Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements

...race pimps and hustlers tell you that.

I think these beautiful Black people do not care if a study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements because... well... it looks like they are too busy complaining about some efficient, liberal Race pimps and hustlers who outpimp the right wing any day of the week.

These Black Dems know Trump is not the reason why.... they see a 2024 that features Democrat politicians and city GOVT prioritizing White HISP illegal imms over them, in their own Black neighborhoods.

This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.

Yes we are well aware that lefties are terrified of MAGA.

But we don’t give a fuck. In fact we’re glad to hear you are terrified of us. You’re a bunch of un-American communists so you should be afraid.
Yep. And it took a flamboyant celebrity billionaire con man to let it all out.

Who knew so much of the country was like this. I sure didn't.
They want, no they need a strong person to lead them because they are afraid of well everything!!!
Problem is they hooked their wagons to a metro sexual that is even more afraid then them. He just screams more AND louder than most and to them he is their golden God king! I mean you just can't make this shit up!
They want, no they need a strong person to lead them because they are afraid of well everything!!!
Looking back, I guess this is what they've always wanted. Their longtime adoration of Reagan was the clue, but even he wasn't "strong" enough.

They've found their guy, and they're willing to forgive the absolute unforgivable to keep him. They'll even trash their religion for him.
trump speaks and you idiots jump. Right , Democrats are the ones who are emotional and can't think for themselves- NOT !
I guess that is supposed to explain how Trump lost in
Trump only won 2,497 counties.
Biden won 477 Counties.
By being Non-emotional.Allowing his MAGA supporters
to jump with emotion.
I wonder what Rod Serling thinks up in Twilight Zone Heaven.
Watching an infirmed candidate { guess who } campaign
{ like maybe once every 3 weeks } in parking lots where
maybe 3 dozen cars are parked honking out their approval.
Can't even bother to step outside their honking cars.
About as surreal as it gets.
Um ... Surreal ain't good for America folks.
Unless Mother Liberty is seen shaking her fist over how
her America is being fleeced.
Looking back, I guess this is what they've always wanted. Their longtime adoration of Reagan was the clue, but even he wasn't "strong" enough.

They've found their guy, and they're willing to forgive the absolute unforgivable to keep him. They'll even trash their religion for him.
You sound like Porky Pigs oldest grandkid who just graduated Ivy
league.No stutter.Chest still pumped out and as proud as a piggy
gets knowing that George Orwell kicked the can down the road with
his - Animal Farm -. Very short read.But pertinent.
Like the smell of bacon frying.
This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.

If true, it probably has something to do with the Dem LibProgs going WAY too far in several focal areas...
  • Border Security
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Lax Criminal Prosecutorial Policy
  • Inflation
  • Taxes
  • Foreign Policy
  • Military Application
  • Corruption and Hypocrisy
  • Gay Mafia Agenda
  • Race Baiting
  • Elitism

...which, in turn, pi$$e$ people off far more than idiot Democrats are making allowance for.

Today's modern-day Democrat Policy Wonks are divorced from Reality and are profoundly out-of-step with American Voters.

And, they're dug-in like tics and fleas on a hound-dog, and will need a nudge to loosen their hold on the reins of power.
Yes.Life in the United States has literally turned into
a combination of out of control Rabble-rousing and
Mister Rogers neighborhood where conservative sweaters
{ plain colored cardigans } are replaced by sky-blue-pink
fuzzy alpaca sweaters with Indian snow boots and
unshaven faces.Mostly cuss words are heard.
Where words are mumbled out faster than warmed-over
toothpaste sitting in the sun all afternoon.
Civility is viewed from the lens of ex-Hippies with
purplish granny glasses and ears that need a good cleaning.
Most everything has been impacted to turn a deaf ear over
what Walt Disney intended.Both in sight and sound.
Who'd a thunk.
Even archangels are in a tizzy over.The Pope don't give 2
shits so why should the Catholic Hierarchy.Let alone the few
persistent Nuns clinging onto what once was.
No showing of the movie :
- The Song of Bernadette - { 1943 } classic true telling
of the Miracle at Fatima.
Because Sinners have now usurped Saints.I mean,Joe Biden
is the perfect of examples.Born and lived a practicing Catholic.
Is that what and how Catholics were taught.To be like a Biden.
Lucifer is having hisself a real hoot over all this.
" Wherever God erects a house of prayer ,
The Devil always builds a chapel there,
And 'twill be found, upon examination,
The latter has the largest congregation. "
{ The True-Born Englishman } 1701
Daniel Defoe
If true, it probably has something to do with the Dem LibProgs going WAY too far in several focal areas...
  • Border Security
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Lax Criminal Prosecutorial Policy
  • Inflation
  • Taxes
  • Foreign Policy
  • Military Application
  • Corruption and Hypocrisy
  • Gay Mafia Agenda
  • Race Baiting
  • Elitism

...which, in turn, pi$$e$ people off far more than idiot Democrats are making allowance for.

Today's modern-day Democrat Policy Wonks are divorced from Reality and are profoundly out-of-step with American Voters.

And, they're dug-in like tics and fleas on a hound-dog, and will need a nudge to loosen their hold on the reins of power.
All an American citizen need know or care to know is simple.
That being TRUTH
Todays Left does not Value TRUTH
Yes we are well aware that lefties are terrified of MAGA.

But we don’t give a fuck. In fact we’re glad to hear you are terrified of us. You’re a bunch of un-American communists so you should be afraid.
That is not correct.MAGA exists to care.That is why Trump supporters
care enough to make sure and attend his Rally's
No matter if it rains throughout.
MAGA exists to make sure and pay their fair share of taxes and
send their kids off to schools that teach,Not Indoctrinate.
MAGA folk also a majority of Working Men and Woman.
Get their hands and clothes dirty.Work overtime
to fix stuff Democrats break or don't use correctly.
MAGA is a wonderful slogan/Meme.It personifies what this
Country was founded upon.Work,Family and Faith.
S'not nose Big Brother.
This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.

The leftists make their own studies.
I would be embarrassed if I was white. Think about it. You're so insecure that you had to make laws excluding people in order to get ahead of everybody. You lose on a level playiing field. And whites like you embarrass sane whites who are actually human.
Embarrassed for building a great country? Why? It would be far more embarrassing to be in that country with all of the opportunities available along with preferential treatment and still be a failure. And your pathetic excuse is your skin color.

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