Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements

No thanks, Don't watch or listen to sensational entertainment disguised as news. Fox is and always will be a bad joke and poor entertainment.
Watch it for the data and not the drama…don’t be scared…expose yourself to facts..Sometimes you have to set feelings aside.
No Protection has cried about AA for years. And he has claimed to be hispanic, there part of AA.
Yes I am part Hispanic, and speak Spanish, with some % of ancestry from Villahermosa, Tabasco, in southern Mexico. But there are 2 things to say about that as relates to Affirmative Action.

1, In many AA programs, especially in the South, where brainless white liberals think they shoud bear some guilt over slavery, AA programs cater ONLY to blacks, with all others pushed aside, including Hispanics and non-black women.

2. Even if I had been given AA preference at my graduate school (which wasn't the case), I would not have accepted it. I wouldn't be caught dead accepting an AA preference, and those who do lower themselves. And any who do accept this racist abomination, will be suspect, regarding their qualifications, for the rest of their lives.
The racists here are lamenting their loss of power
hahaha…Meanwhile an old ass racist white dude occupies the oval office and two old white dudes are running against each-other for the title of most powerful man in the world.
This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.

Progressive propaganda to make people hate MAGA. Looks like it worked on one fool.
Does anyone need a poll to know that …

MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

I mean all one needs to do is read the comments on USMB to know this is true!
Democrats haven’t lost power (fully) just yet.
You whiney white racists are so afraid you’ll lose the advantage your skin color gives you

That’s what this “great replacement” nonsense is about
You whiney white racists are so afraid you’ll lose the advantage your skin color gives you

That’s what this “great replacement” nonsense is about
Except that lil im.2 and you are the racists.

Stop projecting. Just own it.

Oh, and also, stop being such asshole fucking scumbag racists. You really ought to be ashamed.
Hold on….should whites fund the 13 percentile committing 50% of the crime against them?
Blacks aren't committing 50 percent of the crime against whites you lying racist SOB. Whites commit 85 percent of the crimes against other whites. Blacks have funded the 70 percentile who have been committing crimes against us for the last 405 years. Think before you make such comments.
hahaha…Isn’t that all you Democrats think of talk about and celebrate….A less white everything?
No, that's not.. But the right wing race pimps and hustlers tell you that.
Why would anyone be not proud of being white? I can see being embarrassed by your fellow nigg3rs but the closest thing we have to that is the white liberal women and nobody gives a fuck about them.
I would be embarrassed if I was white. Think about it. You're so insecure that you had to make laws excluding people in order to get ahead of everybody. You lose on a level playiing field. And whites like you embarrass sane whites who are actually human.
No one is wanting to debate someone who refuses to
just prove their points.It's like going to a Family restaurant
like Bob Evans in the morning and told ... sorry but we
only serve lunches.And then being informed that maybe
you should try a McDonalds.They might buy into that Breakfast
being served poppycock.
Blah, blah, blah.
Oh! fer cryin out loud.Using a severly " corrupted " Mainstream
media to prove via some headlines a point.
Any numbskull with half a brain tied behind their back
knows who and what instigated the 2020 Summer of Love
protests.Which were also Riots where stores and inner city
Gov't bldgs were firebombed and city blocks hijacked
for weeks.Cop cruisers burned.Some Cops ended up dead.
Not by a single MAGA person.ALL By rowdy Malcontents from
ANTIFA and spoiled brat College kids who followed part of
Obama's hundreds of Grass roots groups in mostly big
Liberal cities who use cell phones to gather at designations
spontaneously for Protests.Since they have no jobs and
can skip class and have moola c/o of usually rich mommy and
daddy.Used since Ferguson as the Ferguson Effect.
You are truly stupid. You were shown the facts.

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