Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements

I’m amazed it got published. But, I suppose leftards do tend to support leftarded “academics”
They make up percentages and no one questions much less fact checks. Haven't you noticed that leftist vomit never has footnotes or citations. Chat GPT or Claude makes it easier.
It was no study. It reads like it came out of Chat GPT.
I’m amazed it got published. But, I suppose leftards do tend to support leftarded “academics”
They make up percentages and no one questions much less fact checks. Haven't you noticed that leftist vomit never has footnotes or citations. Chat GPT or Claude makes it easier.

Regular scholars, liberal and conservative, use plenty of notes and citations, but the anti-intellectualism of you Trump cultists poo poo them. You generally avoid serious research. You value your opinions (every asshole has one) and “feelings” above all else. You quote “The Gateway Pundit” and “American Thinker” and treat those propaganda pieces of shit articles as serious, even scholarly.

Of course anyone with an ounce of experience, even Chat GPT, can easily produce shit research or dishonest polling that can fool … fools.

The report/poll in question looks carefully constructed to me, but I haven’t time to investigate deeply. The wording of all the questions asked and the names of the researches are available here: MAGA Republicans’ views of American democracy and society and support for political violence in the United States: Findings from a nationwide population-representative survey“.

One of the surest signs of idiocy and anti-intellectual prejudice I see all the time among rightwingers is their total prejudice against “liberal” Wikipedia, which despite problems is the world’s largest, best, and most useful English-language encyclopedic reference (in many if not all subjects). The shear numbers of its articles, citations & references & suggested readings make it a fine first resource on historical and most long-controversial matters. The semi-public creation and transparent record of the creation of articles makes it a unique, mostly factual, “encyclopedic” & truly extraordinary resource and reference on a host of issues — which of course doesn’t mean you can have blind faith in its objectivity in every case!
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I would be embarrassed if I was white. Think about it. You're so insecure that you had to make laws excluding people in order to get ahead of everybody. You lose on a level playiing field. And whites like you embarrass sane whites who are actually human.
Yeah... good-ol'-boy White America should be ashamed of itself, eh?

Race Card played.

Race Card declined for lack of funds substance.

Next Karmic lifetime... before birth... be sure to choose a race that did not sell its own into slavery on a wholesale basis. :auiqs.jpg:
This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.

Study? Hahaha you fkers have TDS severe
Yeah... good-ol'-boy White America should be ashamed of itself, eh?

Race Card played.

Race Card declined for lack of funds substance.

Next Karmic lifetime... before birth... be sure to choose a race that did not sell its own into slavery on a wholesale basis. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes it should. And perhaps you should actually learn what really happened in Africa. Start off with recognizing that whites went into Africa. Your claim would have substance if Africans had floated into Europe with slaves to sell them. Do not make such silly comments to blacks who know history.

When the white strangers first came to Africa, We (my ancestors) were not sure about their intentions so most communities drove them away from their land. However, the white strangers managed to convince some of our traditional rulers that they had not come to cause any harm but just to preach the good news (the Bible) and also to trade with the local people. It was barter trading where goods were exchanged for goods.

The white strangers did not understand the local language and the local people did not understand a word the white strangers were saying so it made communication very difficult. To help break the language barrier, the white strangers went to the local rulers and asked the local rulers to give them some of the local people to train so they could speak the foreign language which would make communication easier but none of those local rulers were ready to give their people out to go stay with strangers.

Later on, some of the local rulers came up with an idea that, instead of killing those criminals, they could actually give those criminals to the white strangers so the white strangers could preach the good news they said they came to preach to those criminals, change them into good people and also train them in the foreign language in order to aid communication which was better than killing those criminals. So the traditional rulers gave those criminals out to the white strangers and to show appreciation, those white strangers gave gifts like textiles, bottles of wine, mirrors, etc. to the traditional rulers. That was how the white strangers got their first ‘local servers.’

those local servers living with the white strangers were the criminals in the society and although they served as mediators and made communication a whole lot easier, they also made life a living hell for the local people (some as a form of revenge). For example, when the white strangers sent them to go collect taxes (lets say 5 pieces ofgold), those criminals added their own taxes and made it eight pieces of gold. At times too, they mis-translated just so they could get more power. Some of those criminals even became more powerful than the traditional rulers. In other words, the white strangers, after preaching the good news to those criminals, turned them into even far more dangerous monsters than they were before. Why? Because only the white man had guns at that time and they shot anyone the criminals considered ‘criminals.’ Those criminals were the few ‘Africans’ who helped the white strangers to get more slaves.

Yes it should. And perhaps you should actually learn what really happened in Africa. Start off with recognizing that whites went into Africa. Your claim would have substance if Africans had floated into Europe with slaves to sell them. Do not make such silly comments to blacks who know history.

When the white strangers first came to Africa, We (my ancestors) were not sure about their intentions so most communities drove them away from their land. However, the white strangers managed to convince some of our traditional rulers that they had not come to cause any harm but just to preach the good news (the Bible) and also to trade with the local people. It was barter trading where goods were exchanged for goods.

The white strangers did not understand the local language and the local people did not understand a word the white strangers were saying so it made communication very difficult. To help break the language barrier, the white strangers went to the local rulers and asked the local rulers to give them some of the local people to train so they could speak the foreign language which would make communication easier but none of those local rulers were ready to give their people out to go stay with strangers.

Later on, some of the local rulers came up with an idea that, instead of killing those criminals, they could actually give those criminals to the white strangers so the white strangers could preach the good news they said they came to preach to those criminals, change them into good people and also train them in the foreign language in order to aid communication which was better than killing those criminals. So the traditional rulers gave those criminals out to the white strangers and to show appreciation, those white strangers gave gifts like textiles, bottles of wine, mirrors, etc. to the traditional rulers. That was how the white strangers got their first ‘local servers.’

those local servers living with the white strangers were the criminals in the society and although they served as mediators and made communication a whole lot easier, they also made life a living hell for the local people (some as a form of revenge). For example, when the white strangers sent them to go collect taxes (lets say 5 pieces ofgold), those criminals added their own taxes and made it eight pieces of gold. At times too, they mis-translated just so they could get more power. Some of those criminals even became more powerful than the traditional rulers. In other words, the white strangers, after preaching the good news to those criminals, turned them into even far more dangerous monsters than they were before. Why? Because only the white man had guns at that time and they shot anyone the criminals considered ‘criminals.’ Those criminals were the few ‘Africans’ who helped the white strangers to get more slaves.

Wow, indeed demofks are storytellers
You’re the assholes saying we should apologize for being white.
No one { Ever } was born having ANY say about the
color of their skin.Or most any birth feature.
Save being born a chubby kid like Honey Boo Boo
because mommy Honey Boo Boo was a super dumb
Nor can a baby be born an asshole.That is a feature
entirely dependent upon a humans genetics and surroundings.
Remember that Lon Chaney Sr. was a powerful actor who also
had a good voice.He lost his voice while engaged in a show.
Feature of the show was his attempting suicide by swallowing
mercuric chloride.He was at that time having marital problems.
But he did manage { all by his lonesome } to save his Baby
Lon Chaney Jr. who was stillborn.Chaney Sr. saved the baby who
turned all black by rushing out of the house to Lake nearby and
broke a hole in the ice and dunked the stillborn baby until
revived.Joan Craword once noted that she learned more about
acting from watching Chaney work than from anyone else in her
So much for White Guys.No matter acting as if Quasimodo or
phantom of the opera." He was able to nail down our fears and
act out our psyches. "
Is Trump comparible.You be the judge.
This should surprise no one.

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

A new study has revealed that a specific group of Republicans, known as MAGA Republicans, are more likely than other groups to endorse political violence. The findings, published in PLOS One, indicate that this group, making up approximately 15% of the US adult population, showed distinct beliefs on race and democracy, differing significantly from other Republican factions and non-Republicans.

One of the survey’s most striking revelations concerns attitudes towards democracy and the use of violence. A substantial 90% of MAGA Republicans perceived a serious threat to American democracy, a perception considerably higher than that of strong Republicans (74.4%), other Republicans (61.7%), and non-Republicans (70.1%).

Furthermore, 31% of MAGA Republicans held the belief that having a strong leader is more important than maintaining a democracy, again surpassing the percentages in strong Republicans (17.8%), other Republicans (17.0%), and non-Republicans (15.2%). The endorsement of armed citizens patrolling polling places was also notably higher among MAGA Republicans (19.2%) compared to the other groups.

The survey also probed beliefs about race and the ‘great replacement’ theory. Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people, a stark contrast to the 62.6% of non-Republicans who held this view. Additionally, over half of MAGA Republicans (51.0%) strongly or very strongly believed in the ‘great replacement’ theory, the belief that native-born white Americans are being replaced by immigrants. This belief was far less prevalent among strong Republicans (23.1%), other Republicans (14.4%), and non-Republicans (7.0%).

Another area of focus was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Here, 26.7% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed that US institutions are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, a belief significantly less prevalent among strong Republicans (5.4%), other Republicans (6.5%), and non-Republicans (5.6%). Similarly, 29.6% of MAGA Republicans strongly or very strongly believed in the imminent arrival of a storm that would restore the rightful leaders, a view not as widely shared by other groups.

“The study’s findings suggest that MAGA Republicans, as defined, are a distinct minority — more likely than other Republicans to endorse racist and delusional beliefs, sometimes by very wide margins,” the researchers wrote.


We needed a study to determine this?

Yes it should. And perhaps you should actually learn what really happened in Africa. Start off with recognizing that whites went into Africa. Your claim would have substance if Africans had floated into Europe with slaves to sell them. Do not make such silly comments to blacks who know history.
Indeed. Western Europeans were superior to Africans.
The superior species or in this case race always uses those beneath them. This can even be a superior class. This is as natural as a mother loving her child.
Indeed. Western Europeans were superior to Africans.
The superior species or in this case race always uses those beneath them. This can even be a superior class. This is as natural as a mother loving her child.
You know nothing

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