty setting the stage for this time around.

You could've just said no, nobody ever told you. And perhaps even thank me for imparting a piece of wisdom you sorely lack.

And I challenge you to go find any thread where I support illegal immigration?

Retards like you want to make this about illegal immigration. It's not. It's about a kid who broke the rules and must pay a minor but fair price for it. That is all.

why yes manifool,, it is about a kid who broke the rules, and about 30 million or so who also broke the rules, you want to punish the kid cause you are a bully while you reward the 30 million adults.. big brave libruls,, giving away other's hard earn money to those who YOU think deserve it.. manitool manifool.

One has nothing to do with the other.

You are a whore.
I have disagreed with you on many things, but I've never called you stupid. You, above all people, should realize that when you have to resort to personal attacks, you've lost the debate.
I apologize if I hurt your feelings. But if you can't be honest on a message board, where can you be honest?

Destroying someone else's property is never the right thing to do unless you are willing to take the punishment for doing it. Obviously, this kid wasn't willing to take the punishment.

I find it shocking that anyone could claim he didn't deserve some form of punishment for his actions.

He took the flag down as it was improperly displayed ABOVE the American flag. He tried to give it to the assistant principal who refused to take it. At that point, he'd done his duty. He did nothing wrong in throwing it away as no one owned up to owning the flag and the assistant principal refused to take it.

I find it shocking that any American would think this kid deserved to be punished for acting appropriately. But then again, we do live in a world where 5 American students in an American public school were sent home on May 5 for wearing t shirts with the American flag on it and even earlier, a young child was punished for drawing a picture of the flag in art class and putting "God Bless America" on it.

And because I know you will call me a liar: Salinas Teacher Calls This Drawing "Offensive" | NBC Bay Area

I find it hard to believe this Mexican flag was displayed over the school's American flag....which is on a flag pole....from that point, I look at anything else this kid says with great suspicion.
I apologize if I hurt your feelings. But if you can't be honest on a message board, where can you be honest?

Destroying someone else's property is never the right thing to do unless you are willing to take the punishment for doing it. Obviously, this kid wasn't willing to take the punishment.

I find it shocking that anyone could claim he didn't deserve some form of punishment for his actions.

He took the flag down as it was improperly displayed ABOVE the American flag. He tried to give it to the assistant principal who refused to take it. At that point, he'd done his duty. He did nothing wrong in throwing it away as no one owned up to owning the flag and the assistant principal refused to take it.

I find it shocking that any American would think this kid deserved to be punished for acting appropriately. But then again, we do live in a world where 5 American students in an American public school were sent home on May 5 for wearing t shirts with the American flag on it and even earlier, a young child was punished for drawing a picture of the flag in art class and putting "God Bless America" on it.

And because I know you will call me a liar: Salinas Teacher Calls This Drawing "Offensive" | NBC Bay Area

I find it hard to believe this Mexican flag was displayed over the school's American flag....which is on a flag pole....from that point, I look at anything else this kid says with great suspicion.

An outdoor display has nothing to do with an indoor display.
He took the flag down as it was improperly displayed ABOVE the American flag. He tried to give it to the assistant principal who refused to take it. At that point, he'd done his duty. He did nothing wrong in throwing it away as no one owned up to owning the flag and the assistant principal refused to take it.

I find it shocking that any American would think this kid deserved to be punished for acting appropriately. But then again, we do live in a world where 5 American students in an American public school were sent home on May 5 for wearing t shirts with the American flag on it and even earlier, a young child was punished for drawing a picture of the flag in art class and putting "God Bless America" on it.

And because I know you will call me a liar: Salinas Teacher Calls This Drawing "Offensive" | NBC Bay Area

I find it hard to believe this Mexican flag was displayed over the school's American flag....which is on a flag pole....from that point, I look at anything else this kid says with great suspicion.

An outdoor display has nothing to do with an indoor display.

So...any flag...any at all MUST be below all American flags on campus, no matter where they are?
I find it hard to believe this Mexican flag was displayed over the school's American flag....which is on a flag pole....from that point, I look at anything else this kid says with great suspicion.

An outdoor display has nothing to do with an indoor display.

So...any flag...any at all MUST be below all American flags on campus, no matter where they are?

This flag was approximately 4' higher than the American Flag inside the school. We are NOT talking about all the flags on the school property, we are talking about inside the school, which by the way is an AMERICAN school.....stop acting so dense

An outdoor display has nothing to do with an indoor display.

So...any flag...any at all MUST be below all American flags on campus, no matter where they are?

This flag was approximately 4' higher than the American Flag inside the school. We are NOT talking about all the flags on the school property, we are talking about inside the school, which by the way is an AMERICAN school.....stop acting so dense

[ame=]YouTube - Mom of TX Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag Sets Story Straight[/ame]

the kid is a fricking hero. The only way that damn flag should remain is if Mexico pays for that school and all the student's education. Somehow I don't believe that is the case. somehow.
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I have disagreed with you on many things, but I've never called you stupid. You, above all people, should realize that when you have to resort to personal attacks, you've lost the debate.
I apologize if I hurt your feelings. But if you can't be honest on a message board, where can you be honest?

Destroying someone else's property is never the right thing to do unless you are willing to take the punishment for doing it. Obviously, this kid wasn't willing to take the punishment.

I find it shocking that anyone could claim he didn't deserve some form of punishment for his actions.

He took the flag down as it was improperly displayed ABOVE the American flag. He tried to give it to the assistant principal who refused to take it. At that point, he'd done his duty. He did nothing wrong in throwing it away as no one owned up to owning the flag and the assistant principal refused to take it.

I find it shocking that any American would think this kid deserved to be punished for acting appropriately. But then again, we do live in a world where 5 American students in an American public school were sent home on May 5 for wearing t shirts with the American flag on it and even earlier, a young child was punished for drawing a picture of the flag in art class and putting "God Bless America" on it.

And because I know you will call me a liar: Salinas Teacher Calls This Drawing "Offensive" | NBC Bay Area

These are not American's, they are progressive statist's. The Constitution has always been a stumbling block to them, it alway's will be. That is why they always revert to case law to subvert it. One World Government Utopian Weenies. ;)
So...any flag...any at all MUST be below all American flags on campus, no matter where they are?

This flag was approximately 4' higher than the American Flag inside the school. We are NOT talking about all the flags on the school property, we are talking about inside the school, which by the way is an AMERICAN school.....stop acting so dense

[ame=]YouTube - Mom of TX Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag Sets Story Straight[/ame]

the kid is a fricking hero. The only way that damn flag should remain is if Mexico pays for that school and all the student's education. Somehow I don't believe that is the case. somehow.

The problem is the school. The flag obviously doesn't belong there.
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I dont think he should have thrown it away but suspending him was counter productive to teaching him and his fellow students.

They should have made a lesson plan to educate all the students in how the flag should be displayed and why.

it was done in the name of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS....cant offend the non citizens....
You could've just said no, nobody ever told you. And perhaps even thank me for imparting a piece of wisdom you sorely lack.

And I challenge you to go find any thread where I support illegal immigration?

Retards like you want to make this about illegal immigration. It's not. It's about a kid who broke the rules and must pay a minor but fair price for it. That is all.

why yes manifool,, it is about a kid who broke the rules, and about 30 million or so who also broke the rules, you want to punish the kid cause you are a bully while you reward the 30 million adults.. big brave libruls,, giving away other's hard earn money to those who YOU think deserve it.. manitool manifool.

One has nothing to do with the other.

You are a whore.

butt I have fun turdknocker. :eusa_shhh:
An outdoor display has nothing to do with an indoor display.

So...any flag...any at all MUST be below all American flags on campus, no matter where they are?

This flag was approximately 4' higher than the American Flag inside the school. We are NOT talking about all the flags on the school property, we are talking about inside the school, which by the way is an AMERICAN school.....stop acting so dense

[ame=]YouTube - Mom of TX Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag Sets Story Straight[/ame]

Living in Southern California with a large Mexican-American population, I am still very concerned about the new Arizona law. The whole State is creepy with it's politics, abundance of seniors, and this defined class system that is worse than California, New Mexico or Texas. It just takes a nudge like this flag incident to bring about violence. Living near the border with its drug cartels and border violence is like walking on egg shells. I am concerned that all this racial behavior could be like putting gasoline on a fire.
So...any flag...any at all MUST be below all American flags on campus, no matter where they are?

This flag was approximately 4' higher than the American Flag inside the school. We are NOT talking about all the flags on the school property, we are talking about inside the school, which by the way is an AMERICAN school.....stop acting so dense

[ame=]YouTube - Mom of TX Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag Sets Story Straight[/ame]

Living in Southern California with a large Mexican-American population, I am still very concerned about the new Arizona law. The whole State is creepy with it's politics, abundance of seniors, and this defined class system that is worse than California, New Mexico or Texas. It just takes a nudge like this flag incident to bring about violence. Living near the border with its drug cartels and border violence is like walking on egg shells. I am concerned that all this racial behavior could be like putting gasoline on a fire.

What racial behavior? When Mexico pays the bills then she can fly her flag here.. What's racial about that?

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