Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag

hahahaha! The little toad negged me with the comment, "debate, don't attack."

That is fucking hilarious and ironic.

Hey, your continuation of being a prude just verifies the fact that you are acting more and more uneducated, desperate, and stupid. I don't mind if you don't care about my feedback, I just don't like seeing people whose sole enjoyment comes from attacking others (the word is sadistic, and it doesn't have to be physical), and I do what is in my powers to try and check them a little, which on USMB includes commenting and negging if necessary. Now scurry off to urbandictionary to find some new string of swear words you can use to sound even more impressively ignorant and arrogant (the worst combination btw).
You might want to look up the definition of prude, monkeybutt.

I love it when you talk dirty Ravi!!! :):):):):)
Exactly. The two flags were not in the same room or part of a grouping so this entire episode is really nothing more than someone hating on his fellow Americans...who happen to be of Mexican heritage. And he has a temper problem.

I'd love to know what his ROTC leader thinks of all this. :eusa_whistle:

Actually, I do not really blame the boy. He's bought into the current rhetoric and let his emotions get the best of him...made him forget that he was ripping down someone else's property. Unfortunately (and he is right, based on the "hero worship" we see here), he's been led to believe that such crude behavior will be applauded.

No what should have happened is the school should have taken more responsibility for what it allowed to hang on it's property in the first place. It could have just as easily been a Nazi or Chinese , or Soviet flag. How about a flag from Cuba, Iran, or Venezuela? Explain why it belonged there in the first place. I know Mexico wants the Southwest back, but isn't this a bit premature? Eh Amigo?????

Spanish Club on Cinco de Mayo.
Actually, I do not really blame the boy. He's bought into the current rhetoric and let his emotions get the best of him...made him forget that he was ripping down someone else's property. Unfortunately (and he is right, based on the "hero worship" we see here), he's been led to believe that such crude behavior will be applauded.

No what should have happened is the school should have taken more responsibility for what it allowed to hang on it's property in the first place. It could have just as easily been a Nazi or Chinese , or Soviet flag. How about a flag from Cuba, Iran, or Venezuela? Explain why it belonged there in the first place. I know Mexico wants the Southwest back, but isn't this a bit premature? Eh Amigo?????

Spanish Club on Cinco de Mayo.

Maybe it should have stayed inside the class room?
On another note May day is representative of what?
Half of those who celebrate Cince de Mayo in the USA don't even know what the hell they are celebrating! I don't see students celebrating 4th of July the way these students celebrate May 5th!! Now THAT IS pathetic!!!
Half of those who celebrate Cince de Mayo in the USA don't even know what the hell they are celebrating! I don't see students celebrating 4th of July the way these students celebrate May 5th!! Now THAT IS pathetic!!! is not in session during the summer, fucktard!
I am saying I believe what the student said and that he acted appropriately. I am saying that some people are so blinded that they will not see, and that includes you.

Throwing away property that you do not own on property that you do not own is never appropriate and children have to be taught that discipline.
No flag theory is above that.

He tried to give it to the assistant principal and the assistant principal refused to take it. He can do no better than that. After that failed, throwing it away is his next choice. Now, had he not tried to give it to the assistant principal, I would have said he should have taken it to lost and found, but since he did, at that point, his responsibility for the flag was over.

It was not his to give to anyone. Self help is not a remedy for breaking the law or rules.
And we do not know he tried to give it to the assistant principal. That is rank hearsay.
If you find property and attempt to turn it in to someone and they decline throwing it away is never appropriate. If you assume the role of taking the property into your custody by taking it down then that is a bailment and you are responsible for that property if you do not own it.
That is the law in America. If you do not like it move to Iran. They do it differently there, very similar to your argument.
Our flag code also disallows for using the flag as an item of clothing.

Not that that stops those "conservatives" that have a flag fetish.

No one was wearing the American flag, ya dumbass!
Read for comprehension mental midget.

Oh I read it correctly you stated, "using the flag as an item of clothing" no one was wearing the flag as an item of clothing. Damn you are stupid!
No what should have happened is the school should have taken more responsibility for what it allowed to hang on it's property in the first place. It could have just as easily been a Nazi or Chinese , or Soviet flag. How about a flag from Cuba, Iran, or Venezuela? Explain why it belonged there in the first place. I know Mexico wants the Southwest back, but isn't this a bit premature? Eh Amigo?????

Spanish Club on Cinco de Mayo.

Maybe it should have stayed inside the class room?
On another note May day is representative of what?

Then maybe they should require ALL school clubs to keep their banners, signs etc. in a classroom. But I don't think that is a requirement...having seen my daughter's HS covered with banners, signs etc. from various clubs.
Half of those who celebrate Cince de Mayo in the USA don't even know what the hell they are celebrating! I don't see students celebrating 4th of July the way these students celebrate May 5th!! Now THAT IS pathetic!!!

Psst. July 4th is during Summer Vacation. And it's a national holiday...people get the day off.
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No one was wearing the American flag, ya dumbass!

In Morgan Hill they were.

Wearing a shirt depicting the American flag is not wearing the American flag you stupid fuck!

Flag bandanas were also worn in Morgan Hill...and I fail to see why you (perhaps in desperation due to having no real moral ground to stand on) use foul language against someone who has not used foul language against you. Seems to me, you have some real problems.
The support arguments for this kid are allover the place.
Can any of you explain what right does any American have to take property that is not their own and destroy it?
Specifics please. Where is that in the law?
The support arguments for this kid are allover the place.
Can any of you explain what right does any American have to take property that is not their own and destroy it?
Specifics please. Where is that in the law?

I think it has something to do with all Hispanics being illegal ;) and therefore "real" Americans can do whatever they want to them.
The support arguments for this kid are allover the place.
Can any of you explain what right does any American have to take property that is not their own and destroy it?
Specifics please. Where is that in the law?

that's what I've been trying to tell you. he has the same rights as the illegals do. they take property that is not their own and destroy it. no one punishes them for it,, so why should we punish this kid??
The support arguments for this kid are allover the place.
Can any of you explain what right does any American have to take property that is not their own and destroy it?
Specifics please. Where is that in the law?

that's what I've been trying to tell you. he has the same rights as the illegals do. they take property that is not their own and destroy it. no one punishes them for it,, so why should we punish this kid??

See? All Hispanics are illegals, so "real" Americans can do whatever they want to them. This post confirms that thought.
Read for comprehension mental midget.

Oh I read it correctly you stated, "using the flag as an item of clothing" no one was wearing the flag as an item of clothing. Damn you are stupid!
Try reading the post I was replying to, moron.

Here's some interesting flag code material I bet get broken all the time:

1. The flag should never be displayed with the union (the starred blue union) down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.[3] (How many righties have been putting their flag upside down lately?)

2. The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed, or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard. (How many companies advertise their 'patriotism' by breaking the U.S. Flag Code?

3. The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, firefighters, police officers, and members of patriotic organizations. (Interesting. How many threads have been started complaining about this one?)

4. and when indoors:

When on display, the flag is accorded the place of honor, always positioned to its own right. Place it to the right of the speaker or staging area or sanctuary. Other flags should be to the left.
The flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at the highest point of the group when a number of flags of states, localities, or societies are grouped for display.
When one flag is used with the flag of the United States of America and the staffs are crossed, the flag of the United States is placed on its own right with its staff in front of the other flag.
When displaying the flag against a wall, vertically or horizontally, the flag's union (stars) should be at the top, to the flag's own right, and to the observer's left.

(Note the bold, underlined, and enlarged) NOTHING about one flag over another UNLESS they are grouped together. Looking at the picture...there is no grouping, is there?

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