Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements

Study Finds MAGA Republicans More Likely to Support Delusional and Pro-Violence Statements​

“Delusional statements” like….”I have a massive penis and hair on my chest but I swear I’m a woman because I say I am.”
”Pro-violence statements” like….”I will engage in a civil war to save my country from purple hair faggots and dark degenerates.”

Those kinds of statements?

Judging people you do not know or care about is a far greater threat to the harmony of society than anything you can have listed here.

Being a little incompetent dweeb who perceives themselves in the minority, we can fully understand where you are coming from.

I suppose that Hispanic people, Black people, and even some white people are rallying to your cause, since you portray yourself as the new Malcom X!

Actually, most of us are LAUGHING at you and all your endeavors! Actually, we see you as a shoe shiner with a tude, trying to bring down Blacks and Hispanics to your level, because you have an ax to grind.

How sad for you! If you didn't have a 50 dollar computer, the only thing you could do is spit into the wind; which no doubt, would be everyone else's fault also.

It is a sad state of affairs when a DUDE with a TUDE, can spew nonsense, and that is exactly what YOU do.
More projection from the racist section.

Son, documented history shows where the fault lies. Man up and accept it. Then work to rid yourself of your racism.
It actually goes beyond whites being replaced. Blacks are being replaced too. At this point, Latinos are replacing everyone else.

You're correct that whites replaced the indigenous people here, but that actually confirms my argument. Because the natives didn't have any ability to secure their borders, they lost their lands.
I think it is ironic that people claiming to be trying to save our country are destroying it. The truth really hurts them.
Their is no such thing as race. All human beings are one species. Skin color is one of the minor differences we share. There are more important genes differences than the one for pigmentation. How such a superficial difference was ever blown this far out of proportion demonstrates how ignorant we are as a species.
Race is a real thing, but it comes down to a lot more than skin color if you're talking genetics. For example, COVID affected racial groups differently because of differences in ACE-2 receptors.

It is true that race is somewhat amorphous in nature when looking at how some areas have interbred different groups very thoroughly, but to suggest it doesn't exist is fallacious.
Judging people you do not know or care about is a far greater threat to the harmony of society than anything you can have listed here.
Like accusing a whole society of being ”systemically racist” after they elect a dark Kenyan twice?
It actually goes beyond whites being replaced. Blacks are being replaced too. At this point, Latinos are replacing everyone else.

You're correct that whites replaced the indigenous people here, but that actually confirms my argument. Because the natives didn't have any ability to secure their borders, they lost their lands.
Nobody is being replaced. The natives trusted that the white man would keep his promises.
Race is a real thing, but it comes down to a lot more than skin color if you're talking genetics. For example, COVID affected racial groups differently because of differences in ACE-2 receptors.

It is true that race is somewhat amorphous in nature when looking at how some areas have interbred different groups very thoroughly, but to suggest it doesn't exist is fallacious.
Race does not exist in reality. It's a construct..
Whites aren't being replaced.
More than whites…negroes are. Mexicans are steam-rolling the fuck out of blacks.
Furthermore, whites tried replacing the indigenous nations in this country.
Whites DID replace Indians just like Indians replaced the Clovis people.
Could you imagine…How much free shit would black people have got from those drunk degenerates on reservations today?
It is delusional for whites who do so, to believe this country is a white country.
Look at our founders….look at anyone relevant to our founding…look at any old photo of relevant Americans….Three tokens are dark and that’s it.
Like accusing a whole society of being ”systemically racist” after they elect a dark Kenyan twice?
No, not whole soceity, the system created by part of the society to favor that part of society
More than whites…negroes are. Mexicans are steam-rolling the fuck out of blacks.

Whites DID replace Indians just like Indians replaced the Clovis people.
Could you imagine…How much free shit would black people have got from those drunk degenerates on reservations today?

Look at our founders….look at anyone relevant to our founding…look at any old photo of relevant Americans….Three tokens are dark and that’s it.
Nobody replaced clovis anything and whites have gotten all the free shit.
Of course , most of them are ruled by emotion not reason.look at what they consider major issues , abortion and transgender control. Both of which should be none of their business. Very personal and difficult decisions to make that can only be made by those involved.
Those emotions are hatred and fear
No, not whole soceity, the system created by part of the society to favor that part of society
This lil im.2 guy is unfuckingbelievably obtuse.

Even when he is actually alluding to black/white, he can barely manage to say it.
So "Only 6.5% of MAGA Republicans agreed strongly or very strongly that white people have societal advantages over Black people," So what ?
The real question is why would ANYBODY think that, when we have had 59 years of Affirmative Action benefits given to blacks, AT THE EXPENSE of white people ? And we have institutions like the VA hospitals, where seeing a white employee is like looking for a needle in a haystack ?

Another question is why

....when this is totally obvious in places like Walmart, where all the floor employees are illegal aliens, who speak no English, having REPLACED all the Americans who worked there 2 years ago.
And all the Walmart delivery people also don't speak English. I constantly have to speak to them in Spanish, and had to write out Spanish instructions, for the deliveries.

So why don't ALL MAGA Republicans (and everybody else) believe in the so-called great replacement theory, when the clear proof of it is right in front of our eyes (and ears) ?
Affirmative action enabled only a very few blacks to achieve their dreams. It wasn't that successful for them either. Scholarships have helped a great deal
more opinion. And they're only given to.the best qualifiers , a much better system. I'm an Independent and I can do.math. Whites are producing children below the threshold level that would keep them a majority. If it weren't for all the migrants we'd be losing population. The black population will remain relatively the same . And the Hispanic and Oriental populations are surging. That's life today. Can't change it even if you wanted to. Quite a big difference from when I was a kid and most white couples had at least 4,5 or 6 even 7 children as in my family's case and some with even more. I remember one family in our town had 12 children. Talk about ridiculous. People are more sensible about bringing children into this world anymore , thank GOD. The planet is suffering badly because of us all.
Affirmative action enabled only a very few blacks to achieve their dreams. It wasn't that successful for them either. Scholarships have helped a great deal
more opinion. And they're only given to.the best qualifiers , a much better system. I'm an Independent and I can do.math. Whites are producing children below the threshold level that would keep them a majority. If it weren't for all the migrants we'd be losing population. The black population will remain relatively the same . And the Hispanic and Oriental populations are surging. That's life today. Can't change it even if you wanted to. Quite a big difference from when I was a kid and most white couples had at least 4,5 or 6 even 7 children as in my family's case and some with even more. I remember one family in our town had 12 children. Talk about ridiculous. People are more sensible about bringing children into this world anymore , thank GOD. The planet is suffering badly because of us all.
No Protection has cried about AA for years. And he has claimed to be hispanic, there part of AA.
Hmmm….white people in a white nation being funded by white people?
Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work?
If you could forget the white aspect and just say people then you've aced it. Everyone has the same dreams , everyone wants the same things. The long and short of it is we are one wether you like it or not. It can be a blessing or a curse depending on how you the world. The choice is yours.
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