Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements

This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.

I wouldn't say they are all pedophiles as some of they have adult gay orgies in Senate chambers.

But you like that sort of thing, don't ya.
Of course , most of them are ruled by emotion not reason.look at what they consider major issues
Of course , most of them are ruled by emotion not reason.look at what they consider major issues , abortion and transgender control. Both of which should be none of their business. Very personal and difficult decisions to make that can only be made by those involved.
All of you Democrat minions are exploited for your emotional instability. That is why gaslighting works so well on you.
Biden is the figure head of the Democratic Party , he is not our god. He's just a normal guy , thank GOD ; unlike trump.
A normal guy who chases after 10 year old girls and fills his pockets with millions from foreign nationals. You all are soooooo delusional.
This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.

When an assassin tried to murder Kav from SCOTUS, not a word from the democrat party to condemn it. It took Biden an entire week to comment on it who eventually condemned it.

And we see democrats in Congress today who refuse to condemn the 10/7 slaughter of women and children. Show me a Republican who refuses to condemn such violence. And we see kids at the university level all across the country singing gas the Jews, thanks to Leftward education.

No one are as hateful and murderous and racist as those on the Left. In fact, you freaks tried to gun down the entire GOP Congress at one point. Nothing the right has done comes remotely close to any of this. But then lynching blacks is what democrats used to do, the party you have sworn your allegiance to, so it's just business as usual for them.
This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

non-MAGA Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements, by definition:

"Stop worrying, Black America! The southern border is secure, and we are not bringing in White HISP illegal imms to gentrify your Race."

"If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’"

"Stop stressing over here on the southside of Chicago! Its only temporary, that we are loading White HISP illegal imms up with cash and YOUR housing --and then refusing to extend you insolvent Black residents a thing."

"Thank you, Black America! For making me the first Black President in US History! I am so glad that I was able to fool your Race into not understanding that I was elected by non-Blacks only because I campaigned on a tangent which told the world I would get into office and REFUSE to do a thing for my uplifting the socio-Plight of my own Black people --until my last few months in office."

"We thank you, Black America for voting Democrat so faithfully since 1960! We love how your Race will not make us give you a thing, for your vote! As we really enjoy doing things for White HISP and White Asians to ensure they stay above Black America"
serious threat to American democracy
LOl. Say it over and over again like the state run media does:

It is working on you. You just said it too! :talk2hand: Stop being lead around by your nose, by journalistic brain washing. You are smarter than that. When they say, "Go North", head South...
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This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.

It surprises no one that IM2 has dug up another Libtard "study" that justifies his hatred.
This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

Would this "surprise no one" if this guy did NOT give a delusional statement:

This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.

Yes, and?
Projection; Gaslighting; No Self-Awareness.
The Trifecta from the demented LEFT.
These idiots are DANGEROUS.
donny is full of anger & fear, & he feeds that to his MAGAts. he validates their <insert whatever it is that drives their violence>
A friend of mine who went to a trump rally noticed on cue there were certain people who started shouting things to get the crowd to start chanting certain things and these same people keep doing that throughout the rally. That's one of the reasons people believe it's their idea. Paid people telling them what to chant. What a circus show.

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