Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

I don't know what you are talking about.
What i am talking about is that you're jumping the gun a bit to declare "mission accomplished". Just like when trump ordered the missile strike in iraq, and the chest puffers said a month later, "See! It worked! Iran won't mess with us anymore!"
Umm.. Ok... Has there been an attack on our Navy or not since Trump gave that order?
I don't know what you are talking about.
What i am talking about is that you're jumping the gun a bit to declare "mission accomplished". Just like when trump ordered the missile strike in iraq, and the chest puffers said a month later, "See! It worked! Iran won't mess with us anymore!"
Umm.. Ok... Has there been an attack on our Navy or not since Trump gave that order?
I am not your assistant. Make your point.
I don't know what you are talking about.
What i am talking about is that you're jumping the gun a bit to declare "mission accomplished". Just like when trump ordered the missile strike in iraq, and the chest puffers said a month later, "See! It worked! Iran won't mess with us anymore!"
Umm.. Ok... Has there been an attack on our Navy or not since Trump gave that order?
I am not your assistant. Make your point.
I'm trying to figure out what the hell you are talking about...

You say the Navy told Trump to shove orders... I'm trying to figure out how they did that if the Navy hasn't been attacked. Your point doesn't make any sense unless the Navy has been attacked since Trump gave that order... So I'm assuming something happened that I don't know about.
You say the Navy told Trump to shove orders... I'm trying to figure out how they did that if the Navy hasn't been attacked.
By publicly stating they would continue to do what they have always done.

What they have always done was not destroy the gunboats in that situation. Trump says he ordered them to do so. They then publicly stated they would continue to do what they have always done. Which is not to do so.

I really cant dumb this down any further, no offense.

And the gunboats did this before. A few times. The incidents were months apart. Yet them not doing it for a month means Trump's tough guy poop tweet. -- that the navy publicly shit on -- has worked?

That is some stellar illogic.
We should and do
No we don't. Goddamn son, you will say anything, won't you?

It would have been contrary to international law to destroy those gunboats in the video. We never have, we didn't that time, and we won't next time.

Your silly fantasies notwithstanding.
Have you never heard of the USS Cole?

We should and do
No we don't. Goddamn son, you will say anything, won't you?

It would have been contrary to international law to destroy those gunboats in the video. We never have, we didn't that time, and we won't next time.

Your silly fantasies notwithstanding.
Have you never heard of the USS Cole?

Already covered in the thread. Not wasting my time.
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

Good. Maybe you missed it, but being a ball less coward, didn't work for Obama. Remember the red line? The red line that made him look small and pathetic, that resulted in Syria intentionally using chemical weapons, specifically to rub Obama's face in it?

Yeah, we're not doing that anymore. You childish people need to grow up, and let a man handle things, since you cowards can't.
You say the Navy told Trump to shove orders... I'm trying to figure out how they did that if the Navy hasn't been attacked.
By publicly stating they would continue to do what they have always done.

What they have always done was not destroy the gunboats in that situation. Trump says he ordered them to do so. They then publicly stated they would continue to do what they have always done. Which is not to do so.

I really cant dumb this down any further, no offense.

And the gunboats did this before. A few times. The incidents were months apart. Yet them not doing it for a month means Trump's tough guy poop tweet. -- that the navy publicly shit on -- has worked?

That is some stellar illogic.
Ok... So nothing has happened. Thanks.

I'm sorry you aren't happy with the current political climate. I hope you take this to heart... Next time support a candidate that has a chance to win the election. YOU support a candidate that can win... Don't let the DNC make that choice for you and then try to support it.

Trump is elected now because the RNC figured that out after Ron Paul. DNC should have learned then as well, but obviously not.
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

Good. Maybe you missed it, but being a ball less coward, didn't work for Obama. Remember the red line? The red line that made him look small and pathetic, that resulted in Syria intentionally using chemical weapons, specifically to rub Obama's face in it?

Yeah, we're not doing that anymore. You childish people need to grow up, and let a man handle things, since you cowards can't.
Yeah, remember when republicans were calling obama weak on syria and a criminal for not putting his actions to a congressional obama threw the syria response to them 8n congress....and they all suddenly got severe cases of vaginal sand-itis, just to stick it to the brown guy?

Yep, i remember that.
Ok... So nothing has happened. Thanks.
Don't be shy, my little friend. Your point was that this proves Trump's poop tweet worked. Did you forget already?

All of your work still lies ahead of you. Specifically:

1) how can you say it worked, when these incidents have always been months apart, yet it has only been one month since the last one?

2) how can you say it worked, when the navy very publicly (yes, iranians can read too and saw this public statement) that they would not do what trump claims he ordered?

God luck. I think you're going to have a hard time with this one.
Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War
Don't you think that is a little harsh calling the Ayatollah a Stupid Bastard?
OH NO, I forgot! Let's let other countries intimidate and antagonize the "Paper Tiger" all they want!
News flash for ya, Booth, Trump's not a paper tiger, Obama's not in the WH anymore.
From now on, we are going to kick Iran's ass anytime they dick with us, and I wish we would Russia too. The only way you get respect in this world is out of a little FEAR, not out of bending over and saying: Kick me again.
That's what Obama did. Bent over for every thug there was.
Thank Heaven Obama's out and President Trump is in charge of adhering to his constitutional duty to provide for the common defense. I pray for President Trump every day that he will be given further strength to lead the American people to be good friends to our allies and a force to be reckoned with by terroristic, dishonest regimes.
I am being loyal to the US sailors being threatened by Iranian gunboats
No you're not. They weren't threatened. They were standing on the deck of a fully operational, modern destroyer, pointing and laughing. You are just being a loyal little cultist who would never have said a word about this, had your cult leader not poop tweeted about it. Just like you didn't the several other times it has happend. Because you didnt notice, because your cult leader did not notice.
Ok... So nothing has happened. Thanks.
Don't be shy, my little friend. Your point was that this proves Trump's poop tweet worked. Did you forget already?

All of your work still lies ahead of you. Specifically:

1) how can you say it worked, when these incidents have always been months apart, yet it has only been one month since the last one?

2) how can you say it worked, when the navy very publicly (yes, iranians can read too and saw this public statement) that they would not do what trump claims he ordered?

God luck. I think you're going to have a hard time with this one.
Hard time? You must be rabid or something. Sucks you didn't read the rest of the post.

Lets start again shall we?

Has the Navy been attacked?
Ok... So nothing has happened. Thanks.
Don't be shy, my little friend. Your point was that this proves Trump's poop tweet worked. Did you forget already?

All of your work still lies ahead of you. Specifically:

1) how can you say it worked, when these incidents have always been months apart, yet it has only been one month since the last one?

2) how can you say it worked, when the navy very publicly (yes, iranians can read too and saw this public statement) that they would not do what trump claims he ordered?

God luck. I think you're going to have a hard time with this one.
Hard time? You must be rabid or something. Sucks you didn't read the rest of the post.

Lets start again shall we?

Has the Navy been attacked?
Yes, lets start again.

You claim the order worked.

Your only evidence? This has not hapoened in one month since.

Got anything else? No? Boy is that a weak argument.
We should and do
No we don't. Goddamn son, you will say anything, won't you?

It would have been contrary to international law to destroy those gunboats in the video. We never have, we didn't that time, and we won't next time.

Your silly fantasies notwithstanding.
Have you never heard of the USS Cole?

Already covered in the thread. Not wasting my time.
So you do know what a suicide boat is capable of

and yet you still refuse to allow our sailors to defend themselves and their ship

thats sad
You say the Navy told Trump to shove orders... I'm trying to figure out how they did that if the Navy hasn't been attacked.
By publicly stating they would continue to do what they have always done.

What they have always done was not destroy the gunboats in that situation. Trump says he ordered them to do so. They then publicly stated they would continue to do what they have always done. Which is not to do so.

I really cant dumb this down any further, no offense.

And the gunboats did this before. A few times. The incidents were months apart. Yet them not doing it for a month means Trump's tough guy poop tweet. -- that the navy publicly shit on -- has worked?

That is some stellar illogic.
Ok... So nothing has happened. Thanks.

I'm sorry you aren't happy with the current political climate. I hope you take this to heart... Next time support a candidate that has a chance to win the election. YOU support a candidate that can win... Don't let the DNC make that choice for you and then try to support it.

Trump is elected now because the RNC figured that out after Ron Paul. DNC should have learned then as well, but obviously not.
I believe the best choice is President Trump and his partner, Vice President Pence. They held this nation together while the Democrats tore their hair out trying to get revenge for losing the presidency, and all that lying they're tied to is going to drag them back to the gutter where they've been the entire time they were trying to make an innocent man their victim. President Trump never accommodated their flight from reality, and now this country has a fighting chance of gaining back its military after the Democrats tried to induce sleep on the middle class by printing more money to buy votes with next time. They must have forgotten the American people love the hard work of making our nation the best country in the world to live in, and that most of us think the open border fantasy is how drugs got in, how the Coronavirus was made worse, and how the American people believe in a controlled border that keeps out drugs and sickies but allows fair trade, which is give and take for both sides.

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